Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Do You Know Your Body Mass Index?

For some, the need to lose weight is clear. Those whose body weight places them into the obese or morbidly obese categories are well aware that they are carrying too many pounds. But what about the borderline overweight? Is that ten pounds over the ideal weight raising your risk of health complications? Are you just 'big-boned'? How do you decide if you really need to lose weight - and how much you need to lose? Doctors have a number of different ways to measure the need to lose weight. Long gone are the years when they relied on an insurance company chart of 'ideal weights'. The most commonly used measure is the Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI measures your weight relative to your height. It is generally an accurate representation of muscle-to-fat ratio, though there are some limitations. 1. It may overestimate the BMI of an athletic person, because muscle is denser and weighs more than fat. 2. It may underestimate the BMI of an older person, or others who have low muscle mass. There are many BMI calculators available online that will allow you to check your own BMI. The table for determining risk factors associated with obesity is: Below 18.5 - Underweight 18.5 - 24.9 - Normal 25.0 - 29.9 - Overweight 30.0 and up - Obese If your BMI is above 25.0, your doctor or other medical professional can advise you on the best weight loss plan for you. You should know that there are great benefits to losing even a moderate amount of weight. Some of those include: * Lowering your risk of diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, a weight loss of as little as 10 pounds can decrease the chances of pre-diabetes developing into diabetes by 58%. * Lower your risk of heart disease. The American Heart Association states that coronary problems are directly correlated to weight. By losing weight to bring your BMI to within normal ranges, you significantly lower your risk of developing heart problems. * Reduce your risk of arthritis and pain from arthritis. A number of forms of arthritis are related to weight. Losing weight substantially decreases the strain that additional weight places you your knees, hips, back and ankles. Are you motivated to get started? Here are three ways that you can start losing weight today: Get active. If you do nothing different in your life but exercise for one half hour daily, you will lose 5-7% of your body weight per year. Cut out white breads and sugars. Substitute whole grains for refined flours and sugars, and you'll automatically reduce the number of calories that you consume daily. Eat more fresh vegetables. Fresh vegetables, especially raw, are a significant source of many of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs daily. They're high in nutrition, while low in calories. By increasing the amount of fresh vegetables that you eat and reducing the amount of processed, refined foods, you'll cut calories and carbohydrates significantly.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Diabetes And Weight Loss

Did you know that you can be 'just a little bit diabetic'? The condition is technically called 'pre-diabetes', and it is characterized by persistent high blood sugar levels. Pre-diabetes is a serious condition, though its symptoms may be so subtle that you don't notice them affecting your life. More importantly, it's an indicator that there is something seriously wrong with your body. Left untreated, over 50% of those diagnosed with pre-diabetes will develop Type 2 diabetes within ten years. If your doctor has told you that you are one of the more than 16 million Americans who has pre-diabetes, the American Diabetes Association has some very good news for you. In March 2005, the ADA released the results of the multi-year Diabetes Prevention Project. In a study that followed thousands of patients across the nation who had been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, the Diabetes Prevention Project found that patients who lost a 'moderate' amount of weight reduced their risk of developing full-blown diabetes by over 58%. Even more encouraging, many of those patients had managed to reverse their condition, and their blood sugar levels were well within normal ranges. This was a result that the researchers had not expected. Diabetes (and pre-diabetes) is the result of changes to cells in the pancreas that reduce the amount of insulin that they can produce. Doctors have always believed that those changes are irreversible. Now however, the research seems to suggest that losing weight with a healthy balance of exercise and diet can actually heal those early damages caused by diabetes. Here's the even better news. Those results were achieved by people who lost 'moderate' amounts of weight - from 5-7% of their total body mass. In other words, if you weigh 200 pounds and have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, losing just 10-15 pounds can more than halve the risk of developing full-blown diabetes, and may reverse your condition entirely. Here are some healthy weight loss tips from the American Diabetes Association: 1. Keep your diet balanced. Eat a variety of foods in all food groups, with an emphasis on grains, starches and fresh vegetables and fruit. 2. Learn to eyeball portions. Portion control is far more important than restricting what foods you eat. A 'portion' of raw vegetables may be considerably larger than a portion of the same vegetables cooked. There are some handy reference guides on their web site at 3. Add one half hour daily of moderate exercise to your daily routine five days a week. This one single lifestyle change seemed to be the key to both weight loss and the beneficial effects derived from it. It was the single significant difference between the two groups in the study. The results of the Diabetes Prevention Project only confirm what has been the best advice in dieting circles for years - losing weight with a balanced diet and exercise is the healthiest way there is. For more information on the diet recommended by the American Diabetes Association, visit their web site at

Monday, February 27, 2012

Can Fasting Help Me To Lose Weight?

One way to lose weight is to just stop eating. It sounds simple but in reality you have to know what you are doing to get any long term weight loss benefits from fasting. Let’s look at the weakness and strengths of fasting for weight loss. Like most forms of dieting, fasting can be used to bring about dramatic but temporary reductions of weight. You can go on a long fast, taking nothing but juice or eating grapes or taking some other low calorie meal substitute for several weeks, and while you are on the fast you will certainly lose weight. However, during the fast you may not be able to carry on your normal social interactions. It’s not so easy to sit around sipping carrot juice while the rest of your family is eating a normal meal. Another problem with long fasting is that your body requires vital nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein) and your favorite juice may not contain them. Long fasting without proper medical supervision can be dangerous. Finally, a major problem with this kind of fasting is that once you stop fasting and resume eating your normal diet, you are likely to gain back all the weight that you have lost during your crash weight loss fast. So, does fasting have any place in a weight loss plan? Yes it does. Periodic fasting is one of the secrets of a long and healthy life. Our body’s digestive organs require a rest from time to time, just as we require days off from work. One-day fasting done in a methodical and regular manner provides the kind of rest that helps our digestive system, aids in the elimination of toxins from our body, and, yes, also helps us to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. How to Do Proper Fasting Here is a method of doing one day fasts, taking no food and (if your body is strong) no water in a period from the sunrise of one day to the sunrise of the next day. Successful fasting has three stages: preparation, the actual fast, and breaking the fast. Each one of these stages is important. Preparation If you are not prepared both mentally and physically you will find it difficult to go one day without food. The mental preparation is simple, but very important. The night before the fast you have to take a firm determination that tomorrow you are going to fast, that you are not going to eat any food. If you fix your mind in advance then you will not start deliberating during the fasting day whether you should continue or not to continue. If you are undecided or waffling you can always find a hundred reasons why you should start eating! Physical preparation is also important. The day before you fast you should eat a normal amount of food and take a good amount of liquids (especially if you are going to be fasting without taking any liquids). If you miss some meals on the day before fasting, then you may start feeling hungry during the fasting period. If you do not take enough liquids, especially during the night before the fast, then you will feel uncomfortable when you are fasting. If you are physically and mentally prepared you will not feel very hungry while you are fasting. Once you decide to fast, your hunger just “shuts off” for the fasting period. This sounds hard to believe, but if you do it a few times you will see that it is true. The Fasting Day It is best to do light physical tasks and concentrate more on intellectual and spiritual work during the fasting period. It is not a good idea to spend your time thinking about what you are going to eat tomorrow! If you have prepared yourself properly this shouldn’t be a problem and you can use the time that you gain by not eating to do some constructive things that you normally don’t get time to do. Breaking the Fast One of the benefits of fasting is that it helps to eliminate toxins from the body. However, you can only get this benefit if you break your fast correctly. On the morning following the fasting day, take two glasses of lemon water. Put the juice of have of a lemon in one glass and add a bit of salt. (The drink should taste both lemony and salty). After some time, you can eat your breakfast. The lemon water will help you to flush your digestive system with a strong bowel movement and many toxins will be eliminated. One day fasts like this can be done twice a month. This kind of fasting will give rest to your digestive organs, help eliminate toxins, build your will power and strength of mind. On top of this, the overall reduction in calories that you get from going two days without food each month, will definitely be one of the elements of a balanced and sustainable weight loss program.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Be Careful With Diet Pills

If you are a person who has struggled with their weight and has a BMI, or body mass index, above a 27, the idea of a pill helping you lose weight is very appealing. Taking diet pills seem to be the quick fix to helping obese persons lose weight. There are advantages to taking diet pills, but you have to weigh these benefits with the potential dangers of taking diet pills. Some things you have to be careful about when taking diet pills are: · Dangerous side effects and drug interactions – Some prescription diet drugs are very strong. Possible side effects occur in almost all prescription medications, and some can be very serious in nature. Each diet pill has its own unique set of side effect warnings, but some of the more commonly listed side effects are dry mouth, sleeplessness, irritability, upset stomach and constipation. You also have to look at the possibility of drug interactions between the diet pills and other medications you are taking. If you have any other health issues, the taking of diet pills may cause serious consequences when combined with other medications. · The potential for becoming dependant of the diet pills – There are many diet pills that can become habit forming. Some prescription diet pills are stimulant-based and can be abused by users. This abuse can lead to dependence, just as with any other strong medication. Make sure to talk with your doctor if he decides to put you on a diet prescription that has been shown to be habit-forming. Find out what signs you should look for to indicate if you are having a problem. · The potential of the diet pills disrupting regular metabolism – Since prescription diet drugs main purpose is to suppress appetite, the person taking diet pills may find themselves consuming many less calories than normal. This is good for losing weight on the surface, but ultimately will lead to your natural metabolism to slow down. When your natural metabolism slows, so does the rate in which you lose weight. That is why people who take diet drugs find they only lose a finite amount of weight when they take diet pills alone. In order for diet pills to work for you, the first thing you should do is talk to your doctor. Find ways to change your lifestyle on top of the taking of the diet drugs to help you lose weight. Regular exercise, changing food choices, and regular check-ups with your doctor are great ways to increase your weight loss success.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

As the holidays approach, a feeling of dread creeps in. Not only is money getting tighter, but your pants are, too. It's the same old story. Colder weather keeps you stuck indoors, while the yummy holiday cooking fattens you up. Not this year. Not me! I refuse to gain those holiday pounds and you can, too. No, you don't have to sign any contracts at an expensive gym. You can get the body you want on a limited budget. You may not realize it, but workout videos are more fun and exciting than they used to be. Workout videos are also much less expensive than a gym membership or buying home workout equipment like a treadmill or elliptical trainer. If the thought of buying workout videos reminds you of leg warmers and striped leotards, you've got some catching up to do. You're not stuck with the boring workout videos of the 80s and 90s anymore. Believe it or not, the same sought-after trainers who get paid the big bucks to train celebrities can be on call to train you in your own home for pennies a day. Some of the newest fitness trends are available on video. Ballet: Have you always envied a ballet dancer's lean and graceful body? Several ballet videos are now available as workout videos. One of the most popular choices right now was created by the famous New York City Ballet. Although you won't learn to be the next prima ballerina training with exercise video at home, you will shape and lengthen your muscles for a graceful body. Belly Dancing: Shimmy your way to a great waistline. Whether you want an instructional video to teach you proper belly dancing technique or you just want to exercise with belly dance moves, you'll find a wide variety of videos available. Exotic Dancing: You read that right. If you've ever thought it would be fun to learn sexy moves, then this is for you. In the privacy and safety of your own home, you can bump and gyrate to your heart's content. I have also heard that laughter is good for your abs, so you'll have that covered as well, especially if you have a mirror in your workout room. Yoga or Pilates: If you're looking for a sleek, lean body, firm core, or more flexibility, then there are hundreds of yoga and Pilates videos to choose from. You'll find yoga for adults as well as yoga for kids. Yes, kids get stressed, too. Yoga is a great way to teach them to relax. Fitness videos for kids: Oftentimes kids can be the best motivators. If you put in a Sesame Street dance video and your three year old asks you to dance with Elmo, you can hardly say "no". Once you've chosen a trend or video you are interested in, set a specific time each day to "meet" with your personal trainer. It's best to rotate at least two different forms of exercise (or videos) to avoid repetitive use strains. You can do different videos each day, or alternate a walk, bike ride or other activity you enjoy on your non-video days. As long as you are moving, you're keeping those spare pounds from firmly attaching to your body. So, don't sign that costly gym membership agreement just yet. Blow the dust off the exercise videos in your cabinet, get some good walking shoes, or check out the hottest trends at your favorite online store. It's the frugal way to go.

Friday, February 24, 2012

What Are You Willing To Do To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

What are you willing to do to achieve your weight loss goals? I’m approached quite regularly about which diet is best, which book would I recommend and what exercise program should a person follow. People think they can just purchase a book to read and then some sort of magic occurs whereby reading it will cause their fat to magically disappear. Well, I’m here to break the news to you, the $40 investment in your weight loss book is just the start, there’s a lot of hard work and other expenses involved. Time Investment There’s time invested in your education (reading, watching videos etc), time you’ll spend exercising doing both cardio and weight training. There’s time spent creating your new meal plans as well as preparation of those meals the day before or days in advance. There’s time involved in doing extra laundry because you’re suddenly doing more exercising now on your weight loss journey. Let me ask you this: What’s your favorite television show? How much television are you watching in a given week? 1 Hour? Six? Are you willing to eliminate television to allow yourself time to go to the gym and prepare foods for the next day? If not, then don’t bother buying books that recommend food and exercise programs? It takes time to prepare food for 5 or 6 meals in a day and to go to the gym once or twice a day. Weight loss requires a time investment. Food Investment The quality of the food you put in your body is directly proportional to the quality of your cells. It’s your cells that create energy and make your various bodily systems run, and if they’re given the best quality food, then they’re able to regenerate and be healthy. Conversely, low quality food creates a low quality cell. A low quality cell is not up to the demand of generating energy nor the proper removal of wastes which then results in sickness and disease. In conversation with a fellow regarding his food program and how he could make corrections to his diet to improve his health, burn fat, improve his workouts and achieve his weight loss goal, I suggested a few “new” products. Oatmeal, some whole grain wraps, spring mix salad, and Essential Fatty Acid, Almond butter and whole grain basmati rice were a few places to begin. “You didn’t tell me how expensive it was going to be!” was his response. Well, I don’t consider it expensive, so I would not have said that it was. Our cells are our power plants in our body. Our body is constantly rebuilding itself daily and hourly. Our skeleton replaces itself once a year and the muscular lining of our stomach and our intestines is replaced every 3 to 4 days so it only makes sense to give it the highest quality food. Doesn’t it? You’re probably going to come to the same conclusion that most other people do. The food I put in my body creates a healthy body and I must take care in my food choices. Whole grain oatmeal costs more money than cocoa puffs. Raw almonds cost more than hickory smoked almonds and you probably never knew what Essential Fats or Pro Biotics were. Weight loss requires an investment in food. Cutting Expenses To Reach Your Goal If you’re not able to increase the amount of food you eat financially or the quality of the food you eat (organic), then what are you willing to do to get it. Are you willing to cut some other costs? Are you willing to increase your sales at your job or home business to be able to afford this new change? The first reasonable step is to make some switches or replacements. Take note of non nutritional foods in your day - consider snacks, junk foods, coffee, pop, cigarettes (I hope you’re not still smoking), milk or dairy products, alcohol, vitamins, tums, Rolaids, pepto bismol etc and see how much you’re spending on a daily or monthly basis. Are you willing to replace these for higher quality nutritional foods that will support you in your weight loss goals? It can be a scary thought for some people. Others accept the challenge readily because they’ve truly committed to their weight loss goals and are willing to do Whatever It Takes! Switching and replacing is the easiest thing to do. Weight Loss requires sacrifice. Invest in Yourself Your body, your mind, your soul and becoming the best you can be is the single best investment you can make. Make the decision to eat the cleanest food you can, make the healthiest choices you can, begin to switch from non nutritional foods to nutritional foods and let go negativity in your life. Weight loss is easy, but requires some investment. Eat Well, Be Well Rob Cooper

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Weight Loss Surgery, Is It A Safe Option?

For the growing number of obese individuals, weight loss surgery is a reality that must at some point become a real consideration and alternative. Today, in the United States, obesity is quickly becoming our nations’ number one health issue. The staggering affect of obesity on the rest of our health is unequaled. This is due to the fact that when our bodies our obese, every part of the body is affected. Not just the limbs, not just the heart, but every organ, tissue and cell. There are many advances being made in the treatment of obesity, and the option that most people look to solve the initial obesity dilemma is surgery. Once your body reaches a certain weight, you’re no longer able to exercise; performing simple hygiene tasks often becomes impossible. Exercise and mobility are not options for bringing about weight loss. The only other alternative available is through surgical procedures that cause the body to take in less food. The procedures actually prohibit the ingestion of large quantities of food. You simply won’t be able to eat. This causes the body to begin to feed on itself. Using up the stored fat, in order to keep body processes functioning. This is a drastic way to induce weight loss, but for many it has become the only option But is this safe? Does this allow our bodies to safely lose weight and come back to normal levels of body mass? Sometimes it is safe, and sometimes a person’s body just cannot adjust. The medical profession continues to work diligently to ensure that all weight loss surgery patients are safe from deathly side effects, but it does happen. No surgery is fool proof, every time you must submit to surgery, of any kind, there are risks. The risks associated with weight loss surgery are often less dangerous than the risk associated with continued obesity, especially for persons who have reached the morbid obesity levels (More than 100 pounds over the recommended body weight). The traditional options available today are minimally invasive surgeries that directly restrict the body’s ability to take in food or slow the food absorption rate. Both surgeries are minimally invasive, meaning there is no need for major incisions, and most of the surgery is completed using laparoscopic technique. If the United States continues to see obesity rates climb, these surgeries and other techniques under development will become more commonplace for our generation.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Weight Loss Scams - What Have You Got To Lose!

There are literally Thousands of weight loss plans and equipment on the market today. Some are genuine in their promise of weight loss. Some although sincere in their promise, are flawed in their design. There are others that are blatantly fake. Analysts predict that the cost to dieters, desperate to loose weight will reach 35 billion dollars a year in the United States alone. While the cost is rising, the increasing numbers of people are becoming obese. Hyperactive salespeople advertising to as many as they can to try their product sell diet Plans that claim large amounts of weight loss in very little time. Dieter who are obese and are desperate to loose weight join these programs and take the products. Some lose weight, but almost all regain the weight they lost. Shows on cable Television with over zealous salespeople who promise that you can lose all the weight you want while you eat everything you want are outright lies and should not to be believed. Everyone wants a quick weight loss cure, but there is no easy path. It doesn't matter what they are trying to sell you, whether they are trying to sell you fat absorbers, fat burners, cellulite pills, it's all a great scam that will have them collecting millions of dollars and the dieter with nothing. Every year, new weight-loss books appear on the bookshelves, and magazines run thousands of articles on the subject. Millions of people have proven that it is easier to gain weight than to lose it. It has been proven time and time again that weight-loss attempts by following weight-loss diet plans may succeed for a short time but experts feel that dieter are setting themselves up for failure. There is no such thing as rapid weight loss diets. None of the weight loss plans printed in or on television, have had any proven long-term results. In the end, experts believe that using common sense will result in a healthier dieting experience. Weight loss experts all agree that it is impossible to sustain weight loss, a well balanced diet and exercise is essential. The medical community, food industry, dietitians government health and diet businesses are all watching helplessly as Americans continue to consume excessive amounts of food and become increasingly obese. Because this epidemic of obesity there has been an increase in heart disease, diabetes, and several other weight related health issues. It is widely felt through all communities that there are weight loss plans and programs that will prey on the overweight and obese. Knowing what their insecurities are and taking advantage of them. Experts warn consumers who are considering a weight loss program should do research on the subject, speak to their physician or seek out reputable companies and fitness centers that have knowledgeable staff members who can answer any questions you may have.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Weight Loss is all to do with Calories

What is a calorie? The definition of a calorie is “the amount of energy, or heat it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius”. A calorie is a unit of energy that is associated with food and drink and is a measure of the energy, or heat, that food produces as your body uses it as fuel. The first step in counting calories for your personal weight loss is to calculate how many calories you burn in a day (your total daily energy expenditure), this is the total number of calories that your body expends in 24 hours, including all activities. This is known as your maintenance level and will be the reference point (number of calories) from which to start your dieting. The average calorie maintenance level for women in the United States is approx 2000 per day and the average for men is approx 2500 per day. These are only basic averages and are usually much higher for athletes or active individuals. A quick and easy method to find out how many calories you require per day for weight loss and maintenance is to calculate a calorie value with a multiplier as set out below. Fat loss = multiply your bodyweight in pounds with 12 calories (12 x lb). Maintenance = multiply your bodyweight in pounds with 15 calories (15 x lb). This is a very easy method to estimate your daily caloric requirements, but it has its drawbacks as it doesn't take into account your particular activity levels or body fat levels. Despite this it will give you a good estimated figure that you can work with. The maintenance figure that you get is the amount of calories that you need to consume to stay at your current weight. To lose weight your calorie intake must be lower than the calories you burn. In order to lose one pound of fat per week, you must reduce your weekly calorie intake by 3,500 calories, which works out at five hundred calories per day. This can be done by reducing your calories by 500 or combining a diet with physical activity. The bottom line is to balance your caloric intake with the amount of calories that you are burning, that's the secret to successful dieting and weight maintenance. Becoming more conscious of counting calories in your everyday eating regime is imperative if you are trying to lose weight. Studies have shown that men and women underestimate their daily calorie consumption by 500 to almost 1000 calories. You can get a truer picture by keeping a, seven day eating plan of what you typically eat and drink during the day. At the end of each days eating, add up the total amount of calories consumed and write them down on to the eating plan. At the end of the seven days, add the total calories for the whole week and then divide by seven, you now have your daily calorie intake. Using a calorie calculator can make counting calories easier - you can total how many calories you will need for your daily activities to give you more control over how many calories you should include in your daily diet. Another technique for low calorie eating is to watch your fat intake as this has the most calories. Moderation is always important when you are counting calories, severely restricting calories, causes the body to lower its metabolic rate, which reduces its ability to burn fat. At the same time, hunger signals increase and you quickly start to crave high-energy foods loaded with fats and sugar, the same foods you are trying to do without. This is because when you return to normal eating habits, the drop in metabolic rate caused by the restriction in calories means that your old eating habits actually represent excess in calories. Not only do you regain the fat stores just lost, but also you may even gain a bit extra. Dieting by counting calories means that all foods are allowed, nothing is forbidden as long as the calories consumed don’t go over your daily calorie allowance. Counting calories can also be flexible enough to accommodate most busy lifestyles. Health professionals agree that healthy eating which includes counting calories and a low fat diet are essential for long-term healthy weight loss. The way to lose body fat and maintain muscle is to have a food program for life. Quality food and more energy output are the basics you’ll need to go for. Bulk foods that fill you up and don’t fill you out, foods that are low in fat and sugar which aren’t refined should be the ideal. Small frequent meals should be consumed during the day each containing a little protein to maintain muscle mass and energy levels. As before get the calories from high quality food but if you can’t, utilize a blender to make mixtures from skim milk with whatever nutrient additives you want to use, just as long as you keep count of the calories for your daily total. Now use these out of the blender mixtures and solid food for your daily feedings. Spread it out over many small meals a day instead of the traditional three meals a day.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tips For Losing Weight The Healthy Way

With obesity on the rise in the United States and other countries across the globe people are constantly on the lookout for diet pills or other quick ways to lose weight quickly with minimal effort. While some of these products may work over the long term they usually aren’t safe or effective at keeping the weight off. Managing your weight is really just a matter of eating a healthy balanced diet and getting enough exercise. Here are some tips to help you get in shape and lose weight. Eat Regularly. Starving yourself is not a safe or effective solution to losing weight. If you continue to skip meals your body makes an adjustment and slows down your base metabolic rate. So you’ll have less energy, do less work and exercise and lose weight at a much slower pace. Eat Frequently. By eating frequently you keep your body from reaching the starving stage. It takes the body 15 to 20 minutes to realize it’s full, so the hungrier you are to start the more likely you are to overeat. If you eat small frequent meals or snacks you are able to manage your hunger levels more effectively. Eat on Schedule. The majority of people eat when it’s convenient and fits into their schedule. As a result people often go six or more hours without eating a meal. Try to eat on a regular schedule every three to four hours. Your body will adjust to the schedule and you will keep from becoming abnormally hungry before a big meal. Portion Control. This is one of the single most important factors in weight control. You should eat small portions and stop eating when you are no longer hungry. Do not wait until you feel full to stop eating. The most common mistake most people make is eating portions that are too large. Nutritionists say that a good rule of thumb is to eat portions that are the size of your clenched fist. Drink lots of water. Many studies recommend 8 glasses of water a day. There really isn’t much scientific basis for that number. However drinking lots of fluids will help keep you hydrated, will keep your stomach feeling full, and you will prevent build up of ammonia or other toxins in your waste system. Getting up and going to the bathroom frequently will even give you a little bit of exercise. Exercise Regularly. You should find some form of exercise you can do regularly (three or four times a week). It doesn’t matter if you are going to the gym, playing tennis, riding a bike, roller blading or swimming. As long as you are exerting yourself and increasing your heart rate. If you can find an activity you enjoy it’s the best solution. Try not to do the same thing for more than 6 weeks, your body will adjust to the exercise pattern, so try to change the pattern frequently. Medical Approval. Before you begin any diet or weight loss program see a doctor and discuss your plans with him, give him as much information as possible about what you are doing and what your goals are. Once you have the proper medical clearance, you can get started getting in shape. ©, All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Whey To Weight Loss (Part II)

Effects on serotonin, blood sugar regulation, and more! Although the above would probably be the major mechanisms by which whey could help the dieter, there are several secondary effects of whey that may assist in weight loss. For example, whey’s effects on serotonin levels. Serotonin is probably the most studied neurotransmitter since it has been found to be involved in a wide range of psychological and biological functions. Serotonin ( also called 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) is involved with mood, anxiety, and appetite. Elevated levels of serotonin can cause relaxation and reduced anxiety. Low serotonin levels are associated with low mood, increased anxiety (hence the current popularity of the SSRI drugs such as Prozac and others), and poor appetite control. This is an extremely abbreviated description of all the functions serotonin performs in the human body - many of which have yet to be fully elucidated - but a full explanation is beyond the scope of this article. Needless to say, Increased brain serotonin levels are associated with an improved ability of people to cope with stress, whereas a decline in serotonin activity is associated with depression and anxiety. Elevated levels of serotonin in the body often result in the relief of depression, as well as substantial reduction in pain sensitivity, anxiety and stress. It has also been theorized that a diet-induced increase in tryptophan will increase brain serotonin levels, while a diet designed for weight loss (e.g., a diet that reduces calories) may lead to a reduction of brain serotonin levels due to reduced substrate for production and a reduction in carbohydrates. Many people on a reduced calorie intake in an attempt to lose weight find they are often ill tempered and more anxious. Reductions in serotonin may be partially to blame here. One recent study (The bovine protein alpha-lactalbumin increases the plasma ratio of tryptophan to the other large neutral amino acids, and in vulnerable subjects raises brain serotonin activity, reduces cortisol concentration, and improves mood under stress. Am J Clin Nutr 2000 Jun;71(6):1536-1544) examined whether alpha-lactalbumin - a major sub fraction found in whey which has an especially high tryptophan content - would increase plasma Tryptophan levels as well reduce depression and cortisol concentrations in subjects under acute stress considered to be vulnerable to stress. The researchers examined twenty-nine "highly stress-vulnerable subjects" and 29 "relatively stress-invulnerable" subjects using a double blind, placebo-controlled study design. The study participants were exposed to experimental stress after eating a diet enriched with either alpha-lactalbumin (found in whey) or sodium-caseinate, another milk based protein. They researchers looked at: * Diet-induced changes in the plasma Tryptophan and its ratio to other large neutral amino acids. * Prolactin levels. * Changes in mood and pulse rate. * Cortisol levels (which were assessed before and after the stressor). Amazingly, the ratio of plasma Tryptophan to the other amino acids tested was 48% higher after the alpha-lactalbumin diet than after the casein diet! This was accompanied by a decrease in cortisol levels and higher prolactin concentration. Perhaps most important and relevant to the average person reading this article, they found "reduced depressive feelings" when test subjects were put under stress. They concluded that the "Consumption of a dietary protein enriched in tryptophan increased the plasma Trp-LNAA ratio and, in stress-vulnerable subjects, improved coping ability, probably through alterations in brain serotonin." This effect was not seen in the sodium-caseinate group. If other studies can confirm these findings, whey may turn out to be yet another safe and effective supplement in the battle against depression and stress, as well as reduced serotonin levels due to dieting. Although there is a long list of hormones involved in appetite regulation, some of which have been mentioned above, serotonin appears to be a key player in the game. In general, experiments find increased serotonin availability or activity = reduced food consumption and decreased serotonin = increase food consumption. If whey can selectively increase serotonin levels above that of other proteins, it could be very helpful to the dieter. Other possible advantages whey may confer to the dieter is improved blood sugar regulation (Frid AH, Nilsson M, Holst JJ, Bjorck IM. Effect of whey on blood glucose and insulin responses to composite breakfast and lunch meals in type 2 diabetic subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jul;82(1):69-75.) which is yet another key area in controlling appetite and metabolism. Finally, calcium from dairy products has been found to be associated with a reduction in bodyweight and fat mass. Calcium is thought to influence energy metabolism as intracellular calcium regulates fat cell (adipocyte) lipid metabolism as well as triglyceride storage. It’s been demonstrated in several studies the superiority of dairy versus non-dairy sources of calcium for improving body composition, and the whey fraction of dairy maybe the key. The mechanism responsible for increased fat loss found with dairy-based calcium versus nondairy calcium has not is not fully understood but researchers looking at the issue theorized "... dairy sources of calcium markedly attenuate weight and fat gain and accelerate fat loss to a greater degree than do supplemental sources of calcium. This augmented effect of dairy products relative to supplemental calcium is likely due to additional bioactive compounds, including the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and the rich concentration of branched-chain amino acids in whey, which act synergistically with calcium to attenuate adiposity." It appears components in whey - some of which have been mentioned above - are thought to act synergistically with calcium to improve body composition (Zemel MB. Role of calcium and dairy products in energy partitioning and weight management. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 May;79(5):907S-912S.). Conclusion Taken in isolation, none of these studies are so compelling that people should run out and use whey as some form of weight loss nirvana. However, taken as a total picture, the bulk of the research seems to conclude that whey may in fact have some unique effects for weight loss and should be of great use to the dieter. More studies are clearly needed however. So what is the practical application of all this information and how does the dieter put it to good use? Being the appetite suppressing effects of whey appear to last approximately 2-3 hours, it would seem best to stagger the intake throughout the day. For example, breakfast might be 1-2 scoops of whey and a bowl of oatmeal, and perhaps a few scoops of whey taken between lunch and dinner. If whey does what the data suggests it does in the above, that should be the most effective method for maximizing the effects of whey on food (calorie) intake on subsequent meals as well as the other metabolic effects covered. If working out, the schedule may be different however and people should follow the pre and post nutrition recommendations made in my ebook "Muscle Building Nutrition" or advice easily found on the 'net via the many sports nutrition and bodybuilding related web sites.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Three Simple Steps to Fat Loss

Being overweight has now moved from a social nuisance and domestic embarrassment to an official disease. The American Heart Association has announced obesity a dangerous epidemic and a major risk for heart disease. More than 70% of US adults are overweight and that figure is rapidly increasing. But by following three simple steps in your everyday life you do not have to become one of the above statistics. They are easy to follow without time constraints and don’t require a complete lifestyle change. These three steps are: 1. Strength Training - Nowadays you do not have to live in a gym to put on functional muscle. Short High Intensity sessions performed once a week is all that is required to elevate the metabolism for total fat burning. 2. A Small Decrease in Daily Calories - Diets don’t work (everybody knows this by now) but by decreasing your daily calories by a small amount, the weight loss is body fat alone and not lean tissue and water that is associated with crash diets. Remember fat accumulates on the body over a long period of time so it must come off slowly. 3. More Incidental Activity - Instead of driving try walking, walk instead of taking elevators or escalators; take the stairs and so on. Just keep moving through out the day. Lets have a look at the Three Steps in more detail below: Strength Training Between the ages of 20 and 70 the average person loses one quarter of their muscle mass. Running, cycling or other aerobic sports will not prevent this loss. This is very disturbing because the muscles are the engines of the body and every pound of muscle burns 100 calories every day. By adding just 10 pounds of functional muscle to your body, you will burn off 60 pounds of fat over the next year. Providing you take in the same amount of calories it will keep burning those extra pounds year after year! The amount of fat the body can burn is directly related to the lean muscle your body has. If you don't perform weight training to maintain your muscle tissue, you will lose half a pound of the fat burning tissue per year after the age of 20 years. In simpler terms the more functional muscle you have on your body the more fat you will burn up. Small Decrease in Daily Calories For years now, we have been told to use dieting to rid the excess fat from our bodies. The trouble with this concept is that the low calorie restricted diet would throw the body into starvation mode, with the body holding onto the fat and using precious muscle tissue for energy. This would then lower the metabolism causing greater muscle loss and when the diet is broken the unwanted fat would not only return but actually increase because to the lowered metabolism. The way around this is to cut your daily calorie intake by a small amount of calories only. This will stop any starvation mechanisms from clicking in. You can do this by making up a seven day eating plan and writing down every thing you eat for the week, and then work out the calories you have eaten with a calorie counter. Divide this figure by seven and you have your daily calorie value. Decrease daily calorie value by a couple of hundred calories per day and no more. This will generate slow weight loss and the majority will be fat loss only. The daily calories should be consumed during the day with small frequent meals. The calories should come from a balanced diet (no fad diets please) with the required amount of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. As well as containing the required amounts of fibre, fat, protein and carbohydrates. More Incidental Activity Fat is burned from the body when cells oxidize to release energy in the form of exercise. When the exercise is done slowly to moderately then the majority of energy is taken from the fat stores. The key to effective aerobic training that burns off maximum fat is long-term consistency not intensity. It doesn’t matter if you run a mile, jog a mile or walk a mile you will burn exactly the same amount of calories. The best exercise by far for the purpose of fat-loss is fast walking either indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. Other aerobic activities are the treadmill, bike, climber or any other training gear found in or out of the Gym. Start with 100 minutes of controlled incidental activity per week increasing this to 200 minutes a week or more. In all other activities try to move, move, move. Try parking the car further away from your destination so you can walk the extra distance, hide all your remote controls so you have to get up and change the channels manually. These all help burn those extra calories and body fat from your frame. By incorporating these three simple fat loss steps into your everyday life you will not have to change your lifestyle or be subject to time constraints.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The five CRITICAL things to do for your health and weight loss

I’m often asked what is the best diet, or the best food program, best exercise program and which single best book to recommend to improve your health, fitness or weight loss. The answer is that there is no best way to do it. There is no best book, and there is no right way or wrong way to do it. The 5 Critical things you must do to achieve your health are these 1. Continue to learn about health, fitness, nutrition and weight loss from a wide variety of sources The single most important thing to do right from the start is to take action and begin learning about health, followed very closely by putting what you learn into practice. We are a very diversified bunch of people and what works for you may not work for the next person. You have to find what works for you from a wide variety of sources, expand your knowledge and accept no one thing as being the best for your health. Keep reading, keep learning and keep what works for you and discard what doesn’t. Knowledge isn’t power, but “knowledge in action is power!” Some very simple things to keep in mind is that the body runs on food and if you give it the best quality food, in whatever manor that happens to be, then you’ll probably get some good results in general. Keep the nutrition to a maximum by eating as close to nature as possible, organic where possible and eliminating processed foods and trans fats. 2. Find a mentor. Someone who’s been there, done that and that you can model . I realized at quite an early age that if we can model someone who’s been there and done that and gotten results, then you can “cut to the chase” as it were to find out what works for your health and weight loss - what doesn’t and in doing so get results faster. Find a mentor, a role model for the things that you’re looking for. If it’s weight loss or to improve your health, find someone who’s walked in your footsteps and knows what you’re going through. Model them. Do what they did, repeat their process and contact them to ask what worked and what didn’t. You can save yourself a lot of time and effort by doing what works and skipping what doesn’t. 3. Apply the knowledge you learn about health on a daily basis This is where the taking action part comes in. You must begin to apply the knowledge you’ve gained from what you’ve read about health or watched and by talking with people who’ve been there before you. If you do not put it into practice then you’ve become an information junkie and not someone who follows through on their knowledge. You must begin to work the principles you’ve learned on a daily basis and keep at it. Without the trial and error, you get nowhere fast and won’t truly know what works and what doesn’t. 4. Repeat steps one, two and three Remember, there is no right way or wrong way to lose weight, improve your health or get what you want. You must continue to learn and challenge what you’ve read. I’m told that what I teach is wrong and I ask what were your results when you tried it? Well, they didn’t try it and so I then ask “what right do you have to tell me what I teach is wrong”. It may have worked for me or for many people I coach including yourself, but without trying it and challenging it, you won’t ever know. Keep learning about health, keep reading, keep applying what you’ve read and this new knowledge. Begin the process of filtering for yourself what will and won’t work for you. Remember this is about you, not me or the other guy, but what will help you achieve your weight loss goals or your health. This may very well be about applying certain fitness principles that sound so controversy that you figure they can’t possibly work. One of my favorite sayings is “believe nothing I say, but I challenge you to prove me wrong”. My intent is to have you try it. When I first begun my journey to lose 300 pounds, I read one book and I preached the principles like they were the gospel. I was finally told to “shut up” and read something else, so I took it upon myself to learn whatever I could about health and weight loss. I began to apply my new knowledge daily, found people who had used the info before and what they believed about it, what worked for them for their health and then discovered for myself what worked. Finally, I discovered the ultimate secret to health and weight loss. 5. Never give up. It never ends. In the large scope of your life, the next 30, 40, 50 or more years, what is a few days if you happen to get off track. Get right back on doing what you were doing, keep learning, keep trying new things, go back to what worked when it was working and keep up with your daily fitness routine. Probably the single most important fact about exercise or fitness is that our body is designed to move and we’ve gotten away from that. We must do something on a daily basis to exercise our body. Never give up. Never lose sight of the health you want and keep working towards your goal.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Simple tips for a long term Weight loss Goal

Simple tips for a long term Weight loss Goal Weight loss plan is not a one day effort to perfect health. With weight loss methods like Atkins diet or South beach, the process of losing weight can be gradual. With diet pills like Phentermine or Adipex, the rate of weight loss can be rapid. Where as with bariatric surgeries, the patient recovers quickly from the hands of obesity. Whether you are obese or overweight, for a patient undergoing obesity treatment or taking up a diet pill plan, it’s so vital that you follow certain tips to attain the best results in curbing obesity. Useful weight loss tips for a lifetime • Your day should begin with water. drink lots of it, there is no such efficient purifier like water • Don’t skip any of your meals especially your breakfast. People often ignore breakfasts as part of their dieting habits. It’s stupid and is a weight gaining phenomenon • Snack your day with lovely salads and nutrient rich fruits. If you don’t like apples, try oranges or melons • No sodas, coffees and such beverages on a daily basis as they can encourage obesity • Take your meals on time. Discipline regularizes your digestive system and help you to be more health friendly • Eat all that you like in limited quantities. ‘In Moderation’ is the key word in a patient’s dictionary • Keep one day for eating what you like in order to bring down the craving in you • Keep walking, don’t stop that habit for it’s so good for health • Learn more about health concepts, obesity and health related diseases so that you are aware of the obesity syndrome and get keen to look after yourself better For info On Weight loss and Phentermine Diet Pills,Visit:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Scientific Guidelines for Effective Weight Loss

If you have been dieting and haven't lost weight, stop! Don't even think about trying another diet, because it will produce the same results you have already seen. Below you will find "Scientific Guidelines" for weight loss that have always been around, but are not followed by the majority of weight loss programs these days. Now let’s have a look at a few basic principles. 1. Increasing Your Metabolism In order to produce Sustained, Permanent and Long-Term Weight Loss, it's imperative that you boost your metabolism. And the most effective way to raise your metabolism is to have a greater proportion of functional muscle on your body. The only way to build this lean muscle so you can raise your metabolism is through "Strength Training". There's no other method that works wonders on the Metabolism like Strength Training. By performing Strength Training, you'll effectively increase the amount of functional lean muscle on your body so that your metabolism will elevate. After a Strength Training session your body will undergo a significant increase or "Spike" in Metabolism, which will allow you to burn much more fat then you were able to before. 2. It's All About Lean Muscle "The amount of fat the body can burn is directly related to the more lean muscle your body can hold." If your muscle system can sustain more energy and use this energy significantly when performing strength training, then it will be able to burn off the calories you eat and the excess fat on your body. In other words, if your muscles become stronger and can hold more energy then you should be able to release this energy more efficiently to increase your metabolism, and to burn off excess calories that you have eaten. Once we can build more lean muscle through our own strength, then our bodies will become more efficient at burning fat. It's also the amount of lean muscle on your body that makes you LOOK GOOD. Once you burn off the excess fat from your body, the lean muscle underneath your skin will be exposed making you look healthy, energetic, and well toned. 3. Decrease Your Daily Calories For years now, we have been told to use dieting to rid the excess fat from our bodies. The trouble with this concept is that the low calorie restricted diet would throw the body into starvation mode, with the body holding onto the fat and using precious muscle tissue for energy. This would then lower the metabolism causing greater muscle loss and when the diet is broken the unwanted fat would not only return but actually increase because to the lowered metabolism. The way around this is to cut your daily calorie intake by a small amount of calories only. This will stop any starvation mechanisms from clicking in. You can do this by making up a seven day eating plan and writing down every thing you eat for the week, and then work out the calories you have eaten with a calorie counter. Divide this figure by seven and you have your daily calorie value. Decrease daily calorie value by a couple of hundred calories per day and no more. This will generate slow weight loss and the majority will be fat loss only. The daily calories should be consumed during the day with small frequent meals. 4. Fast Walking Burns Fat All you need to do now is incorporate "Fast Walking" into your weight loss program to hasten the burning of excess fat. Not only is fast walking better much easier on the hips, but it also produces a greater percentage of fat loss as opposed to jogging or running. Here are some of the benefits of Fast Walking.  Easy to Perform  Most Conventional  All Natural Body Movement  Doesn't Cause Injuries  Can Be Done Anywhere  The Best Minimal Effort Exercise for Fat Loss "I can't stress enough how Fast Walking is necessary in every weight loss program."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Recommended Supplements for Weight Loss

There is a lot of confusion about weight loss supplementation, how to use, what to use and how much to use. In this article you will find the pick of today’s latest supplements on the market and armed with the right information you will have the knowledge to burn more body fat and have more energy for the things you want to do. Remember that supplements do not replace proper diet and exercise but when used with the right training and weight loss program may help you make faster progress towards your weight loss goals. Please remember that before taking on a training and supplementation program and if you are on medication always consult with your physician first. Now lets have a look at the supplements: Chitosan Chitosan is a fibre whose fat-binding ability is so strong that it can be used effectively to promote weight loss. The most important health property of dietary fibre is its ability to bind to fat molecules in the digestive system, which in turn are excreted. Since Chitosan can't be digested, the fat absorbed is passed out of the body. Together with a low fat eating plan and regular exercise, Chitosan is a great choice for keeping off those unwanted pounds. Try taking 15 minutes before a meal to inhibit fat absorption. Dosage: as per the bottle Ma Huang A popular Asian herb that has been used for over 5,000 years is Ma Huang; it was first used by the ancient Chinese people as a decongestant. The active ingredient is ephedrine, which has been shown to contain powerful fat burning characteristics which can enhance thermogenesis, the body's burning of fat for energy. It also increases the basal metabolic rate, which allows your body to burn calories faster and more efficiently. By mobilizing stored fat and carbohydrate reserves, Ma Huang works to reduce your appetite and aids in helping you lose excess weight. Try combining with White willow bark and Guarana as the fat burning and muscle sparring effects of this stack are fantastic. Dosage 300mgs twice a day. Zhi Shi Citrus aurantium is commonly referred to as bitter orange. Zhi shi is the immature dried fruit of citrus aurantium. Zhi Shi may be more thermogenic than ephedrine and has fewer side effects. It can also be very effective stimulating the metabolism (this stimulation causes an increase in the metabolic rate which burns calories) without any undesirable effects on the nervous system. Citrus aurantium may also act as an appetite suppressant. Try combining with caffeine, white willow bark, cayenne and green tea for greater thermogenic action. Dosage 300mg three times a day. Pyruvate Pyruvate is naturally occurring substance found in weight loss and herbal 'fat-burners'. Studies have show that using diet pills containing pyruvate while restricting caloric intake slightly and participating in strength training will boost your metabolism resulting in weight loss. Pyruvate produces ATP, which makes it a great supplement to take with creatine and ALC (Alpha Lipioc Acid) comes in Sodium and Calcium, try Calcium. Dosage 1gram to 5grams per day. Bcaas Branched Chain Amino Acids, are essential amino acids, which means that the body by itself cannot produce them so sufficient quantities must be obtained from supplementation. The three Bcaas (Valine, Leucine, and Isoleucine) make up approximately 70 percent of the amino acids in the body. Bcaas are unique in that they are utilized directly by muscle tissue during long workouts. Since your body only has a limited number of these amino acids, it can be forced to break down lean muscle tissue when dietary sources aren't meeting your needs. Bcaas can be found in most good protein powders these days. Dosage 5 grams - 15 grams Ribose Ribose is a simple sugar that occurs naturally in all living cells and in one of the simplest molecules used by the body to build and restore energy. Ribose is very important for the production of ATP. ATP is the major source of energy used by cells including muscle tissue for normal function. Ribose has been shown to increase muscular levels, boost endurance, and promote recovery! It is also an important way to increase your energy levels. Another new supplement which looks very promising. Follow dosage on the bottle. Nacn-Acetyl-Cysteine Nac is a powerful anti-oxidant and its ability to neutralize free radicals helps slow down the ageing process. Nac has all the properties of l-cysteine and may be the most cost effective way to boost peptide levels in the body. Nac has been shown to safeguard against a variety of toxic hazards such as cigarette smoke, auto exhaust, and certain herbicides. It can also play a beneficial role in prostate and respiratory conditions. Surprisingly, it is more effective than supplementing with cysteine, methionine, or even glutathione itself! A very good cost effective anti-oxidant. Follow dosage on the bottle. Multi-Vitamins and Minerals Multi-vitamin and mineral supplements are perhaps the most important single supplement that can be consumed by bodybuilders and athletes and the first supplement you should buy. For the human body to perform at its optimum, it must be fed a vast supply of vital nutrients. If the body becomes deficient in just one of these essential vitamins or minerals optimum efficiency and performance declines. People think that since you can not put on pounds of muscle that they are a waste of time to take them but if your body is deficient in just one of the essential vitamins and minerals you will never reach your full potential. Try and buy the Multis that have the higher potency mineral formulas. So please remember a supplement is something added to the diet to make up for a nutritional deficiency or imbalance they are not intended to substitute for eating a balanced diet. If they are to be taken at all they should only be used to supplement the diet and not replace it.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Recognizing Blind Spots In Your Fat Loss Program

Have you heard the joke about the person who orders a large cheeseburger and super sized fries and then asks for a diet soda because they are on a diet? Although this is an exaggeration it is a perfect way to explain what we mean by a blind spot. A blind spot is something that can sabotage your weight loss efforts and everyone sees it but you. Your blind spot may be one of the following or any number of things: • You binge on nutritionally void foods because they are "low fat" • You quench your thirst with diet drinks • Your exercise routine is very ineffective • You only eat out on weekends so you feel you can eat anything you want • You don't realize you are constantly snacking during the day These are just a few things to get your mind working on how you may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts. More than likely even if we read about our blind spot we won't recognize it – after all, it is a blind spot. So, how do you find out what your blind spots are? • Keep a journal of everything you eat for a month and then evaluate • Ask someone that you can trust and value their opinion • Pay a personal trainer to evaluate your exercise routine • Pay a registered dietician to evaluate your eating habits • Purchase a diet/exercise tracking software and let it evaluate your input. Recognizing your nutrition and exercise blind spots can help you achieve your healthy lifestyle, and ideal weight goals. I wish for you the best of health, Bill

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Positive Imaging for Weight Loss

Visualization can play an important part in losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle that keeps it off. Losing weight can be difficult for many people who use fad diets and pills to achieve their weight loss goals without letting their mind help in the process. Visualization is a powerful technique that can help you make lasting lifestyle changes. Just by "day dreaming", you can significantly improve your chances in achieving your goals. Visualization is a great weight loss tool and its as simple as visualizing your body as you want your body to look like. This mental image of yourself is then transferred to your subconscious mind, which in turn starts to work on your body, shaping it in accordance with your mental image thus reducing your weight. This means that if you program your subconscious with a mental image of yourself as a slimmer person, through persistence your mind will accept this and aid your body to conform to this mental image. Once your mind is programmed with the proper mental images, it will start to work in assisting you to losing weight. I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to believe in your visualization goals. You have to let go of past dieting failures and refuse to entertain any negative images that come into your mind. If you can visualize your body at its perfect weight and proportions, the subconscious mind will work to make it become a reality. It will then begin to positively reinforce your body into aiding the metabolism and eating habits. Programming your mind into believing that you can lose weight, and to visualize yourself at your ideal weight is of the greatest importance. Try to think of a different image of yourself, then let your subconscious do the work for you. If you think of your own body fat and being out of shape all the time, then the subconscious mind will find ways to make it so. The subconscious looks after all of all your vital functions, it is the cause of all your good and bad habits, and also regulates muscle (the muscles are controlled by the subconscious) and body-fat composition on the body, and the latter is the one we are most interested in. So please try to visualize your body as lean as you would like, and your mind will work on that image. The mind can be a great partner in losing weight. Getting Rid of Bad Nutritional Habits A bad habit is like second nature and is acquired over a long period of time. Bad habits are programmed into the subconscious and “will power” alone will not get rid of it. Many try using all sorts of different ways to break it but without success. Obesity is the result of bad nutritional habits and some of the causes are boredom, stress, tension and different complexes. Food becomes the substitution for these causes and before too long, obesity sets in. Most people become concerned that they’re obese, eat more and a vicious cycle is established. The only way for lasting permanent weight loss is to break these bad habits and replace them with positive new ones, and the only way to do this is with visualization. Visualization puts you in charge of your subconscious where all these bad programs are stored. All the will power in the world is not going to break these bad habits unless one has the help of their subconscious. Relaxation Relaxation the best way to reach the sub-conscious and will slow down the mind, turn off the exterior world so as to tune in to one’s inner self. The best times for these sessions are in the morning and late at night right, just before going to sleep. Try performing two sessions, one in the afternoon (primary) and the other before going to sleep (secondary) but once a day is quite sufficient. Sessions usually last 20 minutes, which isn’t time consuming especially when taking in the benefits received. It has been stated that one of these sessions is equivalent to 2 hours of deep sleep and upon waking you will feel revitalized and full of energy. Believe me instead of worrying about time constraints; you will be looking forward to the next session. When you begin your relaxation sessions, make sure you won’t be disturbed - lock the door, take the phone off the hook and loosen all clothing. Now find a comfortable position, whether it is lying down or sitting in a comfortable chair. Sitting may be preferable as you may fall asleep if you become too comfortable. You want to be conscious and not asleep in order to tap into your sub-conscious mind. Try to exhale all the air from your lungs completely and then breathing in through the nose. Take ten seconds to fill the lungs with air (not to capacity, but comfortable) hold for ten seconds and then exhale slowly through the nose for another ten seconds. Each one of these breathing cycles should last for 30 seconds, complete five cycles and after each cycle you will be feeling more and more relaxed. If you are sitting, open your eyes and look straight ahead. If you are lying down, open your eyes and stare at the ceiling. After a few minutes, slowly close your eyes. Having reaching this calm relaxed state start your visualizations. Put together images that power your emotions. Make them alive and colourful. Make the scenes as real as possible and imagine yourself as slim and toned the way you will look after successful weight loss. Picture yourself ten weeks from now on the beach, walking briskly and confidently to your favourite spot, your breathing is normal and relaxed. You smile to yourself; you could keep walking like this for miles without feeling fatigued. You lay your towel out and begin to take your clothes off revealing a firm, toned, well conditioned body. You have just bought a brand new swimming suit which just weeks before would have been lying in your closet waiting to be used. Glancing around you notice the beach is busy, you catch the eye of someone of the opposite sex, they smile at you and you smile back. You walk confidently to the water and swim a couple of hundred yards with no problem or fatigue. Or try this: Visualize your family and friends complimenting you about how good your body looks and how slim you look. Try to view the scene as it is happening this instant - in the present, not in the future. Using these visualizations you can construct in your mind any scene that desire. See yourself exercising, socializing, in the company of friends. Try and hear people complimenting you about your slim new body, and watch their admiring glances. Make the mental image as real as possible.  Remember set a goal for your ideal weight  You must want to lose weight  Visualize yourself at your ideal weight  Use positive images at every opportunity Practice these sessions on a daily basis and over a period of ten weeks you’ll be on your way to become more fulfilled, happier and leaner

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Obesity & Diabetes

Health is a big asset which requires proper care and nurturing. A fit and trim body gives inner and outer confidence whereas an obese physique makes you dull and pessimistic. Obesity breeds other diseases and makes our existence uncomfortable and unpleasant. It also results in emotional suffering which is one of the most painful parts of obesity.

Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem. It's a health hazard. Someone who is grossly overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as compared to an average-weight person. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions such as diabetes and strokes.

A weight increase of 11-18 pounds doubles the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in comparison to individuals who have not gained weight. According to studies, over 80 percent of people with diabetes are overweight or obese. This may account for the newly invented word, diabesity, which signifies the close association between obesity and diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes, one of most prominent ailment found in obese people reduces body's ability to control blood sugar. It is a major cause of early death, heart disease, stroke, and blindness. Overweight people are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to normal weight people. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use sugar. Sugar is the basic fuel for the cells in the body, and insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells.

The chances of its occurrence can be reduced by losing weight and exercising more. If you have type 2 diabetes, losing weight and becoming more physically active can help control your blood sugar levels. Increasing your physical activity may also allow you to reduce the amount of diabetes medication intake. Losing a small amount of weight can also reduce your chances of developing heart disease or a stroke and make your body ailment free.

Studies show that you can improve your health by losing as little as 10 to 20 pounds. Weight reduction can decrease your chance of developing several fatal ailments like heart disease, blood pressure, and levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides. So take your first step towards weight loss and make your life a healthy and energetic one.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Move, Move, Move for Greater Weight Loss

Incidental activity is very important in the process of losing weight as you can burn more calories than relying on dietary means alone. Fat is burned from the body when cells oxidize to release energy in the form of exercise or movement. When the exercise is done slowly to moderately then the majority of energy is taken from the fat stores. The loss of fat comes from fat cells all over the body, not from one or more specific area’s so spot reduction of a certain area is not possible. The main priority of this article is to show you the quickest and safest way to lose fat from the body. The key to effective aerobic training that burns off the maximum amount of fat is long-term consistency not intensity. It doesn’t matter if you run a mile, jog a mile or walk a mile you will burn exactly the same amount of calories. The best exercise by far for the purpose of fat-loss is fast walking either indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. What many don't know is that walking produces a greater percentage of fat loss as opposed to jogging or running. Other aerobic activities are the treadmill, bike, climber or any other training gear found in or out of the gym. Walk or exercise until you are mildly puffing and hold that rate until the allotted time. If your aerobic activities leave you panting or breathless, your going too hard, your energy is coming from your carbohydrate reserves and not from your fat stores. Try fast walking for one hour a day every day of the week if you are able. Here are some of the benefits of Fast Walking.  Easy to Perform  Most Conventional  All Natural Body Movement  Doesn't Cause Injuries  Can Be Done Anywhere  The Best Minimal Effort Exercise for Fat Loss Research shows that regular, brisk walking is one of the best exercises we can do for overall fitness. It suits people of all ages and fitness levels, it’s easy to get started and there's no complicated technique to learn or equipment to buy. Walking is an excellent way to get fit because it uses nearly all the muscles and, as you have to carry your body weight, you can get a good workout from it. It’s also safer on the joints and the back than most other forms of exercise because you're not jumping up and down, so the impact is low. Studies have shown that taking a daily 20-minute walk can reduce the risk of heart attack as much as 50%, it also reduces high blood pressure and helps to burn fat to keep weight under control. Walking and other weight bearing exercises (Strength training) helps to increase bone mass, which protects against osteoporosis and bone fractures. In the first two weeks, go for a 20-minute walk every other day and then increase this to 40 minutes. At first try to do five 20-minute walks per week totalling 100 minutes a week. Once you get used to the regular exercise, increase this to 40 minutes for five times a week. You can then gradually increase this as you see fit, if you want to walk every day for 40 minutes or even an hour so be it. Remember the more you walk the more fat that will be burned off. The best pace for fitness training will make you slightly breathless, but you should still be comfortable and be able to carry on a conversation. As you get fitter, you'll want to stretch a little harder to keep your heart rate up. Try lengthening your strides, increasing your pace. Keep your shoulders back, your chest lifted and your tummy pulled in when you walk, hold your head up for open, easy breathing. Practical Tips…  If your feeling stressed, try counting your steps repeatedly from one to ten as you walk, this helps some people achieve a meditative effect and can be a great tension reliever when practiced over a full 40 minutes.  Time yourself, measure the distance or increase the gradient to make the workout more challenging. Drink plenty of fluids during and after your walk.  Make safety your first consideration. Don't walk after dark except in well-lit, busy places. Start the walk slowly, and then gradually increase the pace. In all other activities try to move, move, move. Try parking the car further away from your destination so you can walk the extra distance, hide all your remote controls so you have to get up and change the channels manually. These all help burn those extra calories and body fat from your frame.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is Eating Right All The Time Causing You Stress?

Stress can stop your weight loss goals about as much as eating a family size bag of Nacho chips and a 2-Liter bottle of pop can. My approach to weight loss was in gaining my health. Losing 300 pounds was not the first thing that occurred to me, but rather “what could I do to get healthy and eat right”. It was a very strange approach given that I was obviously clinically obese and immediately needed some quick weight loss. I had no idea that our body used food in a very specific manor and that we could improve our energy levels by working with the body, not against it. There were some very specific rules to follow, so being the good student I followed them. It became a religion for me and as I preached it, I made many people quite crazy. I became an outcast because I had to prepare my food differently and would not eat with the gang at meal times. My food was prepared differently, eaten differently and eventually I even came to ask food servers to use different spatulas to flip my “veggie burger” from the grill. I followed the rules and I increased my energy. I began eating better and my energy levels increased enough that my weight loss began and I started to become lean and healthy. Then the stuff hit the fan Well, it hit their fan, not mine. Friends began to talk behind my back about wanting the old Rob back. In one instance, I was held down on a couch while cola was poured into my mouth against my will. They wanted their old funny, fat, life of the party friend back, not this health nut with all these food rules. I think I first became aware of being stressed about food at a birthday party I was asked to attend. It was a time of celebration, but do you want to know what I was thinking? “Do I or don’t I have a piece of cake?” “This is totally processed, unnatural food. No fiber, no wholeness and it contained sugars, lard and all kinds of other crap”. I had a whole bunch of thoughts about how this would affect my weight loss goals, my health and my eating habits. I was weighing the thoughts of being socially acceptable against the health choice of having this one little piece of cake. I thought about losing them as friends if I did not accept the cake and weighed it against the impact this poor food choice was going to have on my body. I had already lost friends because of my food choices and I really did not want to lose more. I’m sure you’ve been there yourself, having to make a decision based on your social status vs your health. It’s a very quick thought process, but you notice that your blood pressure goes up, your heart begins to beat faster, you begin to sweat… you know what I mean? I ate the cake. I felt like crap. I felt like crap on many levels and I was stressing about this excessively. I felt bad that I had to make that choice in this manner. I felt bad because the sugar was surging into my blood and I felt bad because I “thought about this way too much” At some point, you need to let go of it all. There is energy in food; in the love and people around you that prepared the food and the circumstances in which it’s eaten. Never eat a meal when you are upset or sad because you should be enjoying the meal and taking in all the goodness in what the earth has brought to your body. Take in all that goodness and let go of all the stress. Eat naturally as much as you can and increase the amount of whole foods in your diet. Make a choice to remove processed foods and beverages such as cola’s, fruit juices, coffee and traditional teas. Eat with a smile on your face and give thanks to everyone involved in bringing the meal, the nutrition and that energy into your body. Then when the time is right, have fun and enjoy the health you’ve created. There was a very dramatic shift in my life, my health and my weight loss when I made the choice to enjoy some foods again. I began to break my own rules and live my life. I began to have fun with food and fun came back into my life. Let go.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is Barbecuing Really Healthier?

People used to question the nutritional effects of barbecuing because they were concerned about the fat content of traditional barbecue fare like hot dogs and hamburgers. That concern is valid, but it's easily avoided by substituting skinless chicken and fish. Unfortunately, researchers say there is still another concern about the health impact of barbecuing any animal meats; when they are cooked in the intense heat of the barbecue, substances are formed that have been clearly shown to be carcinogens (substances that can start the development of cancer). And these substances develop regardless of whether low-fat or high-fat, red meat or white meat is on the grill. In a landmark report on diet and cancer risk, the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) notes that as meat - red or white - is cooked, natural substances that it contains react under intense heat to form compounds called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) that have been linked with increased cancer risk in some animal studies. The longer the cooking time and higher the temperature, the more these carcinogenic substances formed. Studies in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute have shown that people who frequently eat heavily browned or very well done meat are three to five times more likely to develop breast, colon and stomach cancer than those who eat it less often. Studies of rodents demonstrated that these HCAs are distributed to mammary (breast) tissue and cause changes in a cell's genetic material. However, we don't have proof that this process occurs in people. Does this mean that if you care about your health you must banish the grill? Not necessarily. Researchers note that how people barbecue affects the risks. For example, marinating meat or poultry even briefly before cooking reduces the amount of HCAs formed by about 96 percent. Partially pre-cooking meat for two minutes in the microwave just before grilling prevents 90 percent of the HCAs normally formed. Avoid the black char that often forms during grilling, since it is particularly concentrated in cancer-causing substances. Other carcinogens of concern come from the smoke. You can limit the meat's contact with smoke and decrease this risk if you raise the grill a little higher from the heat and choose leaner meats and trim all visible fat so it can't drip and cause smoking. Placing food in a foil packet also prevents smoking. The rest of your meal can reduce the risks of grilling as well. Antioxidant vitamins and phytochemicals in fruits, vegetables and soy foods seem to block some of the damage HCAs do to cells. Studies from Oregon State University demonstrate that substances in tea increase the body's ability to detoxify and excrete HCA before they do their damage. Look at the overall balance of your meal. AICR recommends that at any meal, animal protein like meat, poultry and seafood should occupy no more than a third of your plate. And that's especially true when it's grilled. By limiting your meat portion, you limit your exposure to HCAs and other carcinogens. And by enjoying a healthy portion of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, you get loads of cancer-fighting, health-promoting nutrients and phytochemicals. If you want to grill some of these veggies, that's no problem, since the HCA reaction occurs only in foods with animal protein.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How To Lose 10 lbs. Or More Quickly And Safely

As reported in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s recently published "Calories Count - Report of the Working Group on Obesity", people who are overweight is a serious public health problem in the United States. Since the late 1980’s, adult obesity has steadily and substantially increased in the United States. Today, 64 percent of all Americans weigh too much and over 30 percent are obese; in 1988 through 1992, fewer than 56 percent were overweight and fewer than 23 percent of American adults were obese. The trends for children are even more worrisome. Recent research by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that 15 percent of children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 are overweight – double the rate of two decades ago. As Americans get heavier, their health suffers. Overweight and obesity increase the risk for coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. According to some estimates, at least 400,000 deaths each year may be attributed to obesity. What people must know is that you can improve your health quickly with just a small amount of weight loss. "We know that physical activity along with reduced calorie consumption can lead to the 5 to 10 percent weight loss necessary to achieve remission of the obesity-associated complications," says William Dietz, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to Ken Black, founder of, "losing one to two pounds a week is safe and recommended by most doctors for most people. This breaks down to 250 to 1,000 calories per day. You can achieve this easily if you follow some or all of the following guidelines" : 1. Use skim milk instead of whole milk or cream in your coffee. 2. Eat low fat yogurt instead of ice cream. 3. Eat more bright colored (green, yellow, orange, red) fruits and vegetables. 4. Eat more lean fish, chicken, or turkey, instead of red meats. 5. Eat whole wheat or multigrain bread, instead of white bread. 6. Use a sugar replacement instead of sugar (avoid Aspartame). 7. Drink water instead of soft drinks. 8. When you eat out, avoid fried foods. 9. Walk or do similar exercises (e.g. Golf, Tennis) at least 20 minutes a day. If you do even just a couple of these every day for the next month, you’ll feel much better and you will lose weight (10 lbs. or more in 6-8 weeks). And if you are concerned about getting hungry all the time, or losing your energy, try taking a safe appetite suppressant, like Herbal Phentermine. This supplement is not to be confused with the drug Phentermine, which has side effects like stomach upset, dry mouth and sleeplessness. The herbal variety is a non-prescription medication and has been tested for years to be safe for most people. It contains ingredients like green tea, acetyl L-carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, biotin and others, that control your appetite, yet increase your metabolism and energy. However, do not take any herbal supplement without checking with your Doctor first, if you are on any prescription medications, due to possible interactions between the two, or if you have a special medical condition. If you follow these simple steps, you will surely reach your weight loss goals and become a much happier, healthier, and oh yes, lighter person.

Monday, February 6, 2012

How I Lost 51 Pounds In 4 Months Using The Simplest Diet Plan In The World

Like many people I've been on dozens of diet plans over the years ranging from Atkins to South Beach to Weightwatchers to Jenny Craig and lots more besides. In fact, I've eaten enough cabbage soup to satisfy a small country! I'm 5 feet 10 and I used to weigh 230 pounds and needed to lose a good 50 pounds to get myself in some short of shape. And then it hit me. It's seems so logical now and so simple but I had ignored the simplest weight loss solution of all. Here's how I discovered it. I was over in the UK on vacation and saying with an Aunt. We were having tea together and my Aunt was watching her favourite daytime TV show called "Today with Des and Mel." The host, a rather charming guy called Des O'Connor was being asked how he stayed so trim and slim and indeed virile at aged 70 (he had just once again become a father) and he gave me the simplest weight loss solution I have ever heard. In fact you'd be seriously challenged to find a fitter and more vibrant looking 70 year old anywhere on the planet. Des's answer was that he only eats one meal per day in the evening, and in fact eats as much as he wants at that one meal sitting. During the day he may well graze on a bit of fruit and naturally drinks plenty of fluids but he swears by the plan and has done for over 40 years. This seemed so simple and ridiculously easy and I was very doubtful whether it would work for me. However, it's based on pure logic. By missing out on significant calories during the day, the body makes up for it in the evening and then stores up calories to keep you going the next day until your evening meal. However, I'm no scientist or doctor and I'm only interested in results. Here's how it worked for me. Week One was a little challenging. I did nibble on the odd cookie to keep me going with my morning black coffee. I missed the social aspect of lunch but contented myself with knowing that I was doing my health and body a huge favor. In week one I lost 6 pounds and in the first month 15 pounds dropped off my body! However, having been on many diet programs over the years I was worried it could all come back.With this in mind I started a gentle walking program in the evenings after my meal of the day and this really helped me with my energy levels. I really didn't want to visit a gym or stress myself by running. I was eating everything I wanted in the evenings, including ice cream and lots of ribs and fries etc. However, after the first month my body seemed to start regulating itself and I didn't seem to crave these heavy rich foods as much. I think my body started to learn that it needed to eat well and wholesome in the evenings so it could get through the next 24 hours. In month two I dropped another 13 pounds. In month three I lost a further 12 pounds and in month four another 11 pounds making for a total weight loss of 51 pounds in FOUR months. Truly amazing. I'm still staggered by it. I don't recommend this plan for life and have slowly reintroduced a healthy breakfast and a very light lunch. It's a truly great plan for losing excess weight quickly though - and works like nothing I've ever tried before. One year on and I'm still at my target weight of 180 pounds. I still do my walking exercise most evenings and feel 1000% better with loads more energy. I've recommended this plan to dozens of friends and I have to say it's worked for 90% of them. Give it a shot, the odds are that it'll work great for you too! Check with your doctor first though to be safe.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hoodia For Appetite Suppression And Weight Loss

Occasionally you hear so much about something that you have to get more information. Hoodia is one of the substances that I just keep hearing about over and over so I wanted to do some research and pass it on. Hoodia is a cactus like plant that is found in parts of Africa. Of all the various forms of Hoodia available, Hoodia Gordonii is the one that seems to be touting the appetite suppression benefits. Some people may like the fact that hoodia is not a stimulant but rather it is believed that hoodia causes the brain to send very strong signals that the stomach is full even when it is not. The signals sent are reported to be much stronger than the signals sent by sugar. Hoodia is relatively new on the market so for those of you who are not into experimenting with themselves; you may want to wait for more studies to come out on hoodia. I have not been able to find any studies done on hoodia and weight loss – but I have found tons of anecdotal evidence. Anecdotal evidence sometimes precludes valid scientific findings and sometimes it turns out to be hype. If hoodia proves to be a non-stimulating appetite suppressant, then I could see it benefiting those trying to cut down on evening eating, those who have trouble eating several smaller portions throughout the day, and those who just tend to be overcome by cravings. Remember supplements are only a tool in your weight loss/healthy lifestyle arsenal. If you do decide to purchase hoodia, make sure you purchase from a company that is known to be trusted and reputable. The jury is still out on hoodia and weight loss and appetite suppression but it looks as if the anecdotal evidence is mounting up in a promising way. Sometimes anecdotal evidence leads to scientific studies. (like with creatine and weight lifting) So if you are willing to experiment and your doctor has approved, hoodia may be worth trying. Wishing you the best of health, Bill

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis) And Weight Loss

It seems lately that I have come across an abundance of information on the benefits of consuming green tea. Because of this, I have been inspired to compile some of the information - specifically regarding green tea and weight loss. Green tea contains a number of things that are reported to be very healthful for you. Among these are: Tannins, phenols, polyphenols, and flavanoid compounds, the amino acid theanine, and catechins of which egcg seems to be the most beneficial. Some of the reported benefits you will see when researching green tea are: • Protecting skin from ultraviolet radiation • Protection against a number of different cancers • Increased life span • Protection of the brain • Increased antioxidant levels • Theanine has been reported to negate the jittery effect of caffeine, and heighten mental acuity and some have even said give a relaxed but aware state. • Last but not least are increased fat metabolism This increased fat metabolism is what is of most interest to people wanting to lose weight. It simply means the rate at which you burn calories and the body's ability to burn fat. The studies seem to point to a connection between the caffeine in green tea and the epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which causes a boost in noradrenaline. Noradrenaline helps your body boost your metabolism and suppress your appetite. Some experts recommend that you take a standardized green tea supplement which contains 90mg of EGCG and 50mg caffeine. Of course you should always consult your physician before taking any supplement, especially one with caffeine. Drinking green tea can be a pleasurable experience. I have tasted some very good green teas and I have tasted some that taste like what I imagine blended grass would taste like. My favorites seem to be the mixture of green tea and lemongrass. The best tasting ones I have found have been in health food stores or online. Don't give up on your first taste. Experiment around and try different flavors of green tea. You may find one or more that you just absolutely love. I generally microwave my green tea and drink it warm. I have brewed several bags at a time using boiling water and then place in the refrigerator for a nice cool beverage as well. Drinking green tea can also be an aid to weight loss if it takes place of another habit such as coffee with sugar or cola. I know many people who start the day with a sugar filled caffeine cola or sweetened iced tea. This is how they get their morning caffeine. Why not substitute green tea for this and enjoy the feeling and health benefits? Replace that after lunch cup of coffee with a cup of green tea. You will be doing something healthy for your body and you won't experience the "drop" that coffee can leave you with an hour or so later. Also enjoy a cup of green tea before your exercise routine, just be careful and do not consume it late in the afternoon. A cup of green tea contains about half as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. If you are sensitive to caffeine – use caution or avoid all together. I am a believer in a healthy lifestyle to achieve your desired weight. If you know me or read any of my articles you also know that I am a believer in supplements – Only as an aid to a healthy lifestyle. Not a magic solution. I see green tea as an effective tool in your weight loss arsenal. Green tea seems like a wonderful addition to your daily life which may help you boost your metabolism, ward of sickness, and give you a gentle caffeine lift. Wishing you the best of health, Bill

Friday, February 3, 2012

Go Low-Glycemic To Burn Away That Excess Fat!

Obesity -- it is as much the scourge of the developed world as poverty is of the Third World. Thousands in the developed world have been desperately -- and rather unsuccessfully -- trying to shed their pounds, even as thousands in the underdeveloped world have been trying to put some fat into their bodies. The World Health Organization says that the United States is now the fattest country in the world. Ask anyone who has tried to burn away those calories. It's easier to look for the proverbial needle in the haystack! And they will tell you that there are no shortcuts in a fat loss regimen. There are many causes that contribute to weight gain. Often, it may not only be the intake of food. Hormonal factors, side-effects of medical conditions, and many other factors cause weight gain. Recent research has shown that the increased amount of chemicals and toxins in the environment is a factor contributing to obesity. Dieting and fat burning exercises are often considered the only solution for fat loss. But such a regime should be tailor-made for your body composition and lifestyle to be effective. However, many people do not follow professional advice and cause more harm to their body than good while on a fat loss regime. This is where we need to look at the new low-glycemic standard of healthy eating. Glycemic indexing basically measures by how much a given food raises blood sugar and insulin response. This is important because the rate at which your blood sugar rises after eating is important in managing your weight. High-glycemic food causes many negative effects, including weight gain. They increase your appetite, and raise fat in your body system by increasing triglycerides. However, a low-carbohydrate diet is not necessarily a low-glycemic diet as is the popular misconception. Such a diet will only lead to more fat in the body. So what is a low glycemic diet? Fruits and vegetables are low-glycemic food, and you should include them most in your daily diet. However, it is often not quite possible to stick to such a diet. That is where glyconutritionals or glyconutrient supplements come in. Glyconutrients are a class of sugars that are found in fruits and vegetables and are necessary to keep the body ticking along perfectly. The are needed to some the fundamental biochemical process of cell-to-cell communication in the body, and tone up the immune system. Eight of these essential sugars have already been discovered and six of these are not available in our daily diet. Taking glyconutritional supplements made from fruits and vegetables helps in two ways: they help you maintain a low-glycemic diet and also keep your body strong while on a fat loss regime.