Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Low-Down On Diet Comparison
Low carbs and high protein is the way to lose weight, or so you'll hear from one diet guru, and he has the testimonials to back it up. Low fat, lots of carbs and fresh fruits and veggies, says another - and he's got the back up from satisfied users, too. A third swears that you need to count the amount of sugar; another tells you the enemy is white flour - if you want to lose real weight and keep it off, who do you listen to?
Take a look at the brief summaries below for a quick overview of the pros and cons of each of the popular types of diet plans.
Low Carb-Hi Protein Diets
Diets like the Atkins, the South Beach and the Zone Diet all recommend restricted carbohydrates and allow liberal amounts of protein, including protein derived from animal sources. Generally, they limit the overall amount of carbohydrates, or teach you to differentiate between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates, which are forbidden, include white flour, white bread, and white sugar.
Pros: The diets all encourage learning healthy eating as part of losing weight. Deriving most of your daily calories from high fiber sources of carbs like leafy green vegetables and grains is generally considered the best diet for nutrition by the established medical community. The popularity of the diets makes it easy to find low-carb foods.
Cons: The allowance of eating all the protein and fats you like flies in the face of conventional medical wisdom. A diet high in saturated fats could lead to heart disease, diabetes, gout and other chronic health conditions. Following the diets' cautions and advice to keep portions reasonable should mitigate that concern, though.
Weight Loss "Programs"
Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, SlimFast and a number of other weight loss programs rely heavily on pre-packaged 'diet' foods. They incorporate professional coaching, social structure and reinforcement.
Pros: The professional coaching and nutritional benefits are a big plus, as are the reinforcement and support aspect of the diets. Meals and supplements are prepackaged in the right proportions, and if you stick to the diets and exercise as directed you will lose weight.
Cons: The weekly fees and cost of meals can be expensive. In addition, if you rely completely on the packaged foods, you miss out on the re-education of your eating habits, which is important to maintaining any weight lost.
The Real Mayo Clinic Diet
This is not the diet that has circulated for the past thirty or more years and purported to have originated at the Mayo Clinic! The true Mayo Clinic's nutrition and diet center recommends a healthy eating weight loss plan based on limiting fats, proteins and carbohydrates, counting calories and deriving most of the daily nutrition from vegetables, grains and fruit.
Pros: There's no 'diet'. Instead, you're encouraged to take control of your eating. Portion control and sensible balance of nutrients are the cornerstones of a weight loss plan that takes weight off gradually, and helps you keep it off permanently.
Cons: It may be difficult to stay on the diet. Counting calories and portions can be difficult if you're eating out or on the run.
There are many diets that promise to take weight off quickly and painlessly, without exercise or changing your eating habits. The three major variations of diets above all will result in 1-2 pounds of loss per week, which most doctors believe is the optimum way to lose weight for long lasting results.
Friday, March 30, 2012
The Low Glycemic Index Diet And Its Benefits For Diabetics
The popular Low Glycemic Index Diet is certainly nothing new and is proven to work both as a weight loss plan and in controlling diabetes. An astounding number of Americans currently suffer from diabetes, a good majority of which experience symptoms due to improper weight management.
This Lower GI Diet is especially helpful to diabetics because it incorporates foods with a low Glycemic Index to control the amount of sugars and carbohydrates your body is forced to regulate. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or are looking to create a healthy lifestyle and manage your weight, speak with your primary physician about beginning a proper Glycemic Index Diet.
The best benefits of starting a Glycemic Index Diet for diabetics include:
The inclusion of some carbohydrates:
Individuals with diabetes are severely discouraged from beginning a diet that restricts the intake of carbohydrates. Even though your carbohydrate level should be monitored since your body turns most carbs into sugar, every adult diet should include at least 130 grams of carbohydrates each day. These carbohydrates work as fuel for the body, providing you with much needed vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The controlling of your diabetes with a Glycemic Index Diet alone:
If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, usually associated as a major side effect from being obese, you may be able to control your condition without medications or injections. By carefully monitoring your Glycemic Index, you can work to control what food items your body must work to process. Since this diet only includes foods that can be successfully processed by a diabetic’s body, your body will not have to try to process foods that can be potentially harmful.
The quality foods included on the Glycemic Index Diet:
The foods allowed on the Glycemic Index Diet are wholesome and healthy. Many fresh fruits and vegetables are included in the diet, as well as whole grains and lean meats. This diet will allow you to eat healthy, and therefore to lead a healthier lifestyle. Furthermore, many of your favorite foods are on the Glycemic Index Diet list, so you can still enjoy the occasional treat.
The prevention of other diseases:
The Low Glycemic Index Diet also affects the body in the prevention of other diseases besides diabetes. Many individuals at risk for heart disease should look into starting a Low Glycemic Index Diet to protect themselves against this deadly disease. Researchers have found that a Low Glycemic Index Diet works better against preventing heart disease than a traditional low fat diet, and it is much more effective than the popular low carbohydrate fad diets.
Before you begin any diet or lifestyle change, be sure to contact your primary care provider. Speaking with this professional individual will allow you to completely understand the correct way of beginning the diet and ensure the diet will work best for someone in your situation. Furthermore, you will want to address any potential medical problems that may result from beginning a Low Glycemic Index Diet to ensure that you will remain healthy while seeking to begin a better lifestyle.
Remember, the Low Glycemic Index Diet is not a typical diet. Instead it is a lifestyle change. Once you begin your trip down this road, you should strive to remain on the diet on a long term basis. If you are a diabetic, you may not be able to allow yourself binges on unhealthy foods without paying a costly penalty, so use this diet to your advantage in controlling your condition.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
The Last Resort: Weight Loss Surgery
Surgery is the most severe of the recommended treatments for obesity. Bariatric surgery is reserved for cases of severe obesity that have been resistant to all other methods of weight loss and weight control. There are two basic types of bariatric surgery (also known as gastrointestinal surgery), each with a different purpose. The risks for both are similar, as are the prospective results and outcome.
Restrictive Weight Loss Surgery
The first type of bariatric weight loss surgery is 'restrictive'. It includes the well-known 'stomach stapling'. The purpose of restrictive surgery is to restrict the amount of food that can be eaten at one time. Doctors create a small pouch at the top of the stomach that holds about one ounce of food, with a small opening at the bottom to hold food in the pouch and cause a feeling of fullness. After the surgery, a patient can eat no more than 3/4 cup to a cup of well-chewed bland food at a time without becoming nauseous. The intent of the surgery is to reduce the amount of food eaten by restricting the amount of food that can be eaten at once.
Variations of restrictive surgery include 'lap banding', in which the pouch is created by wrapping a silicone band around the upper part of the stomach. Since there is no need to cut into the stomach or intestine, the complication rate is lower than in standard restrictive surgery, and the recovery period is shorter.
The second type of bariatric surgery for weight loss is the malabsorptive variety. These are the more common type of surgery for treatment of obesity. The most well-known of the procedures is the gastric bypass. The purpose of gastric bypass and other types of bypass surgery is to prevent the effective absorption of nutrients from food eaten by 'bypassing' most of the intestine in the food's path through the body. The malabsorption results in significant weight loss and a reduction of appetite.
The possible side effects of gastric bypass surgery include:
Chronic diarrhea
Stomach ulcers
Foul-smelling stools and flatulence
Risk of nutritional and micro-nutritional deficiencies
Dumping syndrome - symptoms include faintness, fainting, nausea, sweating and diarrhea after eating
Patients seeking bariatric surgery are evaluated by a medical professional for suitability for the surgery. Candidates include those who are at least 80-100 pounds overweight, and who have shown little success with traditional weight loss methods. In additions, patients who have other physical problems which require weight loss may be candidates.
If you're considering weight loss surgery, you must realize several things:
1. The risks of surgery are serious.
2. You will require lifelong medical supervision after the surgery
3. You will still need to make lifestyle and dietary changes.
4. Many health insurance plans will not cover it.
Be sure that you choose a surgeon experienced in bariatric techniques, and that you will be provided with full physical and emotional support before, during and after the surgery.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The Hoodia plant may be the best gift to avoid holiday weight gain
Is Hoodia the gift you should ask Santa for? It is the holiday season and a fun time for celebrating with friends and family. It is also a season that tends to wreak havoc on our waistline. The sugar plum fairies are not so kind when it comes to helping us with our weight loss goals. This time of year brings in front us all the temptations of pumpkin pie, cookies, mashed potatoes, stuffing and other assorted goodies. Grandma’s intentions are good with making sure we have every possible food enticement under the sun; but she is not the one who will have to live with that extra ten pounds next year.
The gift that could give you the most joy this time of year could come to you direct from South Africa. It’s a gift from the Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert to the people in the rest of the world that are trying to lose weight. It is called the Hoodia Gordonii Succulent and if you haven’t herd of it, this may be what helps you stay away from those holiday temptations. Hoodia grows in the South African desert and may look like an average cactus but this cactus look alike has amazing effects that no other cactus has; the Hoodia plant will stop you from being hungry.
What would it be like this Christmas to look a platter of sugar coated munchies and not be effected by them? How about being able to eat just what you wanted and not be tempted to eat things you know are going pack on the pounds. Wouldn’t this be the best kind of treat, the joy of staying the same weight after the holidays that you were before them? Hoodia has been shown in studies to reduce caloric intake by 1,000 calories a day for people using it. A one thousand calorie reduction in ones holiday diet regime is a major advantage for everyone not wanting to gain those extra pounds. Best of all Hoodia is a natural plant and Hoodia has no side effects like other diet pills on the market. You definitely don’t want to be adding the extra nervousness that most regular diet pills give you at Christmas time, this time of year can be stressful enough to begin with.
If you are trying Hoodia for the first time over the holidays there are a couple things to keep in mind. First, Hoodia sometimes takes a few weeks to build up in your system before you get the appetite suppressing benefits from it. So if looking for help Christmas time temptations it would be best to start taking Hoodia around the first of December or sooner. The second important factor is that you should know that not all Hoodia is the same. There are some brands that are not as effective as others due to irregularities in the exportation process form South Africa. You want to make sure the brand you choose has been tested and certified authentic Hoodia Gordonii.
A recent report that is giving some dieters assurance in which Hoodia brands they can trust to be effective was done by Truth Publishing and Alkemist Pharmaceuticals located at: This study indicated that 11 out of 17 Hoodia diet pills they tested failed a laboratory analysis of authenticity. The six Hoodia Brands that passed their testing process are: Desert Burn ZA 750, Hoodoba Brand, Dr. Wheeler's Afrigetics, King Hoodia, Ethno Africa and the Hoodia Max Brand. Hoodia is going to allow many people keep the weight off over the holidays and help with those new years weight loss resolutions. Make sure you are buying real hoodia and you could be one the lucky dieters that is able to say no to a second glass of eggnog and stay with their weight loss program this holiday season. For more information about Hoodia visit
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Diet Experts Agree More Than They Admit!
Lately, I've been hearing a lot about how wrong for our bodies the current recommendations from our most respected medical institutions are. Well-known diet gurus and nutritional researchers have stepped up to the plate to declare that the high carbohydrate, low fat diet regimens recommended by such institutions as the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association and the United States Department of Agriculture are misinformed, and frankly unhealthy.
Instead, they charge, our diets should include lots of high quality protein, fat should not concern us, and carbohydrates are the enemy. This has set the stage for battles between the weight loss industry and the health industry - with the only agreement between them seeming to be the need to lose weight.
The problem is - they're both wrong. And they're both right. The most regularly leveled criticisms of each seem legitimate - until you examine the recommended diets in depth. Sit down and look at the recommended menus. Take them to the calorie calculators and compare ingredients and nutrients. I did, and what I found was a revelation.
In the most practical sense, they're all talking about the same diet.
Oh, there are minor variations that have been grossly blown out of proportion by the advertising hype. There are misinterpretations that have been stated as fact. The bottom line of each and every one of the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet, the American Diabetes Association diet, and the American Heart Association's Heart Healthy Diet -- all of them - is to derive the greatest portion of your caloric intake for the day from low carbohydrate vegetables. Spinach, broccoli, cabbage - leafy green. Carrots, summer squash, deep rich orange vegetables. Fruits with high calorie and antioxidant counts. Whole grains - and this is where the controversy seems to arise.
Almost without exception, proponents of the low carb diets for weight loss and maintenance have condemned the recommended diets for suggesting that adults should derive the greater portion of their diets from carbohydrates. What they fail to note is that also without exception, each of those 'healthy' diets strongly suggest avoiding white breads, starchy, processed foods, sweet snacks high in sugar and preservatives, and white rice.
On the other hand, the medical community has roundly condemned the low carb diets for encouraging the consumption of a diet high in saturated fats and cholesterol. But there is also a strong suggestion in each of those diets along the lines of "eat only until you are no longer hungry". .. and a minimum consumption of vegetables. Dinner's minimum suggested amount of vegetables is 2 1/2 cups. How hungry will you be after consuming two and a half cups of vegetable?
In the end, the bottom line of every weight loss program advertised is the same:
* Eat a well-balanced diet where most of the calories are derived from whole grains, vegetables and fruits.
* Eat fewer calories than you expend.
* Exercise moderately every day.
* Learn to eat that way as a lifestyle and you will lose weight—and keep it off!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Take Hoodia diet pills with a Smart Diet, not a Starvation Diet
Could Hoodia weight loss supplements fulfill the expectations of dieters and impact the United States obesity troubles? Today fifty million Americans are attempting to slim down with just a low five percent sustaining the weight loss they are seeking. Can Hoodia, the new comer on the scene, assist you to be in that small percentage that gets there, one of the few that will be able to lose the pounds and not have it them come back? From initial reports it may have a chance if these Hoodia pills are not abused and taken in an improper way. The Hoodia Gordonii African weight loss supplement can’t do all the work by itself; you can’t just take this pill, sit back and watch it do a miraculous make over on your body. Hoodia will help you to not be hungry, but this is only the beginning of the process; what follows needs to be regular meals with good nutrition and some form of physical exercise.
If Hoodia is going to accomplish what no other diet pill has ever done, help people to keep the weight off; dieters are going to need to look at this supplement in a different way than they have all the pills that have come before. We need to look at why it is that we have so many supplements for dieters on the store shelves and yet just a small number of people in reality lose the weight? To look at the state of obesity in America effectively you need to step aside from the examination of diet pills and weight loss supplements like Hoodia and observe the bigger picture. Who are American’s embodying in their daily lives that have them have such problems with their weight. To follow are some rationales I believe people in United States have adopted with regard to weight loss; holding these ideas could play a role in making it difficult to lose the weight and keep it off.
• Being preoccupied with our weight; we think being thin equates to a happy life. We think we will find romance, the best career and friends if we are at the right weight. Because of this we will jump on virtually any diet fad or diet pill that comes along.
• Idolizing everybody in the media; we look up to these people and want to be like the people we see on television, films and magazines. Something that we don’t understand is that for movie stars and people on TV being thin is just a part of their profession. They are required to be a particular size to fit in their character and obtain the acting jobs they want to get; they then have their trainer’s and dietitians work with them to help accomplish it. You have to think about the fact that these actors and actresses in show business also make up a very small part of the general population.
• Accessibility of junk food; our lives are busy, fast paced and stressed; because of this our lives suffer in the domain of eating good foods and physical exercise. We don't think we have the time to eat right and work out so we take easiest route which is fast food, snacking on junk food, eating late at night with no exercise; all this is an equation for being overweight.
• Yo Yo dieting; we go from dieting to not dieting and from one diet program to another diet program. This is not a healthy way to live and unquestionably stops you from staying at your desired weight; studies have shown with "on again, off again dieting" that you gain more overall weight each time you start and stop your weight loss program. With our overall weight only increasing we become more desperate to find that magical diet pill that will give us the results we can't manage to achieve on our own.
• Quick Weight Loss; we are always looking for the fastest way to lose weight, that magic weight loss supplement or fad diet that will take those pounds off instantly without exercising or eating right. We refuse to listen to old adages like "if it's too good to be true, it probably is", instead we hope this time it will be different, this time it will work. We just can't accept the fact that true, healthy weight loss doesn't happen fast. In reality attaining your goal weight takes time and dedication; it takes doing things you may not want to do, such as eating foods that are not as tasty as usual and getting to the gym and sweating some of those pounds off.
If Hoodia, the new weight loss supplement from Africa is going to have any chance of helping people sustain a healthy weight, a few of the issues above will have to be addressed. Hoodia is not the magic diet pill that will melt the pounds off. In fact Hoodia won’t actually make you lose weight at all; it doesn’t do what other diet pills do; which is quickening your metabolism so you burn calories. What Hoodia does do is fool the brain into thinking your stomach is full. So if your plan is to just take Hoodia pills without proper nutrition, then know that what you are doing is the equivalency of going on a starvation diet. If you are not aware of this, let me tell you starvation diets don’t work; you may have weight loss at first but in the end you will gain the weight you lost back and more. You slow down your metabolism when you don't eat on a regular basis during the day; then once you start eating again regularly your body stores more fat than it did before. Hoodia will help you not be hungry but if you just don't eat you won't be doing yourself any favor, you will gain that weight back and you'll blame it on the Hoodia.
Hoodia taken properly, with a good nutritional program that includes exercise and healthy approach to dieting could aid with weight loss and perhaps give you the edge you've been looking for in loosing weight. Hoodia diet pills can assist dieters with weight loss if they use them intelligently, as an aid in addition to a good weight loss plan. Hoodia will benefit most any dieter’s program including the Atkins Diet, the Zone Diet, the South Beach Diet, Low Carb Diet or any other of today’s popular diet plans. Hoodia is an all natural supplement with no none side effects and has been proven to help people reduce calorie intake by 1,000 calories a day. Reducing your calorie intake, eating healthy foods and regular exercise can be a triple threat to obesity; this is the approach you should take if you’re thinking of using Hoodia. Create a weight loss program for yourself that will be realistic and manageable long term, think in terms of a way of life, not a quick fix.
Taking a Hoodia supplement may help you in many of the tough battles along the way in your weight loss journey. Hoodia's effect of enabling you to not be hungry can be very beneficial when it comes to not snacking on junk foods, late night eating, eating better foods and an overall reduction in calories. You should also be educated when it comes to selecting the right brand of Hoodia for you; not all Hoodia brands are the same. A few of the top brands of Hoodia are: Desert Burn Hoodia, Hoodoba and Hoodia Max; consult a Hoodia Comparison Chart to find out which brand is right for you. Hoodia may be just the thing you have been looking for if it's used in the right way, let it help you change your approach to weight loss from fad dieting and magic pills to proper nutrition and a healthy way of life. There is no need to take Hoodia diet pills forever, just use them as a weight loss aid to get into a better dieting regime where you can maintain a healthy weight. Taking Hoodia while making good dieting choices could put you well on your way to being one of the five percent of the population that keeps the weight off for good.
If Hoodia is going to accomplish what no other diet pill has ever done, help people to keep the weight off; dieters are going to need to look at this supplement in a different way than they have all the pills that have come before. We need to look at why it is that we have so many supplements for dieters on the store shelves and yet just a small number of people in reality lose the weight? To look at the state of obesity in America effectively you need to step aside from the examination of diet pills and weight loss supplements like Hoodia and observe the bigger picture. Who are American’s embodying in their daily lives that have them have such problems with their weight. To follow are some rationales I believe people in United States have adopted with regard to weight loss; holding these ideas could play a role in making it difficult to lose the weight and keep it off.
• Being preoccupied with our weight; we think being thin equates to a happy life. We think we will find romance, the best career and friends if we are at the right weight. Because of this we will jump on virtually any diet fad or diet pill that comes along.
• Idolizing everybody in the media; we look up to these people and want to be like the people we see on television, films and magazines. Something that we don’t understand is that for movie stars and people on TV being thin is just a part of their profession. They are required to be a particular size to fit in their character and obtain the acting jobs they want to get; they then have their trainer’s and dietitians work with them to help accomplish it. You have to think about the fact that these actors and actresses in show business also make up a very small part of the general population.
• Accessibility of junk food; our lives are busy, fast paced and stressed; because of this our lives suffer in the domain of eating good foods and physical exercise. We don't think we have the time to eat right and work out so we take easiest route which is fast food, snacking on junk food, eating late at night with no exercise; all this is an equation for being overweight.
• Yo Yo dieting; we go from dieting to not dieting and from one diet program to another diet program. This is not a healthy way to live and unquestionably stops you from staying at your desired weight; studies have shown with "on again, off again dieting" that you gain more overall weight each time you start and stop your weight loss program. With our overall weight only increasing we become more desperate to find that magical diet pill that will give us the results we can't manage to achieve on our own.
• Quick Weight Loss; we are always looking for the fastest way to lose weight, that magic weight loss supplement or fad diet that will take those pounds off instantly without exercising or eating right. We refuse to listen to old adages like "if it's too good to be true, it probably is", instead we hope this time it will be different, this time it will work. We just can't accept the fact that true, healthy weight loss doesn't happen fast. In reality attaining your goal weight takes time and dedication; it takes doing things you may not want to do, such as eating foods that are not as tasty as usual and getting to the gym and sweating some of those pounds off.
If Hoodia, the new weight loss supplement from Africa is going to have any chance of helping people sustain a healthy weight, a few of the issues above will have to be addressed. Hoodia is not the magic diet pill that will melt the pounds off. In fact Hoodia won’t actually make you lose weight at all; it doesn’t do what other diet pills do; which is quickening your metabolism so you burn calories. What Hoodia does do is fool the brain into thinking your stomach is full. So if your plan is to just take Hoodia pills without proper nutrition, then know that what you are doing is the equivalency of going on a starvation diet. If you are not aware of this, let me tell you starvation diets don’t work; you may have weight loss at first but in the end you will gain the weight you lost back and more. You slow down your metabolism when you don't eat on a regular basis during the day; then once you start eating again regularly your body stores more fat than it did before. Hoodia will help you not be hungry but if you just don't eat you won't be doing yourself any favor, you will gain that weight back and you'll blame it on the Hoodia.
Hoodia taken properly, with a good nutritional program that includes exercise and healthy approach to dieting could aid with weight loss and perhaps give you the edge you've been looking for in loosing weight. Hoodia diet pills can assist dieters with weight loss if they use them intelligently, as an aid in addition to a good weight loss plan. Hoodia will benefit most any dieter’s program including the Atkins Diet, the Zone Diet, the South Beach Diet, Low Carb Diet or any other of today’s popular diet plans. Hoodia is an all natural supplement with no none side effects and has been proven to help people reduce calorie intake by 1,000 calories a day. Reducing your calorie intake, eating healthy foods and regular exercise can be a triple threat to obesity; this is the approach you should take if you’re thinking of using Hoodia. Create a weight loss program for yourself that will be realistic and manageable long term, think in terms of a way of life, not a quick fix.
Taking a Hoodia supplement may help you in many of the tough battles along the way in your weight loss journey. Hoodia's effect of enabling you to not be hungry can be very beneficial when it comes to not snacking on junk foods, late night eating, eating better foods and an overall reduction in calories. You should also be educated when it comes to selecting the right brand of Hoodia for you; not all Hoodia brands are the same. A few of the top brands of Hoodia are: Desert Burn Hoodia, Hoodoba and Hoodia Max; consult a Hoodia Comparison Chart to find out which brand is right for you. Hoodia may be just the thing you have been looking for if it's used in the right way, let it help you change your approach to weight loss from fad dieting and magic pills to proper nutrition and a healthy way of life. There is no need to take Hoodia diet pills forever, just use them as a weight loss aid to get into a better dieting regime where you can maintain a healthy weight. Taking Hoodia while making good dieting choices could put you well on your way to being one of the five percent of the population that keeps the weight off for good.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Strategic Weight Loss
One of the first things that you'll do when you decide to lose weight is to set a goal weight. For most, that goal will be their 'ideal weight', but for many, that 'ideal weight' may be exactly the wrong weight for them to be aiming for.
Years of dieting or being overweight have the physiological effect of moving the body's concept of the 'ideal weight' from what is truly considered ideal. The 'set point' is the weight at which your body naturally feels most comfortable. If you've been overweight for a very long time, or if you've consistently 'yo-yoed', your body may respond to your initial weight loss by lowering its metabolism because it believes that you are starving to death. This slowing leads to discouraging plateaus that often knock people off their diets entirely, and lead to regaining all or part of the lost weight.
Instead of aiming for an 'ideal weight' that calls for you to lose weight steadily for months or even years, many experts recommend aiming for shorter-term attainable goals. Since the bulk of diet research shows that most dieters lose weight steadily for about 12 weeks, then hit a plateau, that's the number that they suggest you aim for. The strategy that many have found works best for them is one of alternating periods of weight loss and maintenance, each lasting 8-12 weeks.
Choose a realistic amount of weight that you can lose in 8-12 weeks. Figuring that the most reasonable and healthiest weight loss rate is 1-2 pounds per week, 30 pounds in three months is not unreasonable. Diet until you reach that goal, or for 12 weeks, whichever comes first, and then switch to a maintenance diet.
Why switch to a maintenance diet at that point? In part, you're giving yourself a 'breather', a break from more restrictive eating. The other part, though, is that you're re-educating your body and letting it establish a new 'set point'. Once you've maintained your new weight for 8-12 weeks, set another weight loss goal, and move back into weight loss mode. By giving your body a break from 'starvation', you'll have overcome its resistance to losing more weight, and be back to dieting for 'the first two weeks' - the weeks that most people lose weight more rapidly.
You'll also be giving yourself a chance to 'practice' maintaining your new, healthier weight. Researchers have found that more than half of the dieters who take off significant amounts of weight do not maintain that weight loss once they go 'off' their diet. By practicing weight maintenance in stages, you'll be proving to yourself that you CAN do it, and removing a powerful negative psychological block.
This will work with any long-term weight loss diet, no matter the focus. You'll find it much easier to do if you choose a diet that has concrete 'phases', like the South Beach or the Atkins, since the weight loss and maintenance phases are clearly laid out for you to follow. Regardless of the diet you choose, though, by alternating between weight loss phases and maintenance phases, you'll teach yourself and your body how to maintain a healthy weight.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Start Losing Weight Today!
I'll start my diet on Monday. How many times have you told yourself that? Right after New Years', I swear. Tomorrow. Are you tired of hearing yourself say the same old excuses day after day, month after month, year after year? If so, listen up! Here are five things you can do to start losing weight today!
The most important ingredient in your weight loss plan is exercise. If you think that's a dirty word, it's time to clean it up. Exercise is just what you do every time you move. Starting today, resolve to activate your life. Leave the car keys behind and walk to the corner store. Race yourself to get your housework done in ten minutes less time (because the more vigorous your movement, the more calories you burn). Get off the elevator one floor early and walk up the stairs. Every extra active thing you do will burn calories - and the more calories you burn, the more weight you'll lose.
When you're ready to really activate, get a physical workout designed with your interests in mind. Join a gym, take up a sport, or walk 10,000 steps a day. But don't wait until you think you can do it all. Just take a few extra steps today.
Grab a pen and notebook and start writing down all the reasons you should lose weight. Don't stop till you get to ten, at the very least. Here are some suggestions:
1. I’ll be healthier - losing as little as 10 pounds can decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes and a host of other weight-related illnesses.
2. I’ll save money. Super-size costs more - whether it's an extra $2 for the nightgown you want or having to travel first class for the seat space.
3. I’ll be able to keep up with my kids. It takes energy to keep up with kids, and extra weight saps your energy. Lose ten pounds and see how much better you feel.
4. I’ll get back into my favorite jeans.
5. I’ll find souvenir t-shirts that fit anywhere I go.
Got your ten reasons? Don't stop writing. Keep that pen and notebook with you all day and write down every single thing you put into your mouth. Just for one day. You'll be surprised at all the 'unexpected' calories you catch yourself eating. The last two French fries on your son's plate. The two bites of chicken you tasted to make sure of the seasoning. The 'just one bite' of your husband's ice cream cone. The handful of potato chips you snagged from the bowl on your way by. Write down every single bite for one day to make yourself aware of all the food that you didn't even realize you were eating. Once you find it, you can start cutting it out.
Take a trip to the Internet and visit these educational sites:
The American Heart Association
The USDA Food Pyramid
iVillage Diet and Nutrition section
The Diet Channel
The South Beach Diet web site
The Atkins Diet web site
The Mayo Clinic web site's Diet and Nutrition pages
Educate yourself about healthy diets and weight loss, and find a diet that you believe you can live with for the rest of your life. It's the only way that you'll lose weight and keep it off permanently.
If you think that diet food is boring, find a good low-fat cookbook and start re-educating your taste-buds. Healthy, low-fat, low-carb cooking is delicious - prove it to yourself with a recipe for dinner. While you're at it, pick one for tomorrow night, too. You can start your diet AGAIN tomorrow!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Reward Yourself!
Looking better and feeling great may be their own rewards when you lose weight, but it never hurts to reward yourself for reaching goals and sticking to your eating plan. Building in incentives is a time-honored way of helping keep yourself on track. Did you pass up that piece of cheesecake at lunch? Reward yourself with a pot of fresh herbs! Did you get out and exercise for your daily half-hour? Take a luxurious bath with scented oils. Went the whole week without falling off your new routine? That calls for a big reward! Treat yourself to an evening out, or buy that book you've been dying to read.
Need some excuses for rewarding yourself? Try setting one of these goals to give yourself something to shoot for:
1. Weight loss goals.
Pretty traditional here - treat yourself to something special whenever you can mark off ten pounds toward your goal weight. Get a manicure to make you feel extra special.
2. Look, Ma, I dropped a whole size!
Well, that certainly calls for buying yourself something in that new size, even if it's just a pair of new exercise sneakers!
3. Whew! I made it ALL the way through the half-hour workout without stopping ONCE!
Now that's impressive! Call your best friend or your mom and brag -or just chat. Even if it's long distance.
4. I didn't do it! That chocolate chip cookie dough sundae was calling my name, but I turned my back and walked away.
In that case, don't you think you deserve fresh flowers for your
5. I finally fit into THAT dress!
I'd say that calls for wearing it out somewhere special, wouldn't you? Take yourself out dancing to show it off!
6. I lost weight for the third week in a row. I'm so proud of myself!
Here's an ongoing reward - for every pound you lose, drop a dollar or two into a jar, and watch the money build up. Entertain yourself with plans on how you'll spend it when you reach your goal weight.
7. I got stuck for three weeks, but I finally budged from that plateau!
I'll tell you what - sticking to a diet when you're not seeing results is one of the hardest things that you'll ever do. Get yourself something that will make it easier to reward yourself. For example, buy a blender for whipping up frozen fruit smoothies.
8. I'm halfway there!
You deserve a Halfway Party, don't you think? Pull out all your old fat clothes and try them on so you can feel great about how far you've
9. I've been slugging away forever, and I'm starting to get
Okay, so it's not a 'reward' situation -- but it is. You deserve a reward for sticking to it this long. Want a quick pick-me-up? Pick up the phone and get together with someone you haven't seen in months.This will guarantee that you’ll receive compliments at how great you look!
10. I did it! I made it! I reached my goal weight!!
Well, sweetheart, that calls for pulling out the stops! Remember that money you've been paying yourself for losing weight? Time to cash it in for something fabulous!
Eating healthy and losing weight are gifts that you give yourself, though they may not feel like it at first. By rewarding yourself along the way, you’ll not only increase the chances of your success, but you’ll enjoy the process a whole lot more!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Low Carb Diet Plan - When More Is Better
When most people want to lose weight the first thing they usually do is start a diet. And a diet to most people means "stop eating".
A healthy diet should consist of eating less of the foods that contain calories from simple carbohydrates (sugar and processed flour) and more whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and good sources of protein. This is the basis of a good low carb diet plan.
As a matter of fact, a good diet should have you eating more instead of less! Not more food, but more often.
The body's a wonderful mechanism. It's geared towards one important goal. Survival. When your body feels threatened by the lack of food it automatically assumes that you're starving.
To combat this condition the body will start breaking down muscle to use as energy and saves its fat stores for the last ditch effort to save itself from what it thinks is immanent death.
This is bad on two fronts.
First, by using muscle tissue for energy you're losing precious lean mass which is metabolically active. This means that you need energy to support muscle which helps to keep your metabolism running at a higher pace. Higher metabolism means more calories burned even in a resting state.
Fat, on the other hand, doesn't need any energy to support it. It's simply "dead" weight.
Secondly, the body will start storing more fat because it's preparing itself for the worst. Your survival is your body's most important concern so it'll do whatever it can to stay alive.
So what can you do if you want to eat less without starving yourself and sending your body into this defense mode?
Eat smaller meals more often throughout the day.
This works on two levels.
By eating more often you won't get hungry as quickly and your metabolism will stay raised because you'll be digesting food more often. Digesting food uses calories just like any other physical activity.
So here's the plan. Eat four or five meals a day. Not what most would consider a meal (main course with two sides and dessert!), but a small portion of protein along with some fresh fruits and veggies.
This can be accomplished with a little planning and preparing in your spare time.
Cook your weeks worth of meals - skinless chicken's an excellent source of protein and can usually be purchased in a big pack or value pack from your local grocery store - and refrigerate it in separate packages, one for each meal.
Egg whites are a very good source of protein too. By mixing three or four whites with one yolk and tossing it into the microwave for approximately 90 seconds, whipping it and tossing it back in for another 60 seconds, you can have some nice fluffy scrambled eggs practically anywhere. Without all the cholesterol!
Buy your produce and clean it, separating it too into meal size portions. All this can be done in a few hours on the weekend.
Buying some disposable storage containers can help keep things convenient and organized.
Try to eat every three hours or so to keep your metabolism and energy up. This'll help you stay away from those snacking binges too.
Also, drink lots of water. Water will help to cleanse your body and make you feel full.
So you see, with a little planning and by adhering to a low carb diet plan sometimes eating more can be better!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Hoodia, it might be flying off store shelves but is this diet pill safe?
Hoodia is fast becoming one of the best sellers in nutritional stores but you have to ask yourself; what do you really know about this new African weight loss product? If you ask some dieters they liken their experience of taking Hoodia to finding water in the middle of the desert. They will tell you that it actually does reduce their hunger, which is for these people trying so very hard to lose weight a real weapon in their arsenal against obesity.
The question remains still, is this product safe? Just because there are many people taking Hoodia and saying that it’s great and works for them, does this mean you should jump right in with this craze. The answer is: BE CAUTIOUS WHEN IT COMES TO HOODIA, NOT ALL HOODIA IS THE SAME! We have seen countless other diet pills that have come and gone in the arena of weight loss; leaving their scars on people with their side effects and dashed hopes of weight loss. Hoodia is not the same as these other weight loss products, with Hoodia there are different reasons for being concerned. So far safety is not the top concern when it comes to the Hoodia, many people are now taking Hoodia and at this point there are no reports of any serious health problems related to consuming Hoodia properly.
Additional assurances of Hoodia’s safeness can be further validated in the origin of where this cactus type plant comes from. The actual plant that is now found capsulated in pill form is called “Hoodia Gordonii” and grows in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. Hoodia has been a source of nourishment for the native Bushmen that live in the desert where the Hoodia succulent grows naturally. These Bushmen called “The San” have eaten Hoodia for thousands of years with no ill health effect; they actually claim it gives them energy in addition to helping them have no hunger. Reducing hunger is an important part of these aborigines’ lives because of the fact that food is hard to come by in the desert; these people sometimes have to go days without eating. Because The San People have been eating Hoodia for so long it would suggest that Hoodia is safe to consume.
Unlike other diet pills that have been on the market lately where safety has been the top concern, Hoodia has other issues for the consumer to deal with. The most prevalent problem when it comes to Hoodia is if what you have bought is actual real genuine Hoodia Gordonii from South Africa. Most people trust that what they get on store shelves is what it says it is; this is not the case with Hoodia and it’s not necessarily the company’s fault that is selling it. The problem is there is no regulation with Hoodia and there are only a few companies that have adopted self regulation in the form of certification and independent testing. World demand has put a high price on Hoodia and big profits without regulation are an equation for corruption.
One study done by Truth Publishing and Alkemist Pharmaceuticals located at:, found that eleven out of seventeen brand-name Hoodia supplements tested failed a laboratory analysis of authenticity. Shocking isn’t it, and some of these Hoodia brands are selling in your neighborhood nutritional store. Many times the brand name may not even be aware of the problem because the breakdown in authenticity comes at the source of distribution. There are other cactus type plants in South Africa that look like Hoodia only don’t produce the same appetite suppressing qualities. Some sources collect these plants and mix them in with the real Hoodia and then export them to unknowing companies that then sell it as genuine Hoodia. Safety wise, it might not hurt you to eat these plants but you won’t have the hunger curbing effects of the real Hoodia that you want.
In the future, hopefully more regulation will be put in place and fake Hoodia won’t get into the consumers hands. Until that time you need to be vigilant to be sure what you are getting is the real thing. There are a few Hoodia brands that have contracted with registered Hoodia farms and are giving dieters authenticity assurances with independent testing and certification. The independent testing by Truth Publishing stated that their were six Hoodia brands they tested that passed for authenticity, these brands are: Desert Burn ZA, Hoodoba Hoodia, Dr. Wheeler's Afrigetics, King Hoodia, Hoodia Max and Ethno Africa. Genuine Hoodia is giving many people the results they want and helping them lose weight; just make sure you have the real stuff before you join the Hoodia Weight Loss Club.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Holiday Diet And Weight Loss Tips
The approaching holidays are a nightmare for anyone engaged in a weight loss or diet regimen and with very good reason. With all of the temptations that seem to lurk around every corner, office get-together and holiday party; it can be easy for even the most determined dieters to get sidetracked and lose sight of their weight loss goals. This year; however, by giving your choices and portions a little carefully aimed attention you can avoid destroying all the hard work you have put into your diet the rest of the year.
One of the biggest challenges for many dieters during the holiday season is avoiding the hectic round of get-togethers and parties that almost always come hand in hand with the holidays. The good news about such events; however, is that many of them tend to be buffet and pot-luck types of affairs; which gives you numerous options that can help you to stick to your diet plans. While buffet tables are typically laden with heavy casseroles and fatty appetizers, you can usually find at least one platter of fresh vegetables served with a nice low-fat dip. Also, opt for fresh fruits instead of the abundance of baked desserts that are typically offered. Instead of stocking your plate up with diet dangerous foods, choose steamed vegetables and healthy grains such as wild rice and wheat bread. Opting for white meat instead of dark meat can also help you to stay on the straight and narrow, by avoiding additional calories.
Whenever possible, limit the amount of alcohol based beverages that you consume. Just a few alcoholic beverages contain a surprising amount of calories; not to mention the fact that they only serve to increase the appetite of most people. Choose a light bear, wine spritzer or carbonated flavored water instead.
When it’s your turn to prepare the mound of requisite holiday food, remember that there are several tricks you can employ in order to stay true to your diet goals and keep family and friends pleased at the same time. One way to do this is by substituting evaporated skim milk for regular milk or cream in your holiday recipes. This will help to tremendously cut down on the amount of fat and calories included in your dishes without sacrificing taste. Unsweetened applesauce makes a great substitute for calorie laden oil while egg substitute can easily replace the requirement for eggs in most recipes without any noticeable change to the taste.
Finally, one of the best ways that you can avoid overindulging this holiday season is to take it slow and easy. Remember that the entire point of this time of year is to get together with friends and family members; many of which you might not see for months to come. Focus on the fun and conversation instead of rushing through a heavy meal and you’ll find that not only did you enjoy this year more, but that you made it through with your diet intact.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Finding a Weight Loss Program
Getting involved in Weight Loss Program can be intimidating for a beginner. It can also be hard to know where to start. There are several questions that you can ask yourself, which will guide you towards the right weight loss program.
- What am I trying to achieve by joining a weight loss program? (Goals)
- What type of program will work with my schedule?
- Is their a certain type of program that will work best for my body type?
- What have other people tried and had success with?
- Do I have any friends that are interested in doing this with me?
- How much am I willing to spend on a program?
- How much am I willing to Risk?
- Am I interested in a Diet program? A exercise program? Both?
- What is my timeline?
- How fast am I wanting to reach my goal weight?
These questions are meant to bring out ideas and really get you thinking about what type of weight loss program will be right for you. Once you have taken time to reflect on these questions for yourself I recommend talking to a professional to further help guide you into the right program. You might be able to do this simply through a family doctor, or even your local gym club.
Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the following caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Carb Blockers – Lose the Fat
Do you find it hard to cut down on foods like potato chips, cake, bread, and pasta. Well, you are not alone. Not by a longshot! Obesity is one of the biggest problems facing people today, and one of the hardest to overcome. Sometimes you need a hand, and carb blockers are a wonder of science that are a natural, effective aid in weight loss.
Also known as starch blockers, carb blockers inhibit the production of a starch-enzyme, namely the starch-digesting enzyme alpha-amylase. With less of this enzyme in production, the body is less able to break down carbohydrates into sugar, which would normally then be absorbed into the body, which normally the excess sugar is translated into fat. The main ingredient in these pills in Phaseolus Vulgaris, which is derived from white kidney beans.
Now that the technical side is out of the way, these pills can be very handy if you are on a diet, especially the low-carb Atkins diet. Sometimes you can't help but having high-carb foods and this is where the pills help by not letting your body absorb much of the carbs, helping you to get by. The pills help you lose weight, but you do also need to keep a reasonable diet, as the pills are not miracles in themselves. However, they do heavily help in the battle of the bulge. Weight-loss can be a struggle for many, but carb blockers help you balance your intake. Carb blockers, in addition to a sensible diet, can create a slimmer you.
carb blockers,
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Are Diet Pills The Answer?
There has been a lot of flak with how USA has been flirting with health problems because of obesity. More and more people are getting drowned in the onslaught of fast food and junk foods. Remember the movie "Upsize Me"? It played a parody on how Americans are stuffing themselves silly with fatty foods. Over sixty percent of American citizens are considered obese or bordering into it. Many would like to deny this, but deep down inside, most of them would like to change their eating lifestyle.
The fitness and health industry of America is a multibillion business that are resting on the obesity fears of the citizens. Many know the consequences of being fat and would like to change. From aerobics, to exercise machines, to instructional videos, food supplement, diet pills and lots more. Many have embarked on the loss-fat voyage hoping to conquer their binges but no one truly wants to work hard for it. The options provided by the industry keeps their hopes alive in looking and feeling better without breaking a sweat.
So when the emergence of diet pills in popularity came, with promises like, "melt away pounds easily." "Look better in not time at all." Look and Feel great without exercising," and lots more, many people were excited about that concept and jumped into the frenzy. So many questions have cropped up though, is it really that good? Would it really work? Does it have any side effects? Can they really deliver on those promises? Recent studies have shown that some do really work, the problem is, many have been documented to suffer from health setbacks. Heart related problems have arisen and many deaths have been linked to such diet pills.
So how do you know which diet pill would be good for you? Well, only a doctor can truly say. It would be best to subject yourself to a thorough physical first to see the risks that could be involved in taking diet pills.
There is a plethora of diet pills flooding in the market and these are categorized into three types. OTC's or Over the Counter, these are diet pills that can be bought in drug store without the need for doctor's prescriptions. They usually contain little chemicals that can affect the human system much. They are considered less dangerous but is also subjected to FDA testing first before sold to the market. Another form of diet pills is the Herbal supplements. They are not usually labeled as drugs and can also be bought without a prescription. They claim to be all-natural but are still subjected to FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) scrutiny. Then there are the prescription diet pills. They are only sold with doctors' prescriptions and are tightly regulated by the FDA. Doctors also conduct close monitoring on their patients who take this form of diet pills for any damage or risk to their health.
With so many forms, varieties and types, these diet pills don't usually work for everyone since they have different chemical composition as well as the patients have different reactions. Diet pills can have inadvertent effect on each individual. Common side effects are, uncomfortable cramping, gas and diarrhea. This is due to the fact that the drug is taking away important vitamin supplements to the body. That is why some people are advised to take vitamin supplements as well. Some experience a raise in heart palpitation and blood pressure, with this comes along the increase in the risk of a stroke or a heart attack.
When it comes to losing fat, nothing still beats good old hard work and discipline. Even the so called natural diet pills and herbal diet pill products have effects on some people, bad ones. Working up a sweat and following a natural balanced diet is still the best way to go. Get yourself a buddy to guide you and assist you in your weight loss program. Diet pills can be bad, don't get me wrong. You will have to exercise and watch what you eat. In no time at all you'll meet the fitter, healthier more confident you.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Why the HAPPY DIET works
Understanding why and how the happy diet works.
There is a simple explanation and that being is you get to choose what you want to eat. Most diets today prove to be very stressful for many men and women in their quest to lose weight. This is because they are following instructions from others on what they should and should not be eating. How do these people know? What tickles your fancy?
Discover how the happy diet can work for you, what is the happy diet you ask. It is a diet carefully devised by youself with all the things that you like to eat. You get to choose your own meats fresh fruit and vegetables
Diets definitely work if you adhere to all the rules, break them then no results. Now let us get cracking on a diet that makes sense and guaranteed to put a smile on your face
Just imagine your own diet with all the juicy ingredients and succulent meats that suit your palette
Always consult a doctor if you are thinking about dieting or exercising as we individuals all differ in many ways.
A little research on daily intake of carbohydrate protein and fat is an important factor when devising your own diet. I suggest you browse magazines or approach slimming informational centres to find out about your chosen foods.
Find a list of all the foods that you know you are going to enjoy using in your recipes and that are good for helping you to shed those excess pounds. Then narrow it down to the ones that you want to have on your menu.
This part of the happy diet can prove to be very educational and fun to say the least. People accept diets and all the ingredients. This way you get to delve more intimately into the choices you have made for your own personal plan.
After checking all the important factors as in i.e. consulting the doctor and daily intake of fats etc. we are now ready for the physical side of things. A few ideas to help speed up the process (exercise) try dancing round the kitchen table with the kids they make think you are mad but who cares you are on a mission to find the new you.
Spring clean not once a week maybe twice. This will help hurry things along and into the bargain a cleaner house. Remember this is your plan so do it when it suits you. Results will only come if you stick to what you started out to do.
Walking a great form of exercise, why not consider salsa lessons it all helps. Do not expect results over night
For starters (Excuse the pun) throw out the frying pan.
Less grease on the plate to lose weight
Grilling with out a doubt is a far healthier and tastier option.
Cut down (YES) cut out (NO) you can still nibble on little goodies. Just cut down? Watch where others go wrong, most diets of course will not work if the rules are broken. Now why would you want to break the rules on the happy diet when all that is on the menu was chosen by you?
(It makes sense)
Consulting a dietician is a good idea for information. Joining a book club may also prove to be priceless in your quest. Make your own recipes to suit your own taste buds.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The Magic Of The Thyroid Diet
Health & Fitness are considered most important in our daily life and our every day diet plays an important role in it. The Thyroid Diet has magical secrets of weight loss. Thyroid diet includes food you want to eat and lose weight overnight. Thyroid diet is the best for people who have weight challenges due to thyroid conditions. It helps us to return to a healthy weight, without a rigorous change in our diet and exercise.
The Thyroid Diet explores brands, mixtures and dosage of thyroid medicines right for us considering the other lifestyle issues and supplements that help to optimize thyroid treatment. It resolves nutritional deficiencies, treats depression and corrects brain chemistry imbalances, reduces stress, combats insulin resistance, treats food allergies and sensitivities, and exercise.
Thyroid diet recommends a very low-calorie diet for weight loss in cases of hypothyroidism but it is necessary to maintain metabolism. Low calories and lower metabolism sends body into hoard mode, which is a process, thyroid patients are susceptible to. Thyroid diet suggests breaking up calories into multiple "mini-meals" per day. The Thyroid Diet manages metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss. These thyroid conditions result in metabolic slowdown. The Thyroid Diet gives diagnosed and proper thyroid treatment for successfully loses weight.
This diet has many frustrating impediments for weight loss. It offers both conventional and alternative solution for help. The Thyroid Diet has optimal dietary changes. Thyroid sufferer have to focus on a low-glycemic, high-fiber, lower-calorie diet, optimal timing of meals for maximum hormonal impact, thyroid-damaging foods to avoid, helpful herbs and supplements. They face unexpected weight gain, despite diet and exercise showing symptoms as:
- Fatigue and exhaustion
- More hair loss than usual
- Moodiness
- Muscle and joint pains and aches
Hyperthyroid leads to metabolism that stores every calorie even after rigorous diet and exercise programs. Even optimal treatment doesn’t help weight problems plague for many thyroid patients. For the majority of thyroid patients, treatment alone doesn’t seem to resolve our weight problems. Thyroid diet is a simple, understandable way that offers you the support, encouragement and information to pursue the right diagnosis and treatment.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Supporting Your Weight Loss Goals
As anyone who has ever been on diet knows, trying to lose weight is hard enough without any added pressures. While having your own personal weight loss coach would certainly help matters, for many people that is simply an unaffordable daydream.
Never the less, success stories around the world have proven that the most issue regarding successful weight loss is not the type of diet that you undertake, but rather the presence of moral support to help you along the way.
Moral support provides a number of useful benefits while attempting to lose weight. One of the most important of these benefits is motivation. The very act of letting others know that you intend to lose weight automatically makes you more accountable to lose the weight. While you may feel its okay to renege on your goals when it’s only you involved; you will be far less likely to break a promise to others. That in itself can be a strong motivator. In addition, a support network can make the time you spend exercising and dieting more enjoyable and feel less like a chore.
There are a number of ways that you can gain the moral support you need to make your weight loss program a success. One of the easiest ways to do this is to find a weight loss buddy. This individual may be someone within your own home or family or even someone in your community or at your job; however they do not necessarily need to be participating in a weight loss program as long as they support your goals in a healthy manner.
This individual can support you by going to the gym with you or even accompanying you during a daily walk. In today’s hectic world it can be difficult to find time to catch up and bond with the important people in your life, but this provides an excellent way to spend time with those close to you as well as gain the needed emotional support to succeed at your weight loss goals.
A support partner can also help motivate you by encouraging you to stick with your commitments. Even someone who does not live within your area can help by picking up the telephone to ask how thing’s are going.
Beyond finding a personal weight loss buddy, you can take advantage of the benefits offered through moral support by joining a weight loss support group. During the last few years, these groups have become quite popular and boast numerous success stories annually. Some of the most well known programs, such as Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, combine weight loss support with specific diet regimens. For a specified fee members meet on a regular basis to evaluate progress and does what works and what does not.
While many of the most well known weight loss support programs also combine specific diet regimens, not all support programs provide strict dietary guidelines. Some support programs are just about the support. Taking Off Pounds Sensibly, often referred to as TOPS, is one of these groups. With more than 200,000 members in North America; TOPS was founded 50 years ago for the purpose of providing ongoing support to dieters.
Online diet and weight loss forums also provide important moral support for those engaged in weight loss efforts. Numerous websites have sprung up all over the net for the sole purpose of encouraging dieters to meet up in cyber space to discuss matters related to weight loss. The accountability factor related to weight loss forums may not be quite as strong as a weight loss buddy or local weight loss and support program, but it can help dieters to connect with like minded individuals on a host of issues related to diet and weight loss.
Regardless of the type of support system you choose, the important issue at hand is to make sure that you surround yourself with individuals who will motivate and encourage you during an admittedly difficult time. With the right combination of support, nutrition and exercise you can accomplish anything.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Need To Lose Weight Fast For A Special Occasion?
If you have just a little weight to lose, and want to take it off fast (say, so you can fit into those great pants for your cousin's wedding), there are a number of diets that you can use. Most of these wouldn't be recommended for long-term weight loss, as they substantially restrict your intake of some essential nutrients, so using them habitually may not be healthy. But if you're normal diet is healthy, and you just want a quick boost to drop 8-10 pounds quickly, or to kick off a new diet with a bang, the Cabbage Soup Diet actually works.
The cabbage soup diet has been around for nearly 30 years. It's based on the notion that your body actually uses more calories to digest cabbage than the amount that it derives from cabbage. It's a so-called 'negative calorie diet', and includes many foods that, like cabbage, are high in fiber and very low in calories.
The base of the cabbage soup diet is - what else? Cabbage soup. There are several recipes for cabbage soup available. Essentially, the soup is made with onions, peppers, mushrooms, carrots, cabbage, celery and spices to taste. You'll be eating the soup every day - as much of it as you want.
In addition, there is a seven day routine of foods to supplement the cabbage soup.
Day One: All the fruit you want (except bananas) along with all the soup that you want. No caffeinated beverages or sodas. Drink only water, tea and cranberry juice.
Day Two: Eat all the vegetables that you want, but avoid dried beans, peas and corn. Eat veggies raw, fresh or cooked. No fats, no sauces, no butter. At dinner, you may have one baked potato with butter - and of course, all the cabbage soup that you want!
Day Three: Eat all the fruits and veggies that you want from day two and day three - but NO baked potato.
Day Four: Bananas and skim milk - yes, all the skim milk you want, plus up to eight bananas, along with -- you guessed it, all the cabbage soup you want.
Day Five: Eat ten to twenty ounces of beef (or skinless chicken, or broiled fish). Drink at least 10 glasses of water, and eat up to six fresh tomatoes. (if you substitute for the beef today, you may not tomorrow)
Day Six: Eat all the beef, vegetables and cabbage soup that you want. No baked potato. Lots of leafy green vegetables.
Day Seven: You can have all the unsweetened fruit juices, brown rice, and vegetables that you want - and at least one bowl of soup.
That's it. Remember - this diet is NOT recommended for long term weight loss, or long term use. It doesn't contain enough complex carbohydrates to be healthy for longer than a few days. But if you just need a jump-start or a quick fix, it's a good way to pick up the pace for a week.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Mum you are KILLING me
How important is the heath of your children and that of yourself.
This matter has to be addressed immediately as it is a major concern for many parents raising youngsters today. Mothers and fathers parent their children in the best and only way they know how and this is by the standards of maybe how they were raised when growing up.
But times have changed; we now live in a world diseased by pollution drugs fatal gases asbestos obesity and much more.
Prevention is not a proven cure and an end too, but it most definitely slows up the process should any of the above named killers strike close to home.
Drugs every parents nightmare all you can do in this department is be supportive and give advice to what is right and wrong should your child become involved. Keep on pointing out the dangers and how let down you would feel should they take this route in their life.
I did mention the health of yourself so if you are a parent that has ventured down this path of self destruction, it is not too late to get your act together and seek help.
Who will look after the kids should anything happen to you? Remember they will not get the same type of love that you mummy and daddy gave from stand in parents.
Healthy eating should be on top of your priority list for your children thus helping to combat obesity. Before handing them a plate of greasy chips cream cake or a bar of chocolate, think? A fat child will never be a happy a child, believe me when I say I have seen the torture some kiddies go through at school being on the receiving end of the jibes/jokes by fellow pupils.
Stress levels for the victimized child become unbearable where they suffer in silence struggling to cope with the mental pain and torture. Thus resulting in some very unfortunate cases where suicide was the solution.
Anxiety a killer alone,
I am not saying that children should not have chocolate and other little goodies. I remember that being the best part of my childhood my weekly ration of sweets. What I am trying to say is just cut them down in over indulging. Too much of a good thing can come with a death sentence.
Some cases in children being overweight are due to health matters, and can not be helped. There are reasons behind the extra pounds they carry and I wish all caring parents in these circumstances well with any treatments for the cause for their child's obesity.
But for the mothers who sit on national television and boast about the eating habits of their two year old son/daughter weighing in at 5 stone and sitting like a little midget on their laps. Then this is where the death penalty kicks in where mother becomes the murderer
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Low-Carb High Protein Diets
This type of diet became very popular as of recently due to the promotion of the ever-popular Atkins Diet Craze. This diet is very popular because there is no calorie counting involved, and many foods that many people love to eat are allowed on the diet. Further, the Atkins diet is a high-protein diet, which means that weight lost during this diet will not result in lost muscle mass, since protein is the main nutrient needed for maintaining healthy muscle tone. This diet basically eliminates carbohydrates, which are simple sugars or foods that break down into simple sugars. These serve as empty calories in your diet, providing no nutrients yet many calories.
While we wonÕt cover the Atkins diet here, we can give you basics of the high-protein, low-carb diet. First let us identify carbohydrates. Sugar, including powdered sugar, granulated white sugar, brown sugar, or any type of sugar you can think of, is the main carbohydrate that you would need to eliminate. All types of pastas count as carbohydrates, meaning all noodle and spaghetti products must be eliminated. Starches of any type, such as white rice, potatoes and potato chips, need to be eliminated. Cereals are mostly carbohydrates and should be avoided entirely during the diet phase. Because of the low-carb craze, there are many low-carb options of sodas, milk, ice cream, bread, beer, and wine available in the average supermarket. If you do consume these, be sure to do so only occasionally and in moderation, even if it is a low-carb type. Otherwise, the aforementioned foods should be eliminated entirely when not of the low-carb type. Beware of foods that contain hidden sugars, like bacon, barbeque sauce, ketchup, salad dressing, cough syrup, and fruit juice. As strange as it may seem, fruits and fruit juices should be eliminated while in the weight loss phase of this diet, as they are nearly pure carbohydrates. Anything made with flour needs to be eliminated during the weight loss phase, since as mentioned earlier they are high in carbohydrates.
Now what can you eat? Well, the good news is that you can eat all meats, fish, poultry and seafood, except prepared meats like bacon and honey baked ham, which are high in sugar. Skip the bread and have meat and salad, or meat in your salad. Eggs are very low-carb friendly, but be sure to skip the mayonnaise or salad dressing unless it is low-carb type mayonnaise or dressing. Any type of vegetable is fine, but be sure to realize that when making that salad that tomatoes are actually a fruit, and you want to limit your consumption of them at least during the weight loss phase. Choose brown rice as your starch replacement, as it is low in carbohydrates comparatively to potatoes, bread or white rice. Cheese is good in limited amounts, as this is a high-protein, low-carb food. Butter and cream can be used, but should be consumed in limited amounts. One complex carbohydrate that is good is fiber, as it does not break down into simple sugar, and helps the body with elimination. Further, fiber fills you up quickly without adding significant calories, so hunger pangs are fought off successfully.
Finally, make sure you are drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day minimum in addition to any other liquid you may consume. Dehydration often masquerades as hunger and causes overeating. Of course, again exercise is a necessary and vital part of your diet plan, which we will cover in the next section on exercise.
Once you lose the weight that you set out to lose, the weight loss phase of your diet is over. Of course keep in mind that you are making lifestyle changes, not going on fad or binge diets. This means that you will not go back to your old eating habits. Instead you will introduce certain foods back into your diet in moderation. For example, you may add a couple of strips of bacon once a week to your meal plan. You can enjoy small portions of deserts of any kind, simply in moderation. It is best to avoid soft drinks all together, or opt for the low-carb type permanently. If you do introduce any other carbohydrate-laden foods, be sure to do so only at one meal, and in small portions. Reducing carbohydrates will become a lifestyle to you when following this plan, one is very likely to boost your overall energy level and help you keep the weight off.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Lose Weight Without Starvation!
Everyone at one point in his or her life needs or wants to loose weight. Whether it is for health reason, or just to feel better about you, deciding on a weight loss plan is not as easy as it sounds.
There are literally thousands of plans and products on the market today designed to help the overweight shed unwanted pounds.
One such plan is the low carb diet plan. On this plan, carbohydrate intake is limited to a few grams per day. By limiting breads and pastas, the body uses the fat that stored and there by the dieter starts to loose weight within weeks. Some of the foods that should be avoided when on a low carb diet are; Candy, Donuts, Cakes and Pastries. Anything containing white flour such as bread, rolls, bagels, pasta and white rice should also be avoided.
Although this may seem like a lot of choices to give up, all of these foods are very high in carbohydrates. This is particularly dangerous for those suffering from diabetes. Health expert theorize that a high carbohydrate diet could raise their blood sugar levels to life threatening levels.
There are good carbohydrate choices. Meat is naturally low in carbohydrates. Liver is the exception to this rule. Egg’s, poultry, fish, shellfish are good menu choices. They are easy to prepare and are full of vitamins. Green vegetables that are low starch include broccoli, asparagus, spinach, salad vegetables; cauliflower, green beans, Brussels sprouts and celery are also good choice foods that compliment any meal.
There are so many good choice foods to choose from, and so many ways to prepare them that the bad choice foods will not be missed when on a low carb diet.
Fiber is another essential part of dieting. Fiber helps the body in many different ways. When you do not get enough fiber it defeats the purpose of a diet.
Some of the health benefits that come from a low carb diet are; Lower insulin levels and stabilized blood sugar, which is a great health benefit to diabetics. Lower blood pressure, Lower Cholesterol, more energy, and perhaps the most important reason for dieting, keeping the weight off.
Unlike other diets, the low carb diet is safe for everyone. There are no side effects from being on this diet as there are not any food limit restrictions for a low carb dieter.
There are so many menu choices that a different meal can be prepared every day and the dieter would not have the same meal twice. For someone who has made a serious commitment to loose weight, a low carb lifestyle should be seriously considered.
Holiday meals can be prepared following low carb diet recipes that are easy, elegant, and very tasty. With all of the sites on the Internet dedicated to low carb cooking, there is no reason to fear dieting any longer.
Gone are the days when dieters had to starve themselves and suffer the pains of hunger all for the sake of loosing weight. The low carb offer a healthy alternative to dieting.
Friday, March 9, 2012
How To Avoid Those Holiday Pounds!
If you believe the old stories about much weight people put on during the holidays, you’re right—partially. In a recent study conducted by The National Institute of Health, the researchers discovered that, in reality, most people tend to only put on just slightly under one pound. But a person who is already overweight will average a whopping five pounds extra after the last horns have been blown.
But it’s not all good news for even those who put on the minimum because the study also shows that we all tend to keep the pounds put on. In other words, over ten years, those not-so-much pounds, could lead someone to being overweight.
So, what can we do in order to keep those extra pounds off? After all, our homes are usually filled with holiday pies, cakes and other goodies, and they can be pretty tempting—even for the most faithful of dieters!
Here’s a few tips to get you through the holidays.
Just A Nibble!
Have you ever noticed that when you start eating a rich dessert it tastes so good, but by the last bite, you’ve had enough? One way to keep the pounds down is just to enjoy a few bites that delicious cheesecake or chocolate fudge brownie. No one says that you have to completely deprive yourself of holiday treats—just limit how much you eat!
Enjoy the Company, Not The Brownies!
Many people think of holiday parties in terms of the foods that they’ll get to eat (or have to avoid) instead of the real reason for the celebration—the company and conversation. If you keep yourself busy chatting with friends, you’ll be less likely to invade the snack table.
Go Full
You’ve likely heard the grocery store trick; don’t go shopping when you’re hungry because you’ll only end up buying more. Well, the same can work for holiday parties! Eat a lot of raw vegetables, and other healthy foods that will stick with you during the party and you’ll be less tempted to binge on the bad stuff.
Drink Water
If you were to add up the calories that you’ve probably consumed in sodas, fruit punches and alcoholic beverages at parties, you would likely be amazed. You can gulp down hundreds of calories without even realizing it if you’re not careful! Instead of one of these high-calorie drinks, make it a habit to drink water—which in itself will help flush out extra water weight.
Create An Eating Schedule
It wouldn’t be fun—or realistic—to try and get through an entire party without at least sampling some of the treats. But instead of heading instantly to the food table and loading your plate—and then suffering the rest of the party because you want more—try spacing out your snacks for the entire time of the party. Plan on taking a nibble of something about every thirty minutes. Not only will it help you eat less, it will be a fun game that you can play with yourself!
Most importantly, remember that the holidays are meant for enjoyment. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and if you make a mistake, talk an extra long walk to work off those extra calories instead of beating yourself up over it!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
How To Avoid Common Diet Scams
As our country gains weight at an alarming rate, we are spending more each year on products that promise us easy, effortless weight loss. Each year in the United States, an estimated 35 billion dollars is spent each year on weight loss products. The problem is that in spite of headlines that feed our hopes that a new, secret, “better” weight loss formula has been discovered, the truth is there are no easy solutions to losing weight.
Simply put, weight loss is a combination of lifestyle choices, and is the result of a firm commitment to making and maintaining them over a period of time. Any products that offer weight loss without reduced caloric intake and increasing activity levels are fraudulent- and a waste of money.
Why Do People Buy Products That Are Scams?
Denise Bruner, MD, MPH, FASBP is a specialist in weight loss, and a fellow in the American Society of Bariatric Physicians. She shares one of the major reasons that weight loss scams flourish today: “We live in a society today that wants immediate gratification. This is reflected in our willingness to buy from those that promise ‘instant results’”.
The increasing obesity in our society, and hopes that weight loss can be achieved without lifestyle changes fuels the growth of frauds. Bruner states, “In the U.S., currently 61% of the population is overweight, and the numbers are going up. There’s a huge market out there for weight loss products. After all, it appeals to us to find out that you can ‘Lose 30 pounds in 30 days.’ We don’t want to have to deprive ourselves of our favorite foods, and want something that will ‘magically’ absorb the calories.”
Jeannette Kopko, Senior Vice President of the Better Business Bureau for Dallas and Northeast Texas, agrees that illegitimate weight loss products feed on false promises: “People are fooled by these scams because they hope that they aren’t scams. They hope that they’re real, and are an easier, faster, painless way to lose weight.”
With the huge demand for weight loss products (and their revenues), companies are more than willing to become suppliers-whether or not their products work. Kopko states, “The number of companies hawking bogus supplements and weight loss products is increasing rapidly in recent years.”
How can you spot a weight loss scam?
Typically, weight loss scams make promises that aren’t realistic. Headlines that promise weight loss without dieting are always scams, since calorie reduction is the basis of any true weight loss program. There are no legitimate weight loss programs that allow you to “eat whatever you want” without limit. As Monica Revelle, public relations specialist at the FDA notes: “If it sounds too good to be true-it is!”
Other tips offs that the weight loss product is a scam include:
* Claims to be a “secret” formula: Products that claim to have secret formulas are scams. Dr. Bruner feels strongly on this issue, and states, “There are no ‘secrets to weight loss’ being held away from the public. In America alone, an estimated 100 people a day die from obesity; we could prevent 300,000 deaths annually if there was a real product that made weight loss simple and safe, and physicians would be the first to prescribe them.”
* There’s no physical address for the business. Legitimate products and services will have a physical address and phone number. Be wary of those that only offer a mailbox, or a toll-free number to call manned by “help center” personnel. Kopko shares, “While not all companies that have P.O. or private mail boxes (PMBs) are illegitimate, plenty are. Check to see if there are the letters ‘PMB’ after a physical address; this indicates that it’s really a private mail box, that can forward mail to anywhere in the world.” She adds that the Internet is also being used to promote frauds, and adds, “You can’t judge how good or legitimate a product is by how professional the web site looks. This only reflects how good their web designer was.”
* They promise rapid weight loss. Weight loss that is too rapid is not only unhealthy, but is normally quickly regained. The best plans advocate moderate goals, with slow, steady weight loss of about 6-8 pounds a month over a long period. Dr. Bruner states, “Any product that offer overnight or rapid changes is a fraud.”
* They state that they can help a person lose fat or cellulite in a specific part of the body. Body fat is lost overall, not in a spot, and ads that claim otherwise are frauds.
* They promise permanent weight loss. No product can do this, since permanent weight loss is maintained by lifestyle changes.
By avoiding products with the above “red flags” in their advertising, you can protect yourself from illegitimate products-and save money.
Types of Weight Loss Scams
Weight loss scams can range from the highly illegal (and even dangerous) to the mildly unethical. Kopko states, “There are degrees of fraud and misleading consumers. Some are scams where the person doesn’t receive anything at all when they send in their money. Another form of scam is when the customer sends in money, and they get a product that has no benefit, such as a sugar pill.”
Other weight loss scams use questionable practices, such as making claims for an ingredient-but without scientific studies to back them up. Kopko adds, “In yet other scams, the product has very low levels of active ingredients, so the person doesn’t get the desired result.”
Some products sell because their names are similar to real products-even though they don’t contain the same ingredients or quality. Dr. Bruner warns that these knockoffs are frauds: “The person thinks, ‘Oh, I can get this a lot cheaper here…’ but be careful, and check it out thoroughly first.”
Kopko has seen all types of weight loss scams during her years with the Better Business Bureau. She remembers, “Years ago, in our area, there was a business that sold ‘weight loss glasses’; one lens was blue, the other brown. Supposedly, the two colors ‘confused the brain’ and the person didn’t get hungry.” She adds, “Another fraud was weight loss “bath powder’ that a person pours into the tub, that promised weight loss.”
Today, popular scams are pills, powders, patches, and herbal teas that supposedly promote weight loss.
One recent scam was a powder taken a few hours before sleep. Kopko states, “It promised that the fat would “melt away” while you slept. The only benefit was that the person gave up their bedtime snack when they took it; there was nothing in the powder to help. And the person who bought the powder was then deluged with other products from the company that would ‘make the product work better.’ It was all a huge fraud.”
Dr. Bruner has also seen a variety of weight loss scams over the years. She states, “I’ve seen people wearing inserts in their shoes; the manufacturers claim that they hit pressure points to relieve hunger (it doesn’t work). Another scam is a ‘“chocolate patch’ designed to reduce cravings for chocolate, or wearing special clothing to spot reduce areas.” She notes that in Europe, another popular weight loss fad is getting attention: “In Europe, right now mesotherapy, injecting a drug into the muscle, is a very popular fraud.”
FTC’s sokesperson Shirley Rooker notes that the FTC recently stopped another popular weight loss scam-and the company was forced to pay back millions to consumers taken in by its fraudulent ads. She notes, “The Enforma System claimed that its products increase the body’s capacity to burn fat and would help the body burn more calories while just standing or sitting around doing nothing, even while sleeping. And the TV ads stated that consumers could enjoy fried chicken, pizza, and other high-calorie, high-fat products and still lose weight. The FTC complaint charged that there was no proof that Fat Trapper and Exercise in a Bottle really worked.”1
Why Aren’t They Stopped?
With the huge numbers of weight loss frauds out there (it only takes opening up a magazine, or surfing the Internet to view some), the question of why they are allowed to continue is raised.
Kopko says, “I get a lot of calls from people who ask, ‘Why isn’t something being done?’ about a scam. Basically, the answer is: until we receive complaints, a fraud can’t be investigated.” She adds that many times, people who are scammed don’t file reports. “They don’t want the bother, or they don’t know where to turn. The complaints we get are probably only a fraction of the problem that’s out there.”
She warns that not being shut down is not a guarantee of reliability. “Just because a business is out there, selling weight loss products doesn’t mean they’re legitimate; it may just be that they haven’t been caught yet. This is why it’s so important to be an aware consumer. “
Once complaints are made, law enforcement will step in and start investigating weight loss frauds. They often prosecute illegal businesses, and force them to make restitution to their victims. But Kopko shares that not every questionable weight loss product can be dealt with in this manner: “Some scams might not be illegal-just unethical. They market their products in a way that implies benefits, instead of stating them outright, and skirt the legal boundaries of false advertising.”
In some cases, stopping a fraud takes time because of the decision over who has jurisdiction, and the time needed to gather the data to begin prosecuting a company. For instance, the FDA’s Moica Revelle states that they only have jurisdiction over scams in which a product is proven to be unsafe. “We monitor the quality and safety of weight loss products; but we don’t have jurisdiction if there’s no evidence of harm done.”
In many cases of false advertising, the FTC steps in, and uses information gathered by other agencies to make their case against a company. Kopko states that the Better Business Bureau, while not having jurisdiction itself, make their task easier. “We keep information about businesses on file, including complaints against them, and share this with law enforcement and government agencies.”
How To Protect Yourself From Scams
One of the best methods of protecting yourself from weight loss scams is to seek medical advice from a qualified physician who specializes in weight loss (bariatric medicine). At times, this means first coming to terms with a realistic view of weight loss. Dr. Bruner states, “Losing weight isn’t simple or easy.
Basically, it means reducing calories and exercising, but it must be individualized to the person’s needs. For instance, the person with insulin resistance needs a higher protein, lower carbohydrate diet so they won’t feel that they’re starving; and those with allergies (such as to wheat or yeast) will need a diet that avoids these items.”
To protect yourself from scams, check the product out first with your physician. And if possible, try to avoid “impulse buying”. First investigate the product and the company’s reliability with consumer organizations. This can save you needless expense and disappointment in the long run.
Another method of avoiding scams is to visit sites that investigate consumer frauds-and check out a company before buying. Kopko states, “The Better Business Bureau is a participant with the Sentinel Database (online at ) which allows consumers and law enforcement to view trends and complaints against businesses. You can also go online to our national web site at to check out a company nationally. Just click on the “consumer info” link, and look up diet fads and scams that have been reported.”
Weight loss scams are on the rise, and the numbers of companies using fraudulent advertising are multiplying. By taking the time to carefully investigate a company and its products, and choosing to work with a qualified physician on your weight loss goals, you can save yourself needless expense and disappointment. Best of all, you can get started on the road to real, achievable weight loss goals while maintaining good health.
body fat,
weight loss
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
History And Background Of Low-carb Dieting
The terminology “low-carb” wasn’t really coined until around 1992 when the USDA announced America’s model food pyramid included six to eleven servings daily of grains and starches. However, low-carb dieting dates back more than 100 years before the trendy Atkins diet to 1864 with a pamphlet titled Letter on Corpulence written by William Banting, as close to the first commercial low-carb diet as you could get.
Banting had suffered a series of debilitating health problems due mainly to being overweight or “corpulent”. He searched in vain for cures to his weight problem, which many doctors at that time believed to be a necessary side effect of old age. He also tried eating less but he continued to gain weight and have various health problems. He could not understand how the small amounts of food he was eating led to his weight problem:
“Few men have led a more active life - bodily or mentally - from a constitutional anxiety for regularity, precision, and order, during fifty years' business career, from which I had retired, so that my corpulence and subsequent obesity were not through neglect of necessary bodily activity, nor from excessive eating, drinking, or self indulgence of any kind, except that I partook of the simple aliments of bread, milk, butter, beer, sugar, and potatoes more freely than my age required…”
Many contemporary Americans on the go may recognize Banting’s previous unhealthy daily diet:
“My former dietary table was bread and milk for breakfast, or a pint of tea with plenty of milk, sugar, and buttered toast; meat, beer, much bread (of which I was always very fond) and pastry for dinner, the meal of tea similar to that of breakfast, and generally a fruit tart or bread and milk for supper. I had little comfort and far less sound sleep.”
Just substitute a Pop tart, doughnut or muffin with coffee and plenty of cream and sugar for breakfast, a fast food burger and fries with a super-sized soft drink for lunch and a frozen pot pie or pizza for dinner followed by dessert and you can see how Banting’s diet was so much like the typical fast-paced modern day Americans.
When his physician placed these items on a “forbidden foods list,” Banting lost 50 pounds and 13 inches in one year. He kept it off, living a long and much healthier life.
His new diet plan consisted of a number of meat dishes and he listed it as follows:
“For breakfast, at 9.00 A.M., I take five to six ounces of either beef mutton, kidneys, broiled fish, bacon, or cold meat of any kind except pork or veal; a large cup of tea or coffee (without milk or sugar), a little biscuit, or one ounce of dry toast; making together six ounces solid, nine liquid.
For dinner, at 2.00 P.M., Five or six ounces of any fish except salmon, herrings, or eels, any meat except pork or veal, any vegetable except potato, parsnip, beetroot, turnip, or carrot, one ounce of dry toast, fruit out of a pudding not sweetened any kind of poultry or game, and two or three glasses of good claret, sherry, or Madeira- Champagne, port, and beer forbidden; making together ten to twelve ounces solid, and ten liquid.
For tea, at 6.00 P.M., Two or three ounces of cooked fruit, a rusk or two, and a cup of tea without milk or sugar; making two to four ounces solid, nine liquid.
For supper, at 9.00 P.M. Three or four ounces of meat or fish, similar to dinner, with a glass or two of claret or sherry and water; making four ounces solid and seven liquid.
For nightcap, if required, a tumbler of grog (gin, whisky, or brandy, without sugar)-or a glass or two of claret or sherry.”
So great were the changes in his appearance and health that his friends and acquaintances began to notice and just like today wanted to know what diet he was on. Most important of all Banting could feel and see a difference himself.
“I am told by all who know me that my personal appearance greatly improved, and that I seem to bear the stamp of good health; this may be a matter of opinion or friendly remark, but I can honestly assert that I feel restored in health, "bodily and mentally," appear to have more muscular power and vigour, eat and drink with a good appetite, and sleep well. All symptoms of acidity, indigestion, and heartburn (with which I was frequently tormented) have vanished. I have left off using boot-hooks, and other such aids, which were indispensable, but being now able to stoop with ease and freedom, are unnecessary. I have lost the feeling of occasional faintness, and what I think a remarkable blessing and comfort is, that I have been able safely to leave off knee-bandages, which I had worn necessarily for many years, and given up the umbilical truss.”
His how-to dieting book became very popular and was translated into multiple languages. However, over time it was abandoned.
Banting noted in Letter on Corpulence that a common health paradox of our time did not exist in his. This was the paradox of obesity, widely believed to be a problem of excess, among the poor. The poor of the 19th century could not afford the refined sugary foods that cause weight gain. But poor people of the 21st century sure can today.
In a recent Associated Press article titled, “Health Paradox: Obesity Attacks Poor”, the reporter noted that many poor families are stretching their food dollars by purchasing unhealthy processed and refined foods. Of one family Barbassa wrote,
“During winter, jobs are scarce, so Caballero feeds her husband and three children the cheapest food she can get: potatoes, bread, tortillas… As processed foods rich in sugar and fat have become cheaper than fruits and vegetables, the poor in particular are paying a high price with obesity rates shooting up, followed by diabetes.”
Unfortunately for the Caballero family, these cheap staples are bad for their health. Fresh meat, low-starch fruits and vegeta-bles may be more expensive and have a shorter shelf life, but they are definitely worth the price in saved medical expenses and
better health.
Throughout the years, as “calories” became known, variations of counting them were included in dietary solutions. And a variety of other issues were explored like how many of which foods should be eaten and how frequently.
While Banting’s diet eventually fell out of favor, low-carb diets did begin appearing again in the 20th century. The most famous of these are the Atkins and Scarsdale diets that came to popularity in the 1970s. While Scarsdale has a set 14 day meal plan that must be followed and greatly restricts calories, the Atkins diet allowed for unlimited calorie consumption as long as those calories were from protein, fat and vegetables and carbs intake was kept low.
Atkins and Scarsdale fell out of favor in the 1980’s as the U. S. Department of Agriculture encouraged the consumption of grains and grain products with the USDA food pyramid.
It was only in the 1990’s that we began to see a return to low-carb dieting that seems to be more than a fad. It’s a lifestyle! As more and more people realize the weight loss and other health benefits that are available to people who eat low-carb, the number of diets and stores that sell specialty low-carb products continue to rise.
In a nutshell, most low-carb diets carry the same basic premise: that too much of simple, refined carbohydrates leads to over overproduction of insulin, which leads to the storage of too much fat in the body. This fat storage is especially prominent around the middle.
While there are degrees of difference among the many diets, they all agree on the negative effects that excess insulin production have on our systems.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Frequently Asked Questions About Weight Loss And Diets
If you’re on a diet, or considering going on one, you’re in luck. We’ve put together ten of the most frequently asked questions about diets and weight loss and compiled them here. Enjoy!
1. How much should I weigh?
Your doctor can answer that question most accurately. More important than how much you weigh is your body/mass index, which measures your height against your weight.
2. What's the best diet for losing weight?
Any diet that provides all the nutrition that you need for health, and in addition, provides fewer calories than your body burns regularly.
3. How can I keep off the weight that I lose?
If you lose weight gradually and re-educate both yourself and your body about food, you'll have a good start. The secret to keeping weight off is to balance your energy needs with your food intake. Eat enough calories to supply your body's energy needs, but not so many that your body stores the excess as fat.
4. What's the story with obesity and diabetes?
Obesity increases the risks of a number of chronic health conditions, and diabetes is one of them. People who are more than ten percent overweight increase their risk of developing type 2 diabetes substantially.
5. How do I decrease my intake of sugar?
Obviously, you can decrease your intake of sugar by cutting out sweets and refined snacks, but you should also watch out for 'hidden' sugars. Check ingredients. High fructose corn syrup and sucrose are both simple sugars that add lots of calories and little nutrition.
6. How often should I weigh myself?
Most diet experts recommend that you weigh yourself no more than once a week. Some go so far as to tell you to throw out the scale entirely! A more accurate measure of your loss is your clothing size. If your clothing is feeling looser, you're doing great.
7. Do I really have to exercise?
You don't HAVE to, but it will be a lot harder to lose weight if you don't. A half hour of moderate exercise daily is the minimum activity level for healthy weight loss. You can get it walking, running, cleaning your house - anything active burns calories.
8. What's a calorie?
A calorie is a measure of energy. Foods are rated with calories based on the amount of energy they provide to the body when consumed.
9. Can I lose weight without changing my diet?
Weight loss results when you burn more calories than you consume. If you only need to lose a small amount of weight and your diet is generally healthy, you can lose weight by increasing your activity level to burn more calories. If your diet is poor, or if you're more than a few pounds overweight, you really need to learn a new, more healthy way or eating, or you'll put the weight back on when you go back to 'normal' eating.
10. Should I eat fish on my diet?
Unless it's expressly forbidden by your diet, absolutely. Fish is high protein, low saturated fat, and high in omega 3 fatty acids. Some doctors recommend eating as much as 10 servings of fish per week.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Five Healthy Weight Loss Tips
Are you tired of getting the same old advice when it comes to dieting? Are you looking for some quick tips to help motivate yourself during a diet? Why not follow along below to learn about some quick healthy weight loss tips?
Tip # 1: Take off five pounds quickly before a big event!
If you're generally in good shape, but you want to pare off a few
pounds to look your best before a big event like a class reunion, one of the best ways to do it is to cleanse your system. For the week before, skip the breads and pastas, eat lots of raw vegetables and salads, and drink at least eight ounce glasses of water a day. You'll not only end up slimmer, you'll feel 100% more energetic and healthy.
Tip # 2: Lose weight without dieting!
It's a lot easier than you think. The key is exercise. Just one half hour of moderate exercise per day will burn calories - and better yet, kick your metabolism into high gear so that you continue burning calories at a higher rate. Bonuses: you'll be doing your health a favor, too. The latest research shows that adding moderate exercise to your daily routine can help lower cholesterol, slow the progression of type-2 diabetes and improve your circulation. What's moderate exercise? A brisk one mile walk, half an hour of dancing, or chasing the kids around in a game of tag will do it.
Tip # 3: Start your day off right!
Don't skip breakfast when you're dieting, and don't go for the convenience of a 'nutrition bar'. Give your body the pick-me-up of fresh fruit in either juice or raw form, and the staying power of a whole grain. One of the best breakfasts you can have is a bowl of whole-grain cereal with fresh berries, melon or peaches. You get
the sugar your body craves, the carbs it needs to run on, and the added
benefit of antioxidant vitamins to help it stay on track and balanced.
Tip # 4: Take a high quality multivitamin every day.
There's no substitute for a diet that has a healthy balance of all foods, but it's far too easy to skimp on the essentials when you're dieting. Make sure that your body doesn't miss out on the nutrients it needs just because you're cutting calories. A good multivitamin should contain, at a minimum, the minimum recommended daily allowances of vitamins A, B6, B12, C, E and K. While you're at it, get out in the sun for at least ten minutes a day to help your body manufacture the vitamin D that it needs.
Tip # 5: Eat your veggies - especially your lettuce.
But don't confine yourself to iceberg lettuce or to salads. Darker greens have about the same number of calories and carbs, but pack a lot more punch in the vitamins and other nutrient categories. By substituting radicchio, watercress, escarole or spinach for the iceberg lettuce, you add vitamin C, riboflavin’s, manganese and other essential vitamins that aren't present in lettuce. Try them braised, steamed or grilled for something a little different from the usual salad.
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