Saturday, June 30, 2012

Adults Don't Get Acne! Do They?

Skin problems not only effect those in their teens, adult acne is also a very common occurrence, in today's society. Adult women are more apt to suffer from acne than men. Adult men are at higher risk in terms of permanent scaring, caused by acne problems. Contrary to what most people think, adult acne is NOT caused by improper hygiene.

In truth, acne is caused by a number of different things. Oily skin, hair ducts that do not close as they should and infection are three key factors which lead to skin problems. These factors remain the same, in both adults and teens. (How's that for thinking you wouldn't get acne, because you are an adult.)

Pimples occur when dead skin, small deposits of fatty tissue and keratin get clogged in a hair duct. When the duct is open, this clogging produces a "blackhead". When the duct is closed, it is referred to as a "whitehead". Because a whitehead is closed, in most cases, it will eventually rupture. This bursting causes the redness and infection of adult acne.

There are many myths associated with adult acne. Dermatologists tell us that acne is not caused by eating chocolate, fish or oily foods. Stress, in itself, does not cause acne. However, there are certain stress-relieving drugs that have been known to cause skin conditions.

Acne does not clear up faster if you wash your face several times a day or sit out in the sun. Acne is not caused by dirt. Washing your face many times a day can actually do more harm than good. Sitting in the sun only darkens your skin and can cause scaring.

Remember, if you are battling a skin condition, you are not alone. There are numerous ways to treat the problem. You do not have to live with adult acne forever!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Adult Scoliosis

Adult Scoliosis is a spinal abnormality that occurs during adulthood, or is a continuation of the disease that was undiagnosed or ignored during childhood or adolescence.

Adult Scoliosis is generally idiopathic, which means that its cause is unknown. However, several other types of Scoliosis also occur in adults. These include congenital curve, paralytic curve, and myopathic deformity.

A congenital curve is present at birth, and if undiagnosed or untreated, may worsen in adulthood due to age and weakening of the spine. This results in Adult Scoliosis. A paralytic curve may be caused by an injury to the spine, while myopathic deformity may result from diseases like polio or cerebral palsy. Degeneration, osteoporosis, and spinal surgery are other causes of Adult Scoliosis.

Signs of Adult Scoliosis include one shoulder or hip higher than the other, a rib or back hump, and one arm longer than the other. Severe cases of Scoliosis are often accompanied by pain because the abnormal curvature creates pressure on the spine. This may even lead to difficulty in walking.

Doctors subject individuals suspected to be suffering from Scoliosis to the Adam’s Forward Bending Test. Test results are confirmed through X-ray, CT scan, or MRI. Treatment options include medication, physical exercise, bracing, and surgery.

Medication is recommended by doctors to relieve pain caused by Scoliosis. Physical exercise, such as walking, cycling, and swimming, helps to keep the body fit and maintain a correct posture. These counter the deforming effect of Scoliosis. Exercise also helps to reduce pain. Physical therapists can design exercise programs to suit the different needs of patients. Bracing in adults is used to ease pain and discomfort rather than prevent worsening of the curve, while surgery is generally used as the last resort.

Surgery becomes essential if the spinal curve is greater than 50 degrees and is accompanied by continuous pain. It is also conducted if the curve is increasing, because this could cause heart and lung problems. In certain cases, deformity caused by the disease necessitates surgery.

To conclude, Scoliosis in adults can be largely avoided through proper treatment of the disease in its early stages, during childhood or adolescence. The earlier the treatment commences, the lesser will be the pain and discomfort, and chances of surgery. Leading a healthy lifestyle can also curb its occurrence during adulthood.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Adult ADHD and Fear: Why We Procrastinate

One of the things people with Adult ADHD symptoms really struggle with is procrastination. And procrastination really comes out of fear. What kind of fear?

There are two main fears people with Adult ADHD symptoms face when they try to start a big project.

1. How do I know I'm choosing the right thing to work on?

2. How do I know I won't fail, especially if I don't know anything about this yet?

First of all, you've got to ask yourself, "What am I so afraid of?" Let’s just bring it out into the open. If I pick an opportunity, the fear becomes, "Oh, my gosh. What am I going to miss?"

The truth is, the second someone with Adult ADHD focuses on something, you're missing a lot of other things. That’s just the way it works.

It’s not about the opportunity. It’s not about which Internet-type thing you should be doing. It’s "why." You've got to ask yourself, "How would this particular opportunity fit in with my larger vision?"

Some people with Adult ADHD might not feel like they know exactly what they want to do with their whole lives. And this is where a lot of fear about choosing what to do next comes from.

Well, you know what? Whatever you want to do with your life right now, it probably is going to change at some point (especially if you have Adult ADHD). Just because you're going full tilt on something right now doesn't mean you have to do that for the rest of your life.

It does mean that, if you're going to spend your time doing something, it should be something you're incredibly passionate about to begin with, something that you'd like to spend all your time on anyway.

Most likely, if you have Adult ADHD symptoms, you'll find yourself in the exact same situation at some point in the future. It happens. You work really hard. You go full speed at something, and occasionally, you look up and you say, "What the heck am I doing?"

That's ok. At that point, if you really want to, you can shift your focus. No one's stopping you. But don't let that fear stop you from starting.

The second fear those with Adult ADHD symptoms feel has to do with how much there is to learn about a subject or skill, and the information overload that occurs so often with Adult ADHD.

My experience was, I said, "I'm going to learn this Internet thing. I'm going to go out and I'm going to learn everything that I possibly can," and I didn't realize at the very beginning that there were so many different subspecialties. It’s an entire industry.

You could be a specialist in list building, in search engine optimization, in advertising or all these different subspecialties, and you realize that what you're trying to do is go out and learn an entire industry. Of course, it doesn't really work that way.

You don't go out one day and say, "Okay, I'm going to be a lawyer," and understand every aspect of law. Even lawyers have to pick a specialty, be it corporate, criminal, bankruptcy or whatever. You don't say, "I'm going to go out and learn everything there is to know about foreign language," right? You pick one.

So, if that is true, that brings up another question for people with Adult ADHD symptoms: "What sub-specialty do I pick then? I have to pick one."

Again, we're teaching you ways to think with your Adult ADHD brain instead of against it here. As you're thinking about the anxiety of having to pick one area of specialty, for example, to grow your business or to work on in your life, remember that people with Adult ADHD symptoms have something that they use automatically every day they don't usually appreciate, and that is a very highly-developed intuition.

Intuition is why people with Adult ADHD make snap decisions all the time. You're really good at it naturally. It’s coming from your gut.

But you need a clear head to do it. So if you've got information overload, and you can't decide to focus on one thing, how do you clear your head?

What you need to do is this: You need to go on an "unsubscribe" campaign! Start with the information you have coming in on your computer every day.
You should continue subscribing to or buying the information from the people that you intuitively know are going to help you with your one main focus. But clear out the rest, so you don't even see it. Let your computer sort it so your head doesn't have to.

Do this with other things in your life too. Once you decide what you're main focus is (at least for now)--then "unsubscribe" or disconnect from anything, and anyone, that doesn't contribute to that one goal.

Then you can get down to the business of choosing a specialty and learning all about that one thing. You'll be amazed how much more focused you'll be, automatically! To learn more about how to beat procrastination and focus on your goals with Adult ADHD, see below.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Adult Acne Treatments! When Adults Are Searching For The Best Treatments, It All Starts With A System

When searching for adult acne treatments that will help you eliminate your stubborn adult acne and on-going blemish breakouts, you need to look back in your life and ask yourself some lifestyle changing questions so you can find the best solution for your acne eliminating needs!

If you have suffered with acne breakouts your entire teenage years, you may understand what needs to be done for the treatment of your pimples, or you may know exactly the treatment product necessary for elimination and daily maintenance.

However, if you had clear skin as a teen, and now that your body is changing due to hormones or pregnancy, you may suddenly experience a change in your complexion and may not know exactly how to handle the new changes in your skin.

When your pimple breakouts occur, if you notice you're getting an increase in blackheads and whiteheads in combination to excess blemishes, try to think back and remember how your skin has been in the past. If your skin was clear due to good eating habits, low stress levels, and you were getting at least 8 hours or more of sleep prior to getting your adult acne, then that's the first place you want to start.

For example: As a teenager, if you slept more than eight hours a day, drank plenty of water, and you ate more vegetables and fruit, and now as an adult you only get 4 hours of sleep, you drink less water, and you’re not eating the same level of fruits and veggies, then you may want to adjust these areas first. If you change these habits, and notice no change, you then have to go to the next step, and make an appointment to see a dermatologist.

When All Else Fails, Visit A Dermatologist To Get The Bottom Of Your Adult Acne Issues!

If you can’t figure out why you’re still having skin problems after you made necessary internal lifestyle changes, then you should see the skin professionals to find out what’s causing your stubborn adult zits, and you may be enlightened once you visit your local dermatologist.

Depending on the severity of your skin condition, you may soon find out the condition you have is caused by several circumstances. For women, acne and increased blemishes can be easily caused by hormonal changes due to pregnancy. A woman that is pregnant will have to look at alternative safe skin programs, and natural skin products would be a place to start. Women with hormonal changes that are not currently going through a pregnancy can look at other options such as oral acne medication or antibiotics, but keep in mind that this method should not be a long-term solution, so if you can avoid internal medication, look at other alternatives.

Men are somewhat different, and in most cases, increased acne causing a blemished complexion could be the lack of facial care, or mental stress in your life. For men in general, a good blemish cleansing and facial exfoliating routine combined with a healthy diet are the first steps to follow; however, we encourage that men see a skin doctor to assess their adult skin problems.

Acne and aging is a complex situation, and there is never one solution to every individual adult suffering from pimple breakouts. There are many contributing factors such as your body’s changes during puberty, and for women, even the type of cosmetics you may be applying to your face. Your facial skin consists of thousands of pores, follicles, skin and oil. Any negative balance, and you have a recipe for facial infections, plus outbreaks that can lead to many skin imperfections and severe scarring for a very long time.

We touched briefly on what may contribute to your adult acne, and some of the changes that may be occuring in your body internally and also externally. Now, to find out how you can start a program to eliminate your adult blemish problem: I encourage you to read our article on where I break down some of the top adult acne systems that target stubborn facial and body acne.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Adult Acne Treatment - What You Should Take Care Of

Just when you thought you'd finally got through all the skin problems related to puberty, you wake up one day and find acne. If you ask a dermatologist, you will find out acne is not just a problem for teens. Fortunately, there are some treatments that will help you fight adult acne successfully.

Adult Acne Facts

Doctors say adult acne is a common problem, but unfortunately an under-recognized one. Most people think acne it just for kids, but it can happen in later years too. It is more common in women than in men. Statistics show that acne affects about 25% of all adult men and 50% of all adult women at some point during their adult life.

At the bottom of acne lies the pimple, which doctors call comedo. A pimple is a plug of fat, skin debris and keratin stuck in a hair duct. When it is open, we call it a blackhead and when it's closed over, a whitehead. Whiteheads can cause the walls of the hair duct to rupture, leading to redness, infection and cysts of acne.

Many people think that acne is a result of poor hygiene, but this is not true. Both adult and teen acne are caused by a combination of many factors, such as excess oil production, faulty closing of the hair duct or infection. Washing your face gently only twice a day is actually much better than washing it more often.

Adult Acne Treatment

You can choose between an adult acne treatment in a dermatologist's office or at home. However, squeezing pimples at home often leads to infection and scars. Squeezing pimples is also a very effective way to get your acne to spread. Doctors, on the other hands, use special sterile instruments to prevent infection, scarring and acne spread.

Another solution is to check your local drug store for adult acne treatments. If you've ever tried this, you know it's loaded with such products. With so many options available, choosing the right adult acne treatment can be quite difficult.

A great progress in adult acne treatment has been the producing of the topical retinoid acid, a modified form of vitamin A. Improved versions of this medicine greatly reduce the irritation it can cause. Other acne treatments fight against different causes of acne. They are sometimes used in combination. Such acne treatments include:

* Azelaic acid cream

* Benzoyl peroxide

* Alpha-hydroxy acids (such as lactic acid, glycolic acid and gluconic acid)

* Antibiotic pills (of used unwisely, they can lead to antibiotic resistance)

* Topical antibiotics (gels, lotions and solutions)

* Contraceptive pills for women

* Sotret or Accutane for severe acne

Accutane and Sotret have several side effects, including birth defects. Women with severe acne problems that choose these treatments should use alternative birth control. Despite the side effects they have, these treatments are probably the best choice for sever acne.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Adult Acne Solved!

Acne has always been a dreaded occurrence in our life. Most of us have carried this burden in our teenage years and after almost seven teenage years we think we are finally home free. Then one morning in your twenty sixth, twenty seventh or even twenty eighth year of your existence you wake up with a huge zit on you face. And even worst, sometimes it is not just one but two or even three or even four! And they just keep on sprouting like weeds in an inhibited garden! So you wonder, I’m already an adult so why, why, WHY?

Adult acne is more common than we thought. Almost five percent of adults have adult acne mostly in their twenties, thirties and even forties and beyond. Adult acne can be found in the face and sometimes even on the neck and on the chest and back area. There are many reasons for the occurrence of these devils incarnates and we will enumerate them here plus ways on how to outsmart them.

Adult Acne Source Number 1: those pesky hormones

And we all thought we are done with having problems caused by them! Apparently, they still have a last attack. Experts still can’t pinpoint the main reason why our oil glands are more prone to breakouts because of hormonal shifts in this age line. Unfortunately, these up and down hormonal shifts are the main culprit in adult acne. But fortunately, there’s an easy cure for these shifts and that is the common birth control pill. But take note that this is not applicable to you if you are pregnant. For stubborn and hard to kill zits, you may also use medication that has the ingredient retinoids that can help unclog those pores. If still doesn’t work then it’s high time to up your ammunition. Use antibiotics (may be topical or even oral) to reduce the swelling.

Adult Acne Source Number 2: stress

Stress is also a major source of adult acne. But we can’t help it, can we? Our world is full of stress inducing situation and things that it is already a part of our daily lives. We have bills to pay, kids to feed and a house to clean. So much stress we endure in a day that it results to the dreaded adult acne. This happens because stress triggers the body to secrete cortisol that results in the secretion of more hormones thus resulting to zits. So what do we do when the bump pops? Relax! Do some de-stressing. Go on a vacation or just spend a day doing nothing. Eat right, sleep right and do your exercise routine regularly. If your darn acne are still there after doing these things for a month or two then it is high time to see your dermatologist for some treatment and prescription.

Adult Acne Source Number 3: Daily Grooming Products

It is a fact that as we grow older we tend to become more vain especially in our twenties to thirties when we are still finding our ideal mate. We tend to use a lot of products to make ourselves more attractive to the opposite sex. Unfortunately, this only results to adult acne as these products tend to block pores which can result to zits erupting like crazy in our pretty little faces. How ironic, isn’t it? We bought and used these products to make ourselves more pretty only to have these little craters embed in our face. So what to do? Simplify! You don’t need all these products to make yourself pretty. Just use basics like moisturizer, cleanser and sun block. Purchase cosmetics that are noncomedogenic and make sure that they are oil free especially your moisturizer. And always remember your acne 101: do not touch your face or rest your pretty little chin in your grubby little hands!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Adult Acne Information

A common misconception about acne is that it only afflicts teens and people in the adolescent age group. However the truth is that a large number of adults do suffer from it. This leads to physical, psychological and social effects on persons suffering from acne.

This effects can be long-lasting and cause problems. With adults, acne leaves behind permanent and ugly scars since as the skin ages and loses collagen, it takes longer for the scars to heal.

It may be hard to diagnose psychological effects due to common misconceptions that accompany them. For instance it would be logical to say that the psychological effects of adult acne is easier to deal with since the person has matured and is not prone to teenage tantrums. However in actual reality the psychological effect in adults may be even worse, since this is a condition perceived to be specific to teens.

Nowadays it is easier for adults to seek treatment from dermatologists as acne continues being recognized as a problem not confined only to teens but also to adults. Sales of over-the counter treatments have increased as well as awareness about adult acne.

Research into adult acne has been extensively applied to determine it's causes and effects on older patients. this directly leads to increased awareness about the condition and makes it easier for more people to seek treatment.

Nowadays information about the condition is readily available from the web, medical journals and publication. This means that the public can better understand it and how to combat it. More care is also given to the psychological effects it has on adults. Remember that they, just like teens are affected by people's attitudes towards them and how they are perceived.

In summary, the key to treating this affliction is to understand what causes it.Knowledge about it,and how to treat it's physical manifestation means that the social and psychological problems can be treated as well.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Adult Acne- Causes Of Adult Acne

Acne and adolescence

Most of us believe that acne is for is for teenagers. That is true to a large extent, because the hormonal changes during teenage causes acne. But acne does occur in adults and sometimes it is severe. Find out more about it so that you can prevent it.

Acne in adults- causes

Sometimes many adults who have no acne in their earlier years get acne. It is as if since acne had spared them during adolescence, it comes during the adult years. Hormonal changes during adulthood may cause more sebum production and resultant acne. The hormonal changes may be due to pregnancy in women, birth control pills etc. Some athletes and others take anabolic steroids to build their body. That can cause adult acne. Medicines such as lithium, medications for tuberculosis etc. can also cause adult acne. You will need to talk to your doctor and find out if any medicine is the cause.

Acne Mechanica

If you carry some object, or wear very tight clothing of synthetic material in such a way that causes pressure and friction on the same place for long, you may get acne during adult years.


Working with chlorinated solvents can cause acne. It is called chloraacne.

Acne in adults- treatment

Adult acne is more difficult to treat than the acne that occurs during adolescent years. Please follow your doctors prescription regularly and get rid of adult acne, otherwise it will not only affect you psychologically but also cause life long scars.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Adult Acne - Frustrating Problem With No Easy Answers

What are the reasons that more and more adults are suffering from acne?

That’s probably related to the more varied and volatile hormone changes that accompany the adult physiology and lifestyle. Also, subtle early pre-menopausal changes in estrogen and testosterone may contribute.

Women are subject to more stress than perhaps at any other time in history. There are more concrete demands and more mixed messages demanding personal and professional perfection. The price is often physical and emotional exhaustion and emotional stress. How is it possible for the skin to not respond badly as well?

The final basic “cause” of adult acne is the same, abnormal response of the follicle lining cells to androgens. However, there are many more potential and identifiable causes in women, i.e. hormone medications, menses, pregnancy, personal care, etc.

The following regimen is one which is typically recommended to varying degrees of adult acne:

- Non-comedogenic soaps, cosmetics, etc. Many skin cleansers, make-up, etc. actually leave residues which block pores, and can make acne worse. The products which are used should state that they do not exacerbate acne. Some have recommended a very inexpensive, "natural" topical antibiotic. Placing 1 tsp. of essence of lemon oil (found at supermarkets) in to 4 ounces (120 cc) of liquid soap. This is used for cleansing the skin - essence of lemon has antibacterial properties.

- Topical antibiotics: several antibiotics (esp. tetracycline types, erythromycin, clindamycin, etc..) are prescribed for adult acne twice daily. They usually come in a "roll-on" type bottle.

- Topical Vitamin-A acid (e.g.. Retin-A): cause peeling of the superficial layer of the skin to lessen new comedone formation. Quite effective. Face gets "raw" if use to much. Must use a sunscreen. Takes 4-6 weeks of consistent use to attain benefit.

- Facial cleansing: people with adult acne usually have very clean skin because attention they give to this area.

- UV light therapy: should be done with great care and under the supervision of a dermatologist.

- Oral antibiotics: tetracylines or erythromycin are most commonly given by mouth for moderate to severe acne in adult. More expensive antibiotics are not necessarily any better than plain tetracycline. Tetracyclines work very well, however because they can discolor new bone formation, they are contra-indicated in youth who have not completed their permanent teeth, as well as pregnant and nursing females.

- Isotretinoin (Accutane) is indicated in only the severest adult acne cases. It is highly effective at reducing sebum production, comedone formation, inflammation, etc. However, it can cause severe birth defects if taken while pregnant and runs the risk of toxicity, requiring certain laboratory monitoring prior to and during therapy. It usually needs to be taken for at least 20 weeks. All other adult acne therapy is stopped while on isotretinoin.

In general, it’s not how you wash, what you eat, what you drink, or impure thoughts. The over-the-counter, television, and internet “miracle cures” are too good to be true. REALLY. You need real therapy that can clear your skin.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Adult Acne - Causes and Cures

What causes this condition that seems to chip away at the very foundations of self esteem with an almost malevolent intent? The myth is that once teenagers cross the threshold from adolescence into adulthood, the anguish caused by acne will be permanently left behind. The reality is that there is no guarantee that adulthood will offer the safe, acne-free haven that so many teens long for. Statistics indicate that 25% of the male population is plagued at some point by adult acne, while 50% of females will similarly find themselves contending with the condition as adults.

It seems that no one is exempt. Infant acne can appear on the faces babies who are only three or four weeks old, or even on the faces of newborns. Since so many are afflicted - adult and child alike - there's an obvious need for real information on acne skin care that cuts through all the myths and separates fact from fiction.

Let’s begin at the beginning.

Sebum is the natural oil produced by the skin's sebaceous glands. For reasons that aren't fully understood, the pores of the skin can become plugged with sebum, and once plugged, bacteria and dead cells can become trapped in the pores, resulting in the lesions common to acne. Acne can be defined as a condition describing blocked skin pores that result in lesions.

The most common lesions are called comedones. There are two basic varieties of comedones: ‘white heads’ and ‘black heads’. A white head is an occluded pore that has begun to bulge outward from the skin due to dead skin cells, bacteria, and other contaminants that have become trapped inside. This bulging dome shape often assumes a white appearance. Black heads are simply comedones that have opened, exposing the dark follicle mass inside. Acne comedones are often referred to colloquially as "zits" or "pimples."

Microcomedones are a less common form of acne lesion, sometimes referred to as papules. These are basically small comedones that form from localized cellular reactions to the processes that cause acne. They usually occur in clusters and are sometimes too small to see. They can be felt as a series of little bumps along the skin surface.

In more severe forms of acne, cysts, pustules and nodules and can form.

A pustule is like a normal comedone, but larger due to a higher amount of dead white cells, or pus, trapped inside the plugged sebaceous follicle.

Nodules are a more severe form of papules, extending deeper into the skin tissue and resulting in large raised legions that are usually inflamed and painful to touch.

Finally, cysts are very large fluid filled sacs that can result from pustules or nodules.

Though none of these forms of acne are dangerous or life threatening, they can leave scars and are sometimes very disfiguring.

What causes acne? This is a question that scientists and doctors still haven’t been able to completely agree upon. Today, most theories seem to point to a combination of factors that include genetics, hormone changes, and stress. For years it was thought that diet was a strong component to acne, but most evidence today suggests that hormones and stress are more likely to be the culprits.

Almost everyone will have some form of acne in their lives. Most people suffer from outbreaks of acne during their teenage years. These outbreaks are associated with hormone changes that occur during puberty. It is equally common to men and women, and usually outbreaks appear on the face. However, acne can strike at any stage in adult life, and outbreaks can appear not only on the face, but on the back, neck, arms and legs.

The good news is that the situation regarding acne and acne skin care is by no means hopeless. Acne treatment exists. And while it might not be realistic to expect some sort of magical acne cure, there are ways to effectively tackle the problem. Once you can find easy to implement acne tips and information at websites like, there's a good possibility you'll be able to minimize your breakouts or avoid them altogether.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Adult Acne: Nothing To Be Embarrassed About!

Adult Acne is not something to feel embarrassed about. Though the general notion is that acne and pimple outbreaks are for prepubertal and teenaged populations, adult acne is not unusual. A majority of adults, who were lucky to be 'acne free' during their teenage years and who saw the desperation of their peers trying to combat acne, feel mortified when they find that just when they assumed they were free of acne for ever, they have become afflicted by adult acne.

Most of the adults are confused and embarrassed. They wonder, isn't acne an adolescent problem? But the truth remains that adult acne is more widespread than imagined. Statistics show that in the United States alone, nearly 40% of all acne cure products are purchased and used by adult acne sufferers.

What is the reason behind adult acne? Well. It is not one but many. However, the most universally attributed cause, that of bad personal hygiene, is a myth. Nearly all acne cases even adult acne, are a direct consequence of blocked pores on the skin or hormonal imbalances. Faulty closing of facial hair ducts or infection of the oil glands are a probable cause of adult acne.

The good news is that acne can be cured to a greater or lesser degree. The bad news is that most adults, in their zeal to overcome the embarrassment of an adult acne outbreak, try the first remedy they can lay their hands on from their neighborhood drugstore. Little do they think that this could do more harm than good to their acne problem. The remedies found over the counter cater to acne problems of the majority of the younger populations. These medications and remedies might not have the potency or the capacity to deal with adult acne because the reasons of which may vary to a great degree.

Adult acne demands tougher remedies despite the fact that adult acne is no different from regular acne. So what should be the first step to cure adult acne? A good idea is to consult the dermatologist to determine the underlying cause of what caused adult acne. The next step after the diagnosis is done is to use simple prescription drugs to eradicate the acne problem forever.

However, there is one important piece of advice. All adult acne sufferers need not be embarrassed about their problem. Like I stated above, adult acne is commoner than imagined. So which option do you feel is better? To make that one visit to the dermatologist to do away with your acne problem or to spend a fortune at the local pharmacist in trying to find the elixir for acne in addition to the fear and worry that comes with it? Think about it. The choice is yours.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Adult Acne – How To Deal With It

Acne is common in teenage and during pregnancy, when it occurs on adults it is a very stressful situation for them, as the society does not approve acne or adults. Some adults feel so embarrassed that they want to hide acne from other people’s sight. Studies have shown some growing evidence on acne, that it can be a hereditary disease too apart from occurring due to hormonal imbalances. It is due to oil production and mismanagement of dead cells exfoliation. Acne lesions in adults are normally seen on the face, but might also occur anytime on the chest, neck, back, scalp, legs, upper arms and even shoulders. Adult acne is very persistent when compared to teen acne, as acne seen in teens subsides over time when the hormones get adjusted. Another major drawback of adult acne is that it leads to permanent scarring.

Key Factors That Contribute to adult acne:

Hormones are considered as the main culprit and mainly cause skin eruptions or outbreak of acne. But, has anyone thought about the organs that produce the hormones? The actual fact is that the kidneys, liver and skin are the important organs involved in eliminating impurities and waste particles from the body, if anyone of the organs does not work properly and does not eliminate waste out the body, it might result in acne in adults. Acne or the skin eruption is the first symptom of failure these organs are facing. To facilitate the elimination of waste from body water is very important, when water is taken in good quantities the bowels are cleared and the blood too gets rid of its toxic elements. If water content decreases the skin might not do its function of eliminating wastes, or the lungs might not be able to oxygenize the blood due to the impurities of air is breathed and retained in it. Hence, the factors for acne may be air, food, emotional stress, water etc.

Natural adult acne treatments:

The wastes from the body should be eliminated properly to facilitate it the person should be exposed to pure air, water, natural food habits and, foods rich in antioxidants. A natural face wash made up of clean, warm water with lemon juice can be used to pamper the skin. The lemon has the ability to reduce oil from the skin, hence minimizing acne in adults. Fiber rich food helps in the removal of toxins and wastes from the body by facilitating the bowel movements. Also when using cosmetic products, care needs to be taken not to use oil-based cosmetics.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

Adrenal Fatigue occurs when your adrenal glands - 2 small glands that sit on top of your kidneys - become overworked and depleted. Your adrenal glands are responsible for handling the stresses of your daily life, whether that be physical stress, emotional stress, or psychological stress.

When your adrenal glands become overworked, they cannot keep up with the stresses of your everyday life. You then start to manifest the symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

Note that just because you have one or two of the symptoms of adrenal insufficiency does not mean that you have adrenal fatigue. However if you find you have the majority of these symptoms then you may want to investigate further.

You'll want to learn some of the common causes of adrenal fatigue to see if you can identify with any of these causes in your own life. You'll also want to see your doctor for a full medical workup and diagnosis of adrenal fatigue.

Here are the key symptoms of adrenal fatigue:

You're Tired For No Explainable Reason

People with adrenal fatigue experience extreme physical exhaustion and they don't have an explanation as to why (such as a strenuous workout). This isn't just everyday tiredness it is extreme exhaustion.

You Gain Weight Easily - Especially Around the Middle

People with adrenal fatigue often notice they gain weight very easily. They especially notice the extra weight around the middle - and it's very hard to lose it.

You Have Difficulty Rising In The Morning

Those with adrenal fatigue often find they feel tired when getting up in the morning - even with a full night's sleep. They often need stimulants like caffeine and sugar to 'get going' both in the morning and throughout the day.

You're More Susceptible To Flus and Colds

If you have adrenal fatigue, you may notice that you seem to be catching every flu and cold that comes within 10 feet of you. You'll also notice that it seems harder for your body to bounce back from illness.

You Often Feel Overwhelmed and Run Down

People with adrenal insufficiency often feel run down and overwhelmed with the tasks they have to accomplish. They may feel as if they can't keep up and do it all. (This can lead to other symptoms like depression and social withdrawal)

You May Crave Salty or Sweet Snacks

This may include high protein snacks like meat or cheese. Some people with adrenal fatigue can have an increased craving for salt. You might also notice an intense craving for sweets and fast carbs like donuts, chocolate bars, pastries, ice cream etc.

You Feel Better In A Less Stressful Environment

Many people with adrenal insufficiency feel better when on vacation. Their symptoms may even clear up entirely but then return when they go back to their normal lives.

You Are Troubled By 'Brain Fog' or Inability to Concentrate

This may include things like the inability to remember certain details, appointments, etc. This may also include a feeling of confusion or difficulty concentrating.

Increased PMS For Women

Women with adrenal disorder may find their periods become heavier and/or irregular. They may also notice increased PMS mood swings and/or food cravings.

Those are several key symptoms of adrenal fatigue. Other symptoms include:

Lightheadedness/Low Blood Pressure

Tendency to Tremble When Under Pressure

Reduced Sex Drive

Heart Palpitations

Nervousness/Raw Nerves

Poor Digestion

Feel Most Energetic in the Evening

Extremely Senstive To Cold

If you can identify with the majority of these adrenal fatigue symptoms you may want to read about the causes of adrenal fatigue to see if you can identify with any of them in your own personal life. You'll also want to see your doctor for more tests and a complete diagnosis.

Adrenal fatigue can be overcome and you can feel better. Listen to your body, cut back on stress and treat yourself well.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Adrenal Fatigue And How To Beat It.

Your adrenal glands are two tiny pyramid-shaped pieces of tissue situated right above each kidney. Their job is to produce and release, when appropriate, certain regulatory hormones and chemical messengers.

Adrenaline is manufactured in the interior of the adrenal gland, called the adrenal medulla. Cortisol, the other chemical from the adrenal gland, is made in the exterior portion of the gland, called the adrenal cortex. The cortex also secretes androgens, estrogens, and progestins. Cortisol, commonly called hydrocortisone, is the most abundant -- and one of the most important -- of many adrenal cortex hormones. Cortisol helps you handle longer-term stress situations.

In addition to helping you handle stress, these two primary adrenal hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, along with others similarly produced, help control body fluid balance, blood pressure, blood sugar, and other central metabolic functions.

In the heightened nervous state of adrenal burnout, the body overproduces adrenaline, cortisol and other stress hormones. Constant stress and poor nutrition can weaken the adrenal glands. Eventually, this causes the adrenal glands, the front line in the stress reaction, to show wear and tear and become depleted. This frequently leads to impairment in the thyroid gland, which can cause a further decline in energy level and mood and is one of the reasons why many people have thyroid glands that don’t work well.

When stress continues over prolonged periods of time, the adrenal glands can deplete the body's hormonal and energy reserves, and the glands may either shrink in size or hypertrophy (enlarge). The overproduction of adrenal hormones caused by prolonged stress can weaken the immune system and inhibit the production of white blood cells that protect the body against foreign invaders (in particular lymphocytes and lymph node function).

Adrenal dysfunction can disrupt the body's blood sugar metabolism, causing weakness, fatigue, and a feeling of being run down. It can also interfere with normal sleep rhythms and produce a wakeful, unrelaxing sleep state, making a person feel worn out even after a full night's sleep.

Common Causes of Adrenal Stress

• Anger
• Fear / Worry /Anxiety
• Depression
• Guilt
• Overwork/ physical or mental strain
• Excessive exercise
• Sleep deprivation
• Light-cycle disruption
• Going to sleep late
• Surgery
• Trauma/injury
• Chronic inflammation
• Chronic infection
• Chronic pain
• Temperature extremes
• Toxic exposure
• Malabsorption
• Maldigestion
• Chronic illness
• Chronic-severe allergies
• Hypogycemia
• Nutritional deficiencies

Testing for Adrenal Health

In order to determine the health of your adrenal glands you need to have a simple blood, urine, or saliva test such as the Adrenal Stress Index performed through your practitioner. Cortisol levels can be checked by blood in the morning or throughout the day by a saliva test. DHEA, and Epinephrine, are some other indicators of adrenal function.The information provided by testing can help to determine the most appropriate type of treatment.

Associated Symptoms and Consequences of Impaired Adrenal Functioning

• Low body temperature
• Weakness
• Unexplained hair loss
• Nervousness
• Difficulty building muscle
• Irritability
• Mental depression
• Difficulty gaining weight
• Apprehension
• Hypoglycemia
• Inability to concentrate
• Excessive hunger
• Tendency towards inflammation
• Moments of confusion
• Indigestion
• Poor memory
• Feelings of frustration
• Alternating diarrhea and constipation
• Osteoporosis
• auto-immune diseases/hepatitis
• Lightheadedness
• Palpitations [heart fluttering]
• Dizziness that occurs upon standing
• Poor resistance to infections
• Low blood pressure
• Insomnia
• Food and/or inhalant allergies
• Craving for sweets
• Dry and thin skin
• Headaches
• Scanty perspiration
• Alcohol intolerance


Lifestyle changes such as:

Eating steadily, all day long. Skipping meals is one of the worst things you can do for your body. When you're hungry, your blood sugar drops, stressing your adrenal glands and triggering your sympathetic nervous system. That causes light-headedness, cravings, anxiety and fatigue. Another drawback to skipping meals: The resulting low blood sugar can affect your ability to think clearly and shorten your attention span.

Skipping breakfast is particularly bad, as it is a sure fire way to gain, not lose, weight. If you start each morning with a good breakfast and "graze" healthfully every two to four hours, your blood sugar will remain steady throughout the day. You'll feel more rested and energetic.

Eat protein with every meal. Eat Complex carbohydrates such as brown rice. Avoid sugar, junk food, white pasta, white rice, white bread.

Absolutely NO Caffeine. Coffee/Sodas over stimulates your adrenals and they deplete important B vitamins.
Coffee does not give you energy; coffee gives you the illusion of energy. Coffee actually drains the body of energy and makes you more tired, because of vitamin and adrenal depletion.

Exercise to relax. Walking, Yoga, deep breathing, meditation, or stretching. No vigorous or aerobic exercise, which depletes the adrenals.

Avoid alcohol, processed foods, and tobacco. Nicotine in tobacco initially raises cortisol levels, but chronic use results in low DHEA, testosterone, and progesterone levels.

Reduce stress; learn relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation.

Helpful Supplements
The use of small amounts of natural adrenal hormone (hydrocortisone) to bring slightly low adrenal function up to its proper normal daily range is often helpful.
Take a daily multivitamin to provide nutritional support to the adrenal gland.
Vitamin C 1,000-3,000 mg a day
L-Theanine 100-400 mg a day
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) 300 mg a day
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), no more than 1000 mg of glycyrrhizin

Friday, June 15, 2012

Adrenal Fatigue and How to Beat It

Your adrenal glands are two tiny pyramid-shaped pieces of tissue situated right above each kidney. Their job is to produce and release, when appropriate, certain regulatory hormones and chemical messengers.

Adrenaline is manufactured in the interior of the adrenal gland, called the adrenal medulla. Cortisol, the other chemical from the adrenal gland, is made in the exterior portion of the gland, called the adrenal cortex. The cortex also secretes androgens, estrogens, and progestins. Cortisol, commonly called hydrocortisone, is the most abundant -- and one of the most important -- of many adrenal cortex hormones. Cortisol helps you handle longer-term stress situations.

In addition to helping you handle stress, these two primary adrenal hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, along with others similarly produced, help
control body fluid balance, blood pressure, blood sugar, and other central metabolic functions.

In the heightened nervous state of adrenal burnout, the body overproduces adrenaline, cortisol and other stress hormones. Constant stress and poor nutrition can weaken the adrenal glands. Eventually, this causes the adrenal glands, the front line in the stress reaction, to show wear and tear and become depleted. This frequently leads to impairment in the thyroid gland, which can cause a further decline in energy level and mood and is one of the reasons why many people have thyroid glands that don’t work well.

When stress continues over prolonged periods of time, the adrenal glands can deplete the body's hormonal and energy reserves, and the glands may either shrink in size or hypertrophy (enlarge). The overproduction of adrenal hormones caused by prolonged stress can weaken the immune system and inhibit the production of white blood cells that protect the body against foreign invaders (in particular lymphocytes and lymph node function).

Adrenal dysfunction can disrupt the body's blood sugar metabolism, causing weakness, fatigue, and a feeling of being run down. It can also interfere with normal sleep rhythms and produce a wakeful, unrelaxing sleep state, making a person feel worn out even after a full night's sleep.

Common Causes of Adrenal Stress

• Anger
• Fear / Worry /Anxiety
• Depression
• Guilt
• Overwork/ physical or mental strain
• Excessive exercise
• Sleep deprivation
• Light-cycle disruption
• Going to sleep late
• Surgery
• Trauma/injury
• Chronic inflammation
• Chronic infection
• Chronic pain
• Temperature extremes
• Toxic exposure
• Malabsorption
• Maldigestion
• Chronic illness
• Chronic-severe allergies
• Hypogycemia
• Nutritional deficiencies

Testing for Adrenal Health
In order to determine the health of your adrenal glands you need to have a simple blood, urine, or saliva test such as the Adrenal Stress Index performed by your practitioner. Cortisol levels can be checked throughout the day by saliva or in the am by blood. DHEA, and Epinephrine, are some other indicators of adrenal function. The information provided by testing can help to determine the most appropriate type of treatment.

Associated Symptoms and Consequences of Impaired Adrenal Functioning

• Low body temperature
• Weakness
• Unexplained hair loss
• Nervousness/Panic Attacks
• Difficulty building muscle
• Irritability
• Mental depression
• Difficulty gaining weight
• Apprehension
• Hypoglycemia
• Inability to concentrate
• Excessive hunger
• Tendency towards inflammation
• Moments of confusion
• Indigestion
• Poor memory
• Feelings of frustration
• Alternating diarrhea and constipation
• Osteoporosis
• Auto-immune diseases/hepatitis
• Lightheadedness
• Palpitations [heart fluttering]
• Dizziness that occurs upon standing
• Poor resistance to infections
• Low blood pressure
• Insomnia
• Food and/or inhalant allergies
• Craving for sweets
• Dry and thin skin
• Headaches
• Scanty perspiration
• Alcohol intolerance


Lifestyle changes such as:
Eating steadily, all day long. Skipping meals is one of the worst things you can do for your body. When you're hungry, your blood sugar drops, stressing your adrenal glands and triggering your sympathetic nervous system. That causes light-headedness, cravings, anxiety and fatigue. Another drawback to skipping meals: The resulting low blood sugar can affect your ability to think clearly and shorten your attention span.

Skipping breakfast is particularly bad, as it is a sure fire way to gain, not lose, weight. If you start each morning with a good breakfast and "graze" healthfully every two to four hours, your blood sugar will remain steady throughout the day. You'll feel more rested and energetic. Eat protein with every meal. Eat Complex carbohydrates such as brown rice. Avoid sugar, junk food, white pasta, white rice, white bread.

Absolutely NO Caffeine. Coffee/Sodas over stimulates your adrenals and they deplete important B vitamins.
Coffee does not give you energy; coffee gives you the illusion of energy. Coffee actually drains the body of energy and makes you more tired, because of vitamin and adrenal depletion.

Exercise to relax. Walking, Yoga, deep breathing, meditation, or stretching. No vigorous or aerobic exercise, which depletes the adrenals.

Avoid alcohol, processed foods, and tobacco. Nicotine in tobacco initially raises cortisol levels, but chronic use results in low DHEA, testosterone, and progesterone levels.

Reduce stress; learn relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, progressive muscle relaxation.

Helpful Supplements
The use of small amounts of natural adrenal hormone (hydrocortisone) to bring slightly low adrenal function up to its proper normal daily range is often helpful.
Take a daily multivitamin to provide nutritional support to the adrenal gland.
Vitamin C 1,000-3,000 mg a day
L-Theanine 100-400 mg a day
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) 300 mg a day
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), no more than 1000 mg of glycyrrhizin

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Adopt Correct Postures To Get Rid Of Back Pain

Back pain can affect an individual in many ways. Apart from the sheer physical discomfort of not being able to sit, stand, walk or even move a few steps conveniently, there are even deeper and more sinister results of back pain. Many a time, back pain has a telling effect on one’s nerves, and the irritated back pain sufferer makes life miserable for his family, friends, and his boss. This latter result can even have deep repercussions on the person’s career prospects. In short, the emotional well-being of the all the people around the back pain sufferer are made victims of back pain inconvenience.

So what then is the cause of such a nagging inconvenience?

The answer is a simple one: poor posture. In other words, the way you stand or sit or even lie down, has a great part in bringing up the back pain. If you slouch, stretch or jerk your movements suddenly, you are directly inviting back pain. The back muscles suffer a strain due to poor posture. In more critical cases back pain might be linked with subsidiary symptoms like sprain, ligament pain, and joints pain. In the most severe cases, back pain might also be due to a slipped disk. Thus the causes of back pain are numerous.

In addition to these infrequent incidents, there are other issues that bring about back pain. The commonest of these is lifting of weights. In homes and work places, we tend to lift heavy pieces of furniture in a bid to re-arrange the place. While all this might bring about a change and may even lead to convenience of life, the task, if performed suddenly, can lead to back pain. As the body is not used to lifting heavy furniture, one tends to position oneself inadequately so that the weight is not properly distributed. And the task results in a slipped disk or some linked problems that may then bring about acute episodes of back pain.

In cases of slipped disk that usually result from such careless movements, the need to be vigilant is even more pronounced. Usually a slipped disk results when one is lifting the furniture item on re-twists one’s body from the top of the waist rather than from below the waist. This results on the onset of a spasm. Indeed in the acute cases of back pain, one is even confined to bed rest.

When the back pain becomes unbearable and exercise is not possible as the spasm is acute, one can try a simple posture-correction routine. By lying on one’s back on a hard floor and lifting one leg at a time, up to the chest, one can provide the much needed relief from back pain. Pillows should be placed below the knees and the entire task should be performed slowly and carefully so that the body does not suffer from twinges of pain, while being relieved of it. In this way, the root cause of the disease will come to light and thereafter the steps to improve the back muscles will make you less prone to back pain. You can also make these steps as a part of your daily exercise routine.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Adjustable Beds to Relieve Your Back Pain

Adjustable beds by their very existence as mechanical marvels of design and function are perfectly adapted to alleviate many different symptoms associated with varied conditions that lead to back pain. If you suffer from lower back pain, your condition may be the result of a multitude of causes, many of which the sufferer has no clue as to how they got them in the first place.

The causes associated with back pain include muscle spasm or sprains, ligament sprains, joint problems or a slipped disk. Actual physical disability from instances such as work related accidents are another well-known cause of back pain. In all these instances, an adjustable bed can help alleviate your sore aching back. Why can an adjustable bed help you? You do not have to take my word for it. I am not a medical expert. But I do know how to quote them.

Through my research, I have found that medical experts advise that the best way to ease back pain is to position yourself with your back on the floor, with pillows under your knees, hips and knees bent, with your feet raised on a chair. Now imagine yourself in that position. Looks rather awkward, doesn’t it. Can you imagine doing this every time your back begins to act up? Now imagine yourself, if you can, in an adjustable bed perfectly aligned to provide the same comforting relief. Looks a lot better on an adjustable bed than on the floor, doesn’t it

There are other tips from medical advisors on relieving back pain. Heating pads are recommended to relax painful muscle spasms and medications such as Motrin, Aleve, Aspirin, Orudis and Tylenol, also reduce pain and swelling. Once again, an adjustable bed can help you!

Some adjustable beds, more notably electric adjustable beds, come equipped with soothing heating units built in. Some electric adjustable beds even have a vibrating feature to massage away that nagging sore back. As far as any relief you may get from taking medications, the adjustable bed manufacturers haven’t come up with anything to replace them yet. You will just have to place them on your night table next to your adjustable bed.

Adjustable beds come in a multitude of different shapes and sizes, models and types to fit most any budget. There are basic, hand operated adjustable beds, basic electric adjustable beds that elevate and configure themselves at the push of a button on a remote control unit, to the top of the line, everything you could ever want in an adjustable bed, electric adjustable bed. This type of electric adjustable bed will have all the bells and whistles and awe inspiring electronic gizmos, but will also carry a hefty price tag. But if you can afford it, go for it. After all, it’s your back that’s hurting.

For more serious back conditions as in the case of a person with a debilitating physical impairment, getting a hospital adjustable bed would be advisable. These adjustable beds are constructed far more sturdily in order to continual use in an acute care situation. If you find that an adjustable bed is just a little too pricy for you, there is an alternative and I don’t mean lying on the floor with your feet propped up on a chair.

If the price of the adjustable beds you like is out of your reach, you can always look for a good, used, cheap adjustable bed. I wont go into the details of how to get your hands on one of these cheap adjustable beds, other than to say that there are articles available that go into the specifics. Getting a good, used adjustable bed at a good price is not as hard as you may think.

One thing to remember, regardless of which adjustable bed you finally decide to buy, you will need a new adjustable bed mattress to go along with it. A mattress from an average flat bed will not fit or function properly on an adjustable bed. Just as with adjustable beds, there are varying degrees of quality, materials and prices associated with adjustable bed mattresses.

So, in closing, I say, let the shopping begin. You’ll only have your back to thank you, but it will be well worth it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Adjustable Beds - Not Just For the Elderly!

In an ever increasing market for the ultimate Sleep System, most people still believe that the Adjustable Bed which was originally used in Hospitals and Homes for the Elderly are still that. A bed that can help the elderly in and out of bed! Although they are extremely helpful in these situations, they can also be very important for anybody in today’s lifestyle.

Now any sincere knowledgeable mattress salesman won’t push the watching TV or reading in bed, it’s not something that we should recommend. But with today’s lifestyles, this has become a normal way of life for some people. Sitting in bed watching TV, working to make the big deadline is OK, if that’s your choice. But propping up two pillows every 3 minutes is probably not doing any good to your back or any other part of your body for that matter. If this sounds like you, maybe your next mattress purchase should have an adjustable base as well.

There are many “side affects” from poor sleep and sleep habits that might also be a clue for you to check out the benefits of the adjustable bed. Some of the health issues are back problems, neck and shoulder pain, arthritis, circulatory problems, gastric reflux at night, snoring, breathing problems. Not only does an adjustable bed provide serious convenience with regards to helping people in and out of bed but there are many health benefits that can be taken advantage of for anyone.

Tossing and turning at night on their mattress is the most common reason that people don't sleep well at night. The main reason people toss and turn at night is pressure points; traditional coil and spring mattresses put pressure on different areas of your body causing restricted circulation to those areas, when your body becomes uncomfortable you turn to a new position. Another reason for tossing and turning is improper spinal alignment. All traditional mattresses are flat but our bodies are curved, the traditional mattress fails to offer the lumbar region enough support often allowing your lower back and hips to sink below the rest of your body. This causes pressure and discomfort in that area which causes your body to turn to a new position.

Adjustable sleep systems offer you several great benefits. Obviously, the adjustable base is only that, an adjustable base. To get all the benefits out of your adjustable base you need the proper mattress to work with it. Together they can create a totally pressure free environment while you sleep. Many studies have been done with the space program; the best known is the creation of memory foam. But there is more that was learned from the way astronauts sleep in space. Well our astronauts sleep in a totally pressure free environment experience all the time, floating in space. In studying the way astronauts sleep in space we have discovered a few interesting things. First off, their heads stay slightly elevated allowing for easier breathing. Secondly and probably more importantly, we see that their knees naturally bend and elevate slightly above the heart. This position takes pressure off the spine and allows for increased blood flow to the heart.

Only an adjustable bed can mimic this extremely comfortable and healthy position. Keeping your body in our natural sleep position reduces the pressure on your skeletal frame more than 85% ensuring you will get the deepest most restful sleep possible.

What to Look For

An adjustable sleep system consists of two parts, the base and the mattress.

The Base: There are really two types of adjustable beds, the commercial model used in Hospitals and regular consumer models. The commercial product is very heavy duty and usually has rails on the sides to help someone pull themselves up. These models are extremely expensive and are not very esthetically pleasing for home use, unless your health requires it.

- Concentrate on the frame construction; you want the heavy duty construction with the look of an elegant piece of furniture. Preferably, a regular box spring appearance giving you the ability to dress it how you like it.
- Look for quality motors at the “head and foot.” Make sure they are UL Listed and CSA approved. Preferably a Freefall Design so the head and foot sections lower by gravity only, this will ensure the motor gets extended life. Also ensure that it’s equipped with insulated rubber wheels for smooth, quiet operation.
- A Polarized “Modular” electrical system is the way to go as it ensures you won’t have any stray wires and with the plug-in feature makes service a snap.
- Look for at least a 50 degree incline at “both head and foot”, 60 degrees is optimal.
- Make sure the legs have threaded glides allowing you to adjust the height of the bed to your liking.
- Now depending on your preference, make sure there’s the availability of a massager. I don’t know about you but I like the massager, it provides that little bit extra pampering you need at the end of some days. Some brands you have no choice, either you get it and pay for it or you can’t get it. Having a choice is always nice.
- Same goes for the remote, it’s nice to have the choice between wired or wireless.

The Mattress: Your mattress is the single most important component of any bed, adjustable or not, even if your foundation was the corner of 4th and Main. The proper mattress should provide the proper support, pressure relief and spinal alignment even in this situation.

- Many companies only offer coil and spring mattresses with their adjustable bases. This is not exactly the best case scenario. The coil and spring mattresses are not very pliable and don't really work well with an adjustable base and often need replacing every five years.
- There are other very luxurious choices “at a fraction of the price” that you would benefit from with use of your adjustable base. All are designed to offer you pressure relief, proper spinal alignment and a more breathable sleep surface. Air Mattress Beds work well with the adjustable base when they are equipped with horizontal chambers, the chambers follow the contour of the bed nicely. Although this works well, it’s still not the optimal choice.
- Try looking at a Memory Foam or Latex mattress, these mattresses are made from highly specialized foams and are more durable and pliable than coils and springs, as a result they will work in unison with the adjustable base to provide you with the ultimate adjustable sleep experience. Not to mention your mattress will most probably last for its intended life and these foam mattresses can go for twenty years.
- The final tip is to stay away from the deal that promises, “Mattress Included” rarely does this mean your getting any quality in the mattress they’re giving you. Just “FOAM” doesn’t mean Memory or Latex foam; check it out to make sure.

So depending on your lifestyle or if your health dictates (I hope this isn’t the case) check out all the health and convenience benefits of a quality adjustable bed, but don’t forget the “quality” mattress!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Adherence With Oral Meds-An Issue In Breast Cancer "Drugs don't work in patients who don't take them."

In the battle against breast cancer, patients are increasingly prescribed oral medications, such as hormonal therapy, to limit the risk of disease recurrence. Research has indicated that patients should stay on these drugs for five years to gain maximum benefits.

But recently, the healthcare community has started to ask a question once limited to managing common colds, not cancer: Do breast cancer patients take their medications as prescribed?

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 200,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed every year in the U.S. Of those, approximately 100,000 have cancer types that are likely to respond to hormonal therapy. Taking the therapy as prescribed for the full five years can reduce their risk of recurrence.

Easier Said than Done

Based on findings from a recent symposium on medication adherence among breast cancer patients, candidates for hormonal therapy-some 500,000 women in the U.S.-may not be reaping the full benefits of their drug regimens. According to some research studies, non-compliance rates have reached as high as 40 percent.

The Symposium, called the Compliance Strategic Initiative (CSI), addressed issues that lead to medication non-compliance among breast cancer patients, and it identified possible solutions to these issues. Representatives from leading patient advocacy organizations and professional healthcare associations, as well as oncology experts and survivors from across the nation, gathered to share their perspectives. The CSI was led by a Steering Committee which included representatives from the American Cancer Society, CancerCare, the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP), and Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization.

"Through research, we know that five years of adjuvant hormonal therapy in women with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer prolongs survival and reduces recurrence," said D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD, associate chairman of the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project. "And yet, studies also show that not all patients stay on hormonal therapy as prescribed. It is important that healthcare providers understand why women make that decision, so we can address the issue with the information, resources and support needed to help them through this part of their treatment."

Based on results of the meeting, participants gained a better understanding of the factors that contributed to non-compliance. Among those factors: patients often do not feel empowered to talk with their doctors about tough issues, such as side effects; doctors and other healthcare professionals aren't equipped with resources to assist patients in coping with or eliminating side effects; and after their acute phase of treatment, women may often feel they are left to manage therapy on their own. Physicians are under increasing pressures of time and performance and may not always have the skill set to listen well to their patients, or, simply not realize their patients may not be taking their medication. These factors combine to create communication gaps through which compliance issues can fall.

In conclusion, breast oncology advocates and experts who attended the symposium agreed that patient support mechanisms can and must be improved. Healthcare providers and patients each play pivotal roles. Through education and communication, they can begin to take the steps that will help some breast cancer patients reduce their risk of recurrence.

Two in five breast cancer patients don't take their medication properly.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

ADHD Treatments

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and it is a chronic condition that can have a great impact on a child if a child does not get help, or if the right ADHD treatment is not prescribed.

Some of the most common symptoms of ADHD are impulsivity, inappropriate behavior, and hyperactivity. These children have difficulty staying on task and completing projects, which if not identified and treated early can be a huge barrier throughout the school years and eventually on the job. Before there was a diagnosis, these children were just seen as having lots of energy, or were just wild and always getting into trouble. Now that ADHD treatments are available, parents have the option of getting their child help so that they can be more productive in school and have fewer disruptions at home.

Not all parents and professionals agree on what type of ADHD treatment is the best, or if it should be used at all. Some parents feel that it is unnatural to treat a child with prescription medication that could have significant side effects, or otherwise harm the child. Side effects are dose dependent and can be lessened by reducing the dosage or switching to a different medication. Many times behavior modification therapy is not effective on its own, which is why ADHD treatment usually requires use of a stimulant drug. Stimulants have a paradoxical effect on children; these drugs do not increase hyperactivity, which is a normal response in adults, but help the child focus, control behaviors, and improve self-esteem. Stimulants used in ADHD treatment help children to complete tasks, learn more efficiently, and interact more positively with their peers.

Physicians and psychiatrists develop individualized ADHD treatments for each child, because not all experience the same symptoms or have the same level of severity. There can also be other conditions that are present as well, such as mental or physical disorders that need to be addressed in addition to ADHD treatment. Such conditions may have a great impact on how the child responds to therapy, and if not treated simultaneously will tend to slow down progress. There are a number of sites on the internet that discuss ADHD, the symptoms, and how to go about getting help for your child. ADHD treatments and the controversies surrounding them are also discussed in depth. If you suspect your child has ADHD have him or her evaluated by a professional as soon as possible, so that your child can get the treatment he or she needs.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

ADHD Article Help Guide

One of the best things about the Internet and about serious, scholarly, and devoted professional help sites is being able to find the accurate, timely, and truly informative articles related to your search. The ADHD article is among such benefits. While we can find astoundingly apt materials in the bookstore on ADHD (Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder), such as Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundos lifesaving book, or those equally useful works by Thom Hartmann, Shari Holden, and others, the ADHD article is quicker, more easily accessible (online, I mean), and is just as valuable as written by an ADHD specialist, expert, and/or professional.

You can start with the ADHD site or ADHD ezine (online magazine), for example to find almost any ADHD article as it is relevant to you and yours:

*BTE,, offers information and a number of helpful, informative ADHD articles for scholarship and personal use.

*ADDitude magazine is online and by subscription, and has so many practical and realistic ADHD articles for the professional, the student, the parent, and the adult that you will definitely want your own copy! I came by the magazine through the college where I worked, and since then has read every magazine issue cover to cover. I then had to subscribe to resist the sinful temptation of keeping the copies I borrowed.

You will also want to check out the ADHD article databases:

*The absolute premier site for ADHD articles is ADD Consults ( It will take you a little time to figure out how the system is constructed, but once you decide on a subject area, or sub-topic, you will get ADHD articles on everything from ADD strategies to co-morbidity information to ADHD articles about children and adults with ADD. The articles are upscale and professional, clinical, and/or personal, and are a must read! The site is built by Terry Matlin, MSW, ASCW, and features the astoundingly superbly brilliant support of ADHD article writers who are big names in the fieldEdward Hallowell, John J. Ratey, Sari Solden, Thom Hartmann, and Michelle Novotny, to name just a few!

The moment you find the source that is most user-friendly and helpful to you, go ahead and sign up for a free newsletter, one which offers an ADHD article or two weekly or monthly (whenever the newsletter is delivered to your inbox):

*Terry Matlin, ACSW, also offers a newsletter which features an ADHD article, book reviews, and blurbs on many ADHD aids/products for the ADHDer, as I call her or him (as I call myself).

*Breath and Shadow, a monthly (or thereabouts) newsletter put out by ROSC as the Journal of Literature and Disability Culture, is for writers and artists with any or all disabilities, and issues a monthly newsletter with a predetermined theme, but occasionally you might get an ADHD article.

You can find the most relevant, scholarly ADHD articles, or the most personal and still accurate ADHD article written by a non-credentialed individual who is or knows someone who has to put up with the frustrations and challenges as well as special and unique gifts of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a.k.a ADD. Come on, any sites to share with me, anyone?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Adequan Helps To Alleviate The Osteoarthritis

Adequan is an injectable substance, which is very similar to the more conversant oral supplement called ‘glucosamine’. Adequan is also known as ‘polysulfated glycosaminoglycan.’

Adequan has been proven to be specially absorbed by inflamed joints when interjected into the dog’s muscles. It pacifies and lubes the joint, reducing swelling and soreness by repressing friction in a natural way. It also helps to restructure cartilage in the damaged joint. It’s not just pain reliever, its therapy.

In treating inflammation of a joint or joints (arthiritis), injections are given two times a week for at least 4 weeks for a maximum of eight injections. Injections are given intramuscularly to dogs, cats, and horses suffering with arthritis. A human product has freshly joined the market.

Adequan does all this without potential fallouts. To know its possible side effects, a study was conducted on 24 dogs receiving Adequan injections, one dog developed a painful injection site, one developed looseness of the bowels (diarrhea), and one developed abnormal bleeding. All side effects were classified as mild and none of them required any cure.

Some humans who have used Adequan have reported that it burns a little. After injecting, Adequan upsets some dogs’ stomachs for a short time. In very rare cases it can cause low platelets, and this is a condition that is reversed upon discontinuing the drug.

Adequan binds to damaged cartilage and advances cartilage metabolism, easing repair processes. Simultaneously, it blockades the activeness of unhelpful enzymes, which encourage joint inflammation, collapse the synovial fluid, and harass the cartilage. Adequan energizes the synovial tissue layer to fabricate novel synovial juice to reinstate the thin, degraded fluid of joint disease. By doing all this, Adequan helps lubricate, nurture, and clear the cartilage.

Adequan has not been analyzed in pregnant or breastfeeding animals. At first 8-dose series is suggested: 2 mg/lb intramuscularly twice a week for four weeks. Adequan Canine is boxed in 5 mL (100 mg/mL) multidose vials.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Addressing The Fears And Feelings Associated With Weight Loss

It seems a little strange that losing weight can entice feelings of fear. Fear doesn’t seem to have a place in such a constructive process. Usually weight loss is associated with both positive and negative feelings. The positive feelings are more obvious and understandable. You’re feeling better, have more energy, look better, fit in nicer clothes, etc. However, are you aware that negative feelings about your life changing process are also normal?

Weight gain happens for a reason and it’s not all about that familiar hand to mouth motion. It’s not just about food it’s about what is behind the overeating. Smaller weight gains can usually be attributed to just poor eating and exercise habits. However, large weight gain is almost always associated with something much deeper. Gaining weight is camouflage. It allows you to disappear in society, which in turn can make you feel safer. The key is to understand what you were hiding from? Was there a trauma in you life that needs to be addressed?

Conversely, as you begin to understand why you gained the weight, you also need to address your feelings as you succeed at your weight loss efforts. This is a journey that will require time and patience. You may stall and have to restart. You may lose motivation and need assistance to get back on track. You may not fall off the wagon; you may execute a premeditated jump off the wagon. These actions can all be associated with fear.

If this sounds all too familiar, take the time to address these volatile emotions before they take you down. The following pro-active steps can ease the fears and keep you on track.

· Find A Support System. This can be a personal trainer who understands your struggle and is willing to push to keep you on track. The trainer may use motivational techniques or tactics that help you face your fears head on and eliminate the need to self-sabotage your forward motion. Personal Trainers are NOT just for movie stars any more! They are available to the general public. Call your local gym for a referral.

If a personal trainer is not an option, team up with a friend who has succeeded with weight loss and is willing to help you stay on track by exercising with you daily. Share food journals. You will learn as much from your friend’s food journal and your friend will be necessary accountability to keep your eating habits in check.

· Daily Journal Writing. Emotions locked in your mind become bigger and bigger over time which then become nearly impossible to control. Everything starts with a thought! Once you learn to train and manage your thinking you will be able to change your life. Write out your feelings and fears. The mere act of writing helps you to understand why you feel what you feel and releases the negative energy.

· Follow Up With Affirmations. After releasing the negative emotions, follow up with affirmations. It is important to fill the space with a positive turn around. Give your brain something good to dwell on now.

· Take Quiet Time. Often our lives are so busy we don’t have time to breath, much less think. Give yourself 15 minutes a day to sit and let go of the mental stress. This takes more effort than you may think. During these 15 minutes consciously let go of any thoughts that are occupying your mind. Vacuum the mental clutter and empty your mind of all thought. Let your system rest for 15 minutes and you will find that you are more in control of more of your day.

Fear is a normal part of any major life change. Once you understand this you can begin to address this emotion and push past it. Keep that forward motion by challenging any feelings that cause you to sabotage your positive growth.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Adding More Phytonutrients To Your Diet Provides Big Benefits

Adding more phytonutrients to your diet might just seem like a prescription for more food, more confusion, more to worry about. But in reality, making sure you get enough of the phytonutrient benefit is as easy as adding color, freshness and variety.

Phytonutrients are found naturally in a variety of foods, such as legumes, nuts, teas, fruits, vegetables and grains, but are not considered necessary to sustain life (as are fats, protein, vitamins and minerals). Many people choose to increase phytonutrients in their diet by improved diet as well as nutritional supplementation.

Phytonutrients are thought to have a variety of beneficial and significant benefits to our health. Eating more whole foods in the form of fruits and vegetables and the like can benefit you by protecting you from cancer and certain diseases. In addition, it’s believed that phytonutrients can improve cell-to-cell communication within the body, possibly repair DNA damage from smoking and other toxic substances, and strengthen the immune system.

So how do you add more phytonutrients to your diet? It’s as easy as adding color, variety and freshness.

Color – When you think of phytonutrients, think color. Think of the bright red of a perfectly ripe tomato, or the rich redness of a summer grape. Although fruits and vegetables are the best source of nutrient-dense phytonutrients, most Americans get woefully low amounts of fresh produce in their diets. According to the USDA, while it’s recommended we get at least 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, most Americans get little more than 3 servings. Of that, deep yellow and dark green vegetables account for only 0.2 daily servings on average.

Yet it’s the richly colored vegetables and fruits that provide the best sources of phytonutrients. If your grocery cart isn’t full of color (and that doesn’t include colored Goldfish crackers), add some next time you’re shopping.

Variety -- Although fruits and vegetables are the best sources of phytonutrients, they aren’t the only source. So while you want to add a lot of color to your diet in the form of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables like berries, grapes, tomatoes, peppers, spinach and the like, think about adding other sources of phytonutrients as well. Consider adding a glass of tea at lunch or dinner or some chopped pecans or slivered almonds to your oatmeal in the morning.

Freshness – There is much debate on the value of fresh vegetables versus frozen. It’s fair to say everyone agrees that canned holds little nutritional content, so adding can of veggies to your cart isn’t the best plan (this excludes canned tomatoes which retain the freshness and nutrient value of fresh). But in a pinch, or in the off season, frozen vegetables can certainly be included in your daily diet. Frozen fruits are always fine, as long as they are whole, unprocessed and without added sugar.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Addiction Treatment Centers Using Experiential Therapies

Life is experience. Substance dependence overtakes a person’s ability to make her own decisions to experience life, and life is no longer actively participated in. Therefore, in overcoming addiction, it is vital to learn to re-experience life. This lesson helps a treatment center resident reintegrate into the world after therapy is through. Experiential therapy is this bridge to leaving a life of substance dependency and commencing a life of health, both physical and mental. Experiential therapy is a necessary component in the steps towards a complete therapy. In addition to counseling and more traditional therapies, experiential is the door to the world – it forces the patient to test herself, to get up when she falls, to learn that giving up is not an option. This is a vital lesson to learn when overcoming addiction, as when problems arise after therapy, the former patient will remember that there are other means of dealing with problems than turning back to addiction.

Experiential therapy includes many various forms, and can be divided into two main categories: outdoor experiential therapy and indoor experiential therapy. Both aim at physical and mental challenges in order to succeed. Equine therapy, which falls within the category of outdoor experiential therapy, is worth reviewing on its own due to its uniqueness and successful results. Research supports the use of experiential therapy, as motivation increases and social integration is easier through the experience of such therapy.

The great outdoors is well known for its healing abilities, and exercise in itself releases the same good-feeling endorphins as a high does. There we have it: the high that is healthy. Outdoor experiential therapy utilizes nature to help residents work through their problems and free themselves from dependency through the physical challenges offered in nature. Activities can include winter sports like snowshoeing, and summer sports like hiking. More radical activities, like a heli-experience, are also possible. The heli-experience takes people to literally previously unknown heights. In opening new worlds, these experiences reconnect residences to their world, which is so important to eventually helping them reconnect with the people who live in this world. While outdoor activities are beneficial for the social aspect of interacting with other residents, their main achievement is to make the resident introspect and put a perspective on the resident’s own life in the context of the towering natural world.

Indoor experiential therapy can be based on an indoor ropes and challenge course. While also containing the aspect of physical challenge, indoor experiential therapy is a greater internal challenge. The resident must mentally prepare herself for the challenges that come at such heights. Also, trust is an invaluable lesson learned in indoor therapy. Partners rely on each other to succeed in these activities, thus learning to communicate effectively and learning to trust another. This can be an especially difficult aspect of healing from addiction, as for so many, trust is not a part of a life of addiction. Learning to rebuild personal self-confidence and trust in others is vital for a successful recovery from substance dependence. Reintegrating into society after therapy is one of the most difficult aspects of recovery, so having a treatment program that rebuilds the elements of trust and confidence, needed for a successful life in our society, is especially beneficial.

Equine therapy, a certain highlight of the outdoor experiential therapy, combines aspects used both in outdoor and indoor therapy. From the aspect of the outdoors, equine therapy offers the chance to be with, in and beyond nature, with a living being that sees us only for who we are. Horses are extremely intelligent creatures, having a special history with the human race. So vital in the development of the modern world, horses were the first vehicles for transporting messengers and mail efficiently, as the Pony Express reminds us, and were man’s trusted guides in exploration and on battlefields. And, while a horse does not judge mankind, it certainly can read a character and will cleverly use a human’s personality to its advantage. Trust is an essential element of equine therapy, and it is a relationship with a creature that will not lie about its feelings. When a genuine friendship is formed between horse and man, it is a lifelong bond. Equine therapy combines the power of nature and a physical challenge with the need to build a trusting relationship with a fellow living creature and increase self-confidence. In this manner, equine therapy is especially helpful for residents of treatment centers, as it combines all elements so beneficial to recovery in one activity.

Experiential therapy teaches lessons of confidence in the self as well as in others, and teaches facing challenges and overcoming them. Motivation is of prime importance in overcoming an addiction, and what better place to find motivation than where we naturally seek it: in situations that encourage us to aim higher than we imagine is possible. Through the motivation that appears in the physical activities, treatment center residents learn to carry it over to their own lives, and find the necessary motivation to deal with personal issues. Simultaneously building confidence and trust in themselves and others only strengthens the desire for motivation. The added health benefits of partaking in physical exercise show themselves both on the bodies and minds of patients. Getting the body into shape helps stabilize the mind, and helps lead a generally healthier life. There is never an easy cure to addiction, and many paths and steps must be followed to guide to a better life. The step of experiential therapy is one of the most rewarding steps in treatment, as the treatment resident is aware first-hand of its results. This personal feeling of achievement in overcoming challenges makes great headway in the recovery process from addiction.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Addiction Treatment Centers for Substance Abuse

There are many different types of addiction treatment or detox centers and each of them will have a different function and role in the detox process. There will usually be a medical doctor present for each detox procedure that takes place in the detox center. A medial staff is there to assist the addict in rapidly detoxing from the substance of abuse and to make the process as pain free as possible. When a person enters a detox center they are usually doing so under the advice of their doctor. Most detox centers will only take a patient that has been referred by a medical doctor.

An addiction treatment center is available for a variety of substance abuse problems. These problems can include alcohol addiction, narcotic abuse, and chemical dependency.
Many times a person will enter a detox center and have multiple addictions that need to be dealt with. In these circumstances a detox center will usually deal with all of the addictions so that the person can cleanse their body of all toxic substances at one time.

The more addiction that a person has when they enter a detox center the longer it will take for the substance of abuse to be flushed from the body and the more counseling and therapy a person will need once the detox center has helped them through the withdrawal of their addiction.

The Internet is a great resource for finding the best addiction treatment centers. In your search, you should focus on finding those centers with high success rates for treatment completion and long-term drug freedom. It's also important to find addiction treatment centers that have 24-hour supervision over their members. Remember: You want your loved ones to have their freedom, but drug addicts have typically not build up the self-control that's necessary to quit cold turkey.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Addiction Retreats

Addiction is a brutal development regardless of the vice. Addiction retreats offer unique treatment programs that are helping addicts recover.

Addiction Retreats

A new weapon in the battle against addiction has emerged recently. Instead of just working through a 12-step program, or being helped medically, a number of people who are having problems with addiction have chosen a different route. Addiction retreats have popped up in several areas of the United States, taking a new approach to helping those who have addictions to substances and other addictive behaviors.

One of the new addiction retreats that has started recently is the Essence Recovery Center, located in Asheville, North Carolina. This retreat offers an all-inclusive vacation-like feel, all while helping you to work through your problems with addiction. There are therapy sessions, which include individual "talk" therapy, as well as music and art therapy. They also offer massage therapy and acupuncture, which help to detoxify your body. Meditation, 12-step group programs, sauna and whirlpools, and even spa cuisine help to round out this holistic spa retreat. Week long programs and 28 day programs are available, and the spa is careful to point out that you should get your doctor's approval before starting this program, as it is not a medical program.

One of the addiction retreats located outside of the US is the Soukya Holistic Health Center in Bangalore, India. This retreat is one that combines many different health approaches, such as Ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture and Western (allopathic) medicine, in order to help people beat their addictions. With their approach including counseling, homeopathic remedies, relaxation techniques and more, they have earned the praise of people such as Dr. Deepak Chopra, a well-known doctor and philosopher from here in the US. Bangalore is known for having many English speaking residents and is a city that is often visited by US and British citizens. As with all programs, your doctor should be consulted before you start (or book your stay).

This new group of addiction retreats is sure to grow as more people discover the healing benefits of total body cleansing and relaxation. Whether you are in need of a long stay or just a short trip to rejuvenate your mind and spirit, these retreat centers offer more than just the usual massages and facials found at most other spas. They offer a new way of life and a new way of thinking, along with the luxury of a spa atmosphere.

Addiction is a scary thing and breaking it is a difficult task. Addiction retreats offer people the ability and time to break the addiction curse.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Addiction in Any Form is Abnormal

“Psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or practice” – is the medical definition of the term addiction. An addiction is an uncontrollably strong longing for something - an abnormal kinky obsession for things. A person with an addiction is called an addict.

Addiction is in fact a hydra-headed concept having different facets. Medical researches and studies have divulged that every individual to some extent has an addiction. People who have an uncanny pining or obsession for anything, are indeed addicted. Medical studies have also revealed other forms of addiction besides alcohol, nicotine and drugs.

According to the medical community, generally there are two forms of addiction. First there is the physical addiction, or physical dependence and psychological addiction. The second type is called pseudo-addiction.

Physical dependence: An addiction in which the addict becomes physically dependent on intoxicating substances or drugs. People dependent on tobacco or smoking suffer from nicotine addiction. Dipsomaniac people suffer from alcohol addiction.

Drug addiction literally means addiction to certain drugs. A drug addiction is an extreme state of addiction resulting from drug abuse. Drug abuse is a common practice where hard drugs are abused – for example cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine, opiates (heroin, morphine and codeine) and laxatives - drugs derived from narcotics. There is a debate over the idea that freely-sold substances like alcohol and nicotine should be classified as hard drugs, as the both are linked with high mortality rates.

Psychological addiction: The term literally means getting psychologically addicted to certain things or practices. Sometimes there are people who are highly obsessed with practices like gambling, food, sex, pornography, computer, work, shopping, spending etc. Therefore as absurd as this may sound, these people actually do in fact suffer from gambling addiction, food addiction, sex addiction, porn addiction, computer addiction, work addiction, shopping addiction, and spending addiction respectively. People addicted to food consumption are highly preoccupied with overeating and overeating is food addiction. These people are sometimes mockingly dubbed as “food alcoholic”. Narcissism is also a form of addiction.

Pseudo-addiction is the state in which a patient manifests drug-seeking behavior similar to psychological addiction; however, the patient experiences genuine pain or other symptoms in such cases. Normal behavior is resumed as soon as the pain has subsided.

The physical dependence on a substance such as drug addiction, nicotine addiction and alcohol addiction can sadly often have direly fatal results.

An addiction in any form is the sign of an abnormality that requires immediate treatment. An addiction is a disorder, but it is treatable. There are numerous addiction help centers or rehabilitation centers providing addiction treatment, all over the world. Standard drug addiction treatment may include behavioral therapy, medication therapy, or a combination of both.

People experiencing any symptoms of addiction should go forward for treatment before their addiction becomes significantly advanced.