Monday, October 8, 2012

Advice to Parents on Childhood Measles - Part II

Copyright 2006 Peter Nisbet

In Part 1 I explained how a lack of knowledge about measles symptoms and resistance to MMR has resulted in some parents starting up ‘measles parties’ to ensure that their children caught measles early and so gain immunity that way. This is mistaken in my view and many people are unaware that measles is still a major killer. In part II I will explain to parents what the measles symptoms are, in what order they should appear and when to call a doctor.

As a parent you should learn how to recognise measles symptoms. If your child has had the disease, or is immunized, you probably don’t need to know this, but if not you could save a life by being aware of the most important measles symptoms and when to get medical help. Back in the 1950s and 60s they all knew measles symptoms when they saw the, but not now, so let’s try to spot the them in the rough order in which they normally appear. It’s not easy since many childhood infections have similar symptoms. However, they all have at least one which is particular to that disease.

Measles symptoms:

Measles frequently start with symptoms similar to those of a cold or the flu.

1. First a runny nose and a ‘sniffle’, followed by a sore throat.. A typical ‘barking’ cough can then develop. So far, you would not think ‘measles’ The eyes will puff up, may become watery and get red and sore looking. If you know of a possible measles contact you can now get suspicious.

2. A slight increase in temperature will develop, and will increase to around 39 Celsius (102F). The child may shy away from the light or close her eyes when a light is switched on. At this point you may want to call a doctor. If so, you will catch the disease early, but the symptoms are not yet definitely indicative of measles. Most parents will still regard these symptoms as a’ bit of a cold’ or a ‘touch of the flu’.

3. You may not notice this, but about 2 to 3 days after the first symptoms appear, your child will get small spots on the inside of the cheek, round about the molars, called Koplik’s Spots. These look like small red bumps with tiny grains of sand or salt in the middle. These may last less than a day and sometimes even appear within the first 36 hours. If you are with it and aware, you will see this, and you should call your doctor at this stage. This the definitive measles symptom. No other infection shows Koplik's spots. These spots disappear as the main rash appears. They are photographed on my website.

5. The temperature will probably have reduced a bit by now to 37 – 38C (just at or below 100F). You think perhaps she is getting better.

6. The main rash starts to appear about 1 or 2 days after the Koplik’s spots. It forms small spots which join together to form blotches. Definitely doctor time! There is a picture of a measles rash on my website.

7. The rash appears on the forehead around the hairline first, then to the neck, body, arms and legs. By this time you will have called a doctor and your child is diagnosed with measles unless you have an inexperienced doctor, when samples may be taken to identify the virus.

8. The temperature increases again to over 40C or higher (105F). No need for samples now - if the Koplik's spots were missed, this is definitely measles, but by now it is dying out.

9. The rash lasts about 4 days then starts to disappear from the head down. The whole process, from start of symptoms to disappearance of the rash, takes about 10 days on average. The rash itself last about 6 days.

A person with measles is infectious from 4 days before the rash appears to about 4 days after it has appeared, so it can be passed around before any measles symptoms show.

Those most at risk are:

Young children under one year old. Malnourished people. Children who have depressed immune systems, such as those on some cancer treatments or are infected with HIV or AIDS. Children suffering from a Vitamin A deficiency. Pregnant women: the infection can cause miscarriage or premature delivery.

It is said that a doctor’s surgery can be a dangerous place. Measles is extremely contagious, and around 90% of close proximity contacts will catch the disease. If any of the above high risk patients are present in the surgery waiting room when you take your child suspected of having measles, you may be placing them at special risk.

Doctors may not like this, but for this reason alone I suggest that you call a doctor rather than take a child suspected of having measles to the surgery. This is another argument against those who would rather have their child catch measles at a measles party than be given a vaccination to prevent them from contracting it.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Affordable Hair Transplants - How To Choose A Hair Transplant Center

While opting for an affordable hair transplant keep these 10 tips in your mind. And I am sure you will never go with a wrong decision in choosing the right hair transplant center for you:

1. Consistent Results

With dense-packed follicular unit hair transplantation and microscopic graft preparation, natural, finished and reliable results can be achieved. So prefer a hair transplant center with these facilities.

2.Affordable hair transplant:

A high hair transplant cost does not guarantee you the best results, it is imperative for you to have knowledge of hair transplantation restoration procedures and costs and know what is applicable to you. You can go for an affordable hair transplant only after a comprehensive decision with other patients.

3. Quality Control

Every step of your hair transplantation should be performed with the highest standards, with full attention from start to finish to ensure that you achieve good results.

4. Choose least time consuming clinic

You should choose a hair transplant center and specially a qualified surgeon who can place your grafts close enough to finish a specific area of head in one surgical session. This will make hair transplant less time-consuming, more convenient, and ultimately less expensive for you.

5. Microscopic Dissection

It will be better if you choose a clinic equipped with modern technologies of hair transplant like Binocular stereoscopic dissecting microscope. Every single graft is prepared in a meticulous manner by using microscopic magnification. All follicular unit hair transplantation will provide you natural and superior results and preserve your donor’s hair also.

6. Total Patient Comfort

Hair replacement center should be comfortable for patients undergoing hair replacement. Choose a replacement center where recreation facilities are also available like listening to music or watching movies.

7. Experience

Before going to a hair replacement center you should check their prior performance and experience in the related field.

8. Dedications and Commitment

Dedication and commitment of doctors is also necessary for a good treatment. You should try to find a hair replacement clinic with well-qualified and dedicated doctors.

9. Recognition

Before going for a treatment check the recognition of the hair replacement clinic. Are they following world-class procedures for hair replacement? Are they really affordable or too expensive?

10. Do not go for fake advertisements-make a research by yourself. Find the center with affordable hair transplant over the internet and then enquire personally.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Aerobic Training: How Doing It Properly Can Improve Health

A lot of people nowadays are using various medications and going on crash diets to lose some unwanted pounds and improve their health. Because of this phenomenon, the benefits of aerobic exercises have been overlooked. Two of the more famous forms of aerobic exercise are running and jogging. Doing these activities lead to improved physical appearance, healthier heart, and elevated moods.

The primary benefit of this kind of exercise is a healthy heart. The human body responds to the increased need for oxygen that comes with running or jogging. As aerobic exercise takes place, the circulatory system responds by pushing itself harder which prompts the heart to beat faster. Just like other muscles in the body that receives a healthy dose of workout, the heart becomes stronger with regular aerobic training. A stronger heart pumps blood more efficiently and improve blood flow to many parts if the body. Because of a healthy heart, climbing stairs can be a breeze and walking or running long distances may less difficult. One's body therefore becomes more efficient in handling everyday tasks that can be encountered.

Like other physical activities, regular aerobic training can give a healthier looking body to individuals who engage in them. For people who workout regularly, the muscles become more toned and lean because fat is burned off. In addition to these physical improvements, greater muscle density contributes to bone strength and reduce the risk of breaking bones as one gets older.

Medical studies also add that moderate or intense physical activities may prompt the body to produce substances called endorphins. These substances are produced by the brain that may elevate one's mood and eliminate feelings of stress and anxiety. This effect is called by many health experts as the “runner's high.”

However, individuals who want to engage in aerobic training should consult health professionals or train with a professional instructor. Because improper or too much training may do more harm than good. Extreme exercise may increase the production of stress hormones like cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. These hormones aid the body in switching to a more efficient fat-burning metabolism to preserve glycogen in the muscles and aid blood vessels in the delivery of oxygen to the muscles. However, stress overload can occur if an individuals does not dial down the intensity even for short periods. This may cause an increase in white blood cells that eliminate bacteria, viruses, and even cancer cells. When the intense exercise is finished, the number of immune cells may decrease. It is theorized that any viruses or bacteria present in this stage may multiply and cause infection which may weaken the immune system.

Aerobic training and other physical activities should be done properly to avoid ill-effects that improper or over-training may bring. Individuals who want to engage in such activities can begin aerobic training by walking or jogging five minutes in the morning and another five minutes the evening. The next they they can add a few minutes to each aerobic session. Soon, they could be walking briskly or jogging for 30 minutes a day and reap the benefits of regular aerobic exercise.

Aerobic Benefits and History

Aerobic Benefit:
The word ‘aerobic’ means “with oxygen”. Researchers consistently recommend that regular physical activity with healthy eating habits is the most efficient way to keep yourself fit and control your body weight. Aerobic activity helps you to control or reduce your weight by using excess calories that otherwise would be stored as fat. Everything you do uses the calories including sleeping, digesting food and breathing. Any physical activity to what you normally do will use extra calories. So doing regular aerobic exercise gives you a sense of positive attitude that helps to counteract stress. Aerobic activity increases the body’s production of endorphins.

Benefits of aerobics:
* The heart works more efficient and becomes more stronger.
* It helps to control your weight.
* Reduces the risk in developing diabetes, obesity and any heart disease.
* There is an increase in good cholesterol and decrease in bad cholesterol.
* It increases endorphins.
* Increases the body’s ability to take in oxygen and makes you breathe faster.
* It helps to reduce and control the body fat.
* Improves the body muscle strength and flexibility.
* Improves the quality of sleep that freshens you early next morning.
* Helps to avoid chronic diseases like heart disease and hypertension.
* Aerobics increases the resistance fatigue and gives you more energy.
* Improves your mood and reduces depression, stress and anxiety.
* It avoids overheating.
* Aerobics pumps the blood faster and more forcefully.
* Helps in prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
* Builds the muscular strength and makes your body more flexible.
* Helps to reduce blood pressure.
* Prevents from certain types of cancer also.
In short aerobics burns your fat. Aerobics makes you live longer and live healthier and happier.
It builds up a positive attitude in you and changes your perception of looking towards life.

Regular aerobic exercises will force the heart to gradually enlarge and it is important to always target your heart rate.

Here safety is first:
Vigorous aerobic routine can cause sprains and injuries. So never neglect the pain and immediately consult your doctor. If you have any medical concerns the consult your doctor and then start the routine. If a problem like dizziness, vomiting, back pain or any other arises consult your doctor and then continue the aerobic activity.
Aerobic history: “Origin of the way ending in a fit and healthy world”

Aerobics is nothing but a system of exercises to help prevent coronary artery diseases which was first put forwarded by a physician called Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper in San Antonio air force hospital in Texas. Shortly after the publishing of cooper’s book about the exercise system, Aerobics in 1968, a person known as Jackie Sorenson developed a series of dance routines known as the aerobic dance to considerably improve the cardiovascular fitness. In this way aerobic dance and other form of exercises gain existence and made its way cautiously among the masses all over United States and many other counties and that too in a very short span of around two decades. The number of aerobics participant in the US alone raises from an estimated 6 million in 1978 to 19 million in 1987. Thus from the above lines one can easily see the tremendous popularity of aerobics among the people around the world.

Something about sportaerobics

Howard and Karen Schwartz are the two persons who developed a very new and competitive sport known as sportaerobics in the year 1983. Their group organization called the sport fitness international holds the credit of organizing the first national aerobic championship in the year 1984. Sportaerobics at the beginning, started featuring competition in four categories namely individual male and female, mixed pairs and trio which have the facility to include any of the three athletes. In the year 2002 the competition was upgraded to a group of six athletes. The judgment of the competitors is done on a one minute, forty-five seconds routine done to music. Judges choose two criteria namely the artistic merit and the technical merit with an overall 10 pints each. In 1996 sportaerobics is formally adopted as a Gymnastique discipline.

Growth of aerobics since the early years

Aerobics since the day of its introduction is growing at a tedious pace. All sorts of people are finding aerobics to be convenient and helpful in maintaining a fit and healthy body structure. Today the present scenario is such that every person in between a heavy work schedule makes out atleast half an hour to work out either in the gym or in the home. Every one today stress on the need to stay healthy and hence aerobics and all its form of exercises are rapidly gaining popularity.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Aerobic Pictures - The Truth About Their True Effectiveness!

I know how skeptical people typically are about motivational pictures. Everyone has seen and got fed up with that tripe posted on the partition walls of their cubicles – some stranger conquering an impossible mountain against the canvas of a magnificent sunrise with some stupid caption about “persistence”, or “excellence” under it, or some poor little kitten cutie struggling to hang on to the edge of a table with her babyish claws, beneath which is inscribed, invariably in corresponding bubbly cutesy letters, “hang on”.

Hey, you might not believe me when I tell you this. If I were a listener like you, I would probably not believe in it either. Nonetheless, I have an urge to tell you this simple yet rarely acknowledged fact that nothing inspires people quite as much as aerobic pictures to get fit and back in shape.

It is considered a sign of very low refinement even to put such thing up, let alone to confess to be motivated by them – unless you are a middle manager, in which case low refinement is considered more of a virtue than a vice. However, at least in the case of aerobic pictures, it is true. The right picture can really give people that extra push and get them moving.

Well, you think I am exaggerating. No not really. Seeing people sweating every day enables me to tell the gleam of sweat from the gleam of confidence. What I see here is definitely the gleam of confidence. They look at those aerobic pictures and stand up straighter, work that much harder, and I believe, go home feeling a whole lot better about themselves. Even the aerobic exercise classes seem to go better once the pictures are present.

I should know. I am a manager at the Skinny Booty Gym downtown, and I oversee various tasks including decorating the walls. It has given me plenty of time to observe people in their workouts, and the differences that those aerobic pictures make are surprising. Before I stick them up, many people seemed to be just painfully dragging on with their workouts, without hope of ever attaining any fitness goals. Since I put up the aerobic pictures, however, things have taken a dramatic turn. It is like the aerobic pictures lift everyone's morale that makes them practically shine with confidence.

After seeing this effect on people, I have even taken down my other motivational posters and put up the aerobic pictures around my cubicle in the gym. Even when I am not doing any exercise, the pictures of fit, trim people doing their aerobics workouts seems to tell me I should put in a little bit more effort into whatever tasks I am attending to at the moment. There are many types of decorations which are more beautiful, more exciting, and flashier than aerobic pictures, but I have yet to find one that exerts a bigger positive influence on the work ethics. And isn't that the most crucial thing of all?

Aerobic Activity

The term aerobic means "with oxygen." During an aerobic activity , the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart, lungs and blood vessels, responds to physical activity by increasing the oxygen that is available to the body's working muscles. Aerobic activity involves an exercise routine that uses large muscle groups, is maintained for a long periods and is rhythmic in nature. Regular aerobic activity improves your fitness as your heart becomes stronger and begins to work better. The result is that the heart can pump more blood (thus increasing oxygen delivery to the tissues) with each heartbeat. As your aerobic fitness increases, you can work out longer with greater intensity and recover quicker at the end of the session. Aerobic activity is often coined either High Impact or Low Impact. High-impact aerobic activity includes actions that take both feet off the floor, thus causing more jarring of the joints when the body weight hits the floor again. An example of Low Impact is walking while High Impact is jogging or jumping up and down.

It is important to start at a low intensity and increase this over the following few weeks as the exercise feels easier. For example, 20 minutes of walking, jogging or a combination of walking/jogging may be sufficient to leave you rather breathless and fairly tired at the start of your program, but as the weeks go by, you may need to increase the pace or introduce jogging up some shallow hills to achieve a further increase in fitness. Remind that the heart works better when it is strong. Because the heart is a muscle, it can be made stronger with regular physical activity or aerobic activity. Explain that there are two types of exercise: aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic activities use the arm and leg muscles and give the heart (and lungs) a continuous workout. Anaerobic activities build and tone muscles but are not as beneficial to the heart and lungs as aerobic activities.

Some of the best forms of aerobic activity are the traditional sports. If you get together and play basketball twice a week with friends, this alone might be enough to keep you fit and healthy. The important thing is to get some kind of aerobic activity, and to make it something that you enjoy enough to keep with it. Some people should consult their doctor before they start a vigorous aerobic activity program. The best advice I have is to join a gym for a month. This will let you try out lots of different aerobic exercises and find out which ones you like.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Aerobic Exercise for Weight Loss Can Be Fun

The word aerobic literally means "with oxygen" or "in the presence of oxygen." Aerobic exercise is any activity that uses large muscle groups, can be maintained continuously for a long period of time and is rhythmic in nature. Aerobic exercises utilize oxygen as the major fuel for sustaining activity for relatively long periods.

In general, aerobic exercises are those activities that require large muscle work, elevate the heart rate to between 60 percent and 80 percent of maximal heart rate, are continuous in nature and are of 15 to 60 minutes in duration. An aerobically fit individual can work longer, more vigorously and achieve a quicker recovery at the end of the aerobic session.

Aerobic exercises fall in two categories:

Low to Moderate Impact aerobics – These include walking, swimming, stair climbing, step classes, light water aerobics, rowing and cross-country skiing. Nearly anyone in reasonable health can engage in some low- to moderate-impact exercise. Brisk walking burns more calories than jogging for the same distance because it takes more time to walk than jog that distance and poses less risk for injury to muscle and bone.

High-Impact aerobics – Activities that belong to this group include running, dance exercise, tennis, racquetball and squash. High-impact aerobics should be performed on alternate days. People who are overweight, elderly, out of condition or have an injury or other medical problem should do them even less frequently and only with clearance from their doctor.

Here are some of the many aerobic exercises you can do and because of the variety you have to choose from, it can not only take the bordum out of doing it, it can make doing it downright fun as well.

1. Walking
Walking is a popular form of exercise because it requires little in terms of equipment or facilities. Walking an extra 20 minutes each day will burn off 7 pounds of body fat per year. Longer, moderately-paced daily walks are best for losing weight.

2. Jogging/Running
In jogging or running, an individual is able to cover greater distances in a shorter period of time. Therefore, greater numbers of calories can be burned per time spent.

3. Choreographed Aerobic Exercise
Choreographed aerobic dance is a very popular form of exercise throughout the world. Aerobic dance helps in toning up the muscles of the body and many people find it fun to do as well.

4. Step Aerobics
Step aerobics incorporates the use of a step or bench typically about one foot wide and three feet long and about six inches high. Instructors use many moves that require participants to step up and down from the platform. This way, the activity will not be boring and tiring, but will be lively and motivating.

5. Water Aerobics
Water aerobics incorporates a variety of movements from both swimming and land aerobics to develop vigorous routines that are aerobic in nature. It utilizes the resistance to movement that water creates to elevate heart rates and also helps you if balancing yourself on land is difficult. It is a good way to lose weight.

6. Swimming
Swimming is a very popular form of regular exercise. Due to the resistance of water, the amount of energy required to swim a certain distance is greater than that needed to run or walk the same distance. In other words, swimming can burn more calories than running per time spent.

7. Stationary Cycling/Bicycling
Stationary cycling or bicycling are excellent forms of aerobic exercise when done continuously. Like swimming, cycling is a non weight bearing activity that builds muscular endurance and strength and improved flexibility of selected muscles of the legs and thighs.

8. Jumping Rope
Jumping rope can be a great aerobic workout as long as it is performed at a slow to moderate pace and is done continuously for a relatively long period of time (15 minutes or more).

The key to effective weight loss is through use of a healthy exercise program which is performed on a regular basis while following a healthy dieting & nutritional plan. Aerobic exercise is good for weight loss because it uses more calories than other activities and helps raise your metabolic rate.

This helps your body burn calories at a faster rate. It is an effective way to lose fat only if you are motivated enough to do it frequently. Aerobics only burns fat during the workout itself. So if you want encouraging results you need to be able to exercise daily and for longer periods.

Advices about Diet to Reduce Rheumatic Pain and Inflammatory Conditions

Inflammation is a major component in most Rheumatic pain conditions or rheumatic diseases, therefore it is adviceable to eat a good amount of food that reduces inflammation and reduce the consumption of food that contains inflammatory agents. Here are some simple dietary advices that may help reduce rheumatic conditions:


Fish, espesially fat fish, fish oil, olive oil, walnut oil and raps oil should be a part of your diet. The fat in these types of food, omega-3-poly-unsaturated fat or omega-9-poly-unsaturated fat, reduces inflammation. However, if you add these type of oils to your diet, you should reduce the intake of other types of fat, so that you do not get too much fat.
You should also eat much vegetables, since also these make a body chemistry that reduce inflammation.


Do not consume much soya oil and corn oil, since these types of fat increase inflammation. Most food you buy that is ready to eat from the factory or restaurant contain these types of fat. You should therefore reduce the consumption of food you do not cook yourself.

Bread, cereals and products made of corn or cereals also increase the inflammation responce, especially if they contain wheat. Wheat causes a special type of inflammation in the intestines called celiac disease in some individuals, but may also trigger inflammation of non-celiac type. However, full-corn cereals and full-corn bread are valuable types of food, so you should not stop eating them. But if you eat bread or corn products at every meal, you should reduce your intake of these and eat more potatos, beans and peas.


You should absolutely not consume fat that has been chemically altered to give it another consistence. This type of fat has a very negative effect on the health and may be very potent inflamatory agents. Margarine, snacks, fast food and ready made cakes or cookies often contain this kind of fat. Unfortunately this type of fat is also often added to bread. A good idea could be to bake your bread yourself.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Aerobic Exercise for Better Fitness

It doesn't matter who you are in the world, your body needs aerobic exercise. A healthy body and quality way of life requires it. It has many of pros and will help you perform greater in all aspects of your life. So what are the benefits of aerobic exercise?

More effective implementation of the lungs by raising the oxygen transported to them and the heart using this oxygen more efficiently are a few of the advantages of aerobic exercise. The word aerobic translates to with air, or with oxygen. Exercise that is less intense and longer in length is aerobic. 15 to 30 minutes is about how long the big muscle group should be continuously worked when an athlete does aerobic exercises. The mission of the athlete is to maintain a maximum heart rate of around sixty to eighty %. Swimming, cycling, light running, and walking are just a few aerobic exercises. These activities should be able to be done without someone having to gasp for breath. If you cannot carry on a short conversation while exercising, you possibly are turning it up a notch by anaerobically exercising.

Working a certain group of muscles for an allotted amount of time to achieve your target heart rate is the objective of aerobic exercise. This works the heart more efficiently and has the body expend a greater amount of calories. Often people will hit the aerobic curve. This is when you begin working out and raise your intensity to the top then decrease gradually. Keeping a continuous heart rate is more effective. The lungs and heart endure for more time and work more efficiently when they are trained. People who perform aerobic exercise on a routine basis will have to exercise longer to reach their target heart rate as their endurance is increased. People who are just beginning will get to their target heart rate fast until their body gets used to the workload.

An aerobics class could be a good start for people who want to reap the rewards of aerobic exercise and aren't positive how to begin. Both higher and lower intensity exercises are available in an aerobics class. The class instructor will show class members how to proceed with these moves either way. How much you carry your arms and legs up during the work out is how the intensity is measured. Athletes should do the level of intensity according to their level of fitness and the regularity of their aerobic sessions.

While in an aerobic exercise work out, the body sends more blood and oxygen to the muscles. It is not smart to stop suddenly from an aerobic session. This can lead to dizziness and muscular spasms. After a relatively intense work out, a cooling down session is always a good idea. If someone gets too tired during an aerobic session, they can run in place for a little while until able to go on. Work outs that are higher in intensity and shorter in time is called anaerobic exercise. The body wears out faster and creates muscle more actively with anaerobics. A lot of sports are categorized as anaerobic exercises: soccer, downhill skiing, weights, basketball, and football. Another example is running or sprinting. The body will more likely be sore at the conclusion of anaerobic exercise.

To picture that often we don't do aerobic exercise is wild because it has so variety of benefits. It helps control and decreases body fat, raises our whole stamina, gives us extra energy, assists in our resistance to exhaustion, tones our muscles, and increases our lean body mass. It also aids us mentally by lifting mood, decreasing anxiety, reducing depression, reducing tension, and helping us sleep better at night. Who cannot benefit a bit from all that?These are benefits that people could all use.

This type exercise is no doubt essential for cardiovascular fitness even if it may be a little difficult at first. A healthy body requires regular work out sessions and is an ongoing process. People who have already achieved good cardiovascular condition can keep this by exercising at least three times weekly. People who are trying to decrease weight and elevate their level of health should work out four or five intervals a week.

Advice on mobility scooters

For those with poor mobility electric scooters or mobility scooters are an ideal solution to improve their mobility and independence. Scooters are usually battery powered with the ability to carry one person.

Mobility scooters come is a wide range of styles to accommodate different user’s needs. Mobility scooters can have either three or four wheels, and have two main speed setting; 4mph or 8mph. As the scooters run on battery power there is no pollution produced. The batteries are rechargeable. The distance which a scooter can cover on one charge will depend from scooter to scooter, and the terrain on which the mobility scooter is used. Operating a scooter is fairly simple, with accelerating and braking functions and a tiller style steering.

Types of Electric Scooters

There are several different types of Electric Scooters or Mobility. The main ones are a follows:

Transportable Mobility Scooters - These scooter are designed to dismantle and mantle simply and quickly. The scooter will dismantle into section making it light to lift and fit into most car boots.

3 Wheeled Electric Scooters or Mobility Scooters - The three wheeled mobility scooters are full size and offer good manoeuvrability and are suitable for both indoor as well as outdoor use.

4 Four-Wheeled Electric Scooters or Mobility Scooters - Four wheel scooters offer greater stability than 3 wheel scooters. These types of scooters are mainly used for outdoor use. These scooters have bigger tyres with wider base and can go as fast as 8 mph.

Advantages of Electric Scooters or Mobility Scooters

The main advantages are as follows:

1. The Electric Scooters are powered by battery therefore no physical exertion is required.
2. People with low mobility can gain greater independence.
3. No assistance to drive these scooters is required as it is very easy operating these scooters

Monday, July 9, 2012

Aerobic Effort for Good Fitness

No matter who you are in the world, you have to have aerobic exercise. It is required for a healthy body and a quality way of life. It has many of pros and will make you feel greater in all aspects of your life. Why should you do aerobics?

Muscle groups get more blood and oxygen from the body during an aerobic exercise session. It is not good to halt suddenly from an aerobic activity. Cramping and dizziness can occur from this. After a relatively intense work out, a cooling off session is always a good idea. Running in place for a little while is a good suggestion if anyone gets too tired during a work out session. More efficient use of the lungs by raising the oxygen transported to them as well as the heart using this oxygen more effectively are a few of the pros of aerobic exercise. The definition of aerobic translates to with air, or with oxygen. It is a work out that is lower in intensity and lengthier in duration. With aerobic work outs, a person uses the same large muscle group in a repetitive movement from between fifteen to thirty. A heart rate of around 60 to 80% is the objective to maintain. Just a few aerobic activities are: light running, cycling, walking, or treading water. These sessions should be able to be done without someone breathing hard. You are possibly anaerobically exercising if you are unable to carry on a short conversation.

Aerobic exercise has so many benefits that it is wild to picture that we sometimes do not take the time to do it for ourselves. It maintains and reduces body fat, boosts our total stamina, gives us extra energy, assists in our resilience to tiredness, increases our muscles, and increases our lean body mass. It also helps us mentally by improving mood, lowering anxiety, reducing depression, reducing tension, and having us sleep better at night. Who cannot benefit a bit from all that?These are pros that people could all use.

Exercise that is higher in intensity and shorter in time is called anaerobic exercise. The body wears out faster and develops muscle more quickly with anaerobics. Many sports are categorized as anaerobic exercises: soccer, downhill skiing, weight lifting, basketball, and football. Running or sprinting is another one. Anaerobic exercise will boost the chances of the body becoming sore.

An aerobics class may be a good start for people who want to reap the rewards of aerobic exercise and aren't positive how to begin. In an aerobics class, you can do high or low intensity cardiovascular. The instructor will be able to show class members how to perform these moves either way. How high you carry your limbs up during the aerobic session is how the intensity is measured. People must do the level of intensity pertaining to their abilities and the frequency of their aerobic sessions.

The objective while working out aerobically is to achieve your target heart rate and remain at that for the entire period you are working that group of muscles. This works the heart more efficiently and has the body burn a greater amount of calories. The aerobic curve is something some people will reach. This is when you begin exercising and elevate your intensity level to the peak then slow down gradually. It is more efficient to maintain that continuous rate as your heart rate rises. The lungs and heart endure longer and work more effectively when they are trained. People that perform aerobic exercise on a routine interval will have to exercise harder to reach their target heart rate as their endurance increases. People who are just beginning will reach their target heart rate fast until their body becomes adjusted to the exercise.

Aerobic exercise may be somewhat difficult to do at first, but it is absolutely necessary for cardiovascular fitness. A healthy body takes steady aerobic sessions and is a continuous process. People who are in good cardiovascular condition can keep this by exercising a minimum of three times a week. Those who are trying to lose weight and elevate their level of health should exercise four or five intervals a week.

Advice on buying mobility scooters

A mobility scooter is a convenient and simple way to improve the independence of those who would otherwise find it difficult to keep mobile.

Mobility scooters are fast becoming an essential aid for day to day mobility for the elderly. There are in the region of 250,000 scooters on the pavements and roads at the present moment in time.

They come is various styles, sizes and budgets to suit all potential users. However, buying a mobility scooter should not be rushed into. There are several things to consider.
Below is a list of such factors:
• Three or four wheel
• 4mph or 8mph
• Transportable or not
• Maximum weight capacity
• Maximum range that can be travelled per battery charge
• Ease of operation

There are a number of benefits associated with owning a mobility scooter, two examples are:

• Greater independence and returning to normal activities such as shopping.
• Greater ability to move around the house.

Buying you first mobility scooter is a means to improving you quality of life, and can be considered to be an excellent investment.

As technology improves scooters are becoming cheaper to manufacturer and making them more affordable, enabling more people to benefit from the advantages they bring.

Before buying it is important to give careful consideration to the purpose of the scooter in term of what is it to be used for? Consider the terrain upon which it is to be used, and distance that is to be covered. Also consider your budget, and stick within price range you can comfortably afford. Do not be tempted by sales people to spend more than you want. Also consider buying second hand to reduce the amount you need to spend.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Advice for men who want to look ripped

To look cut, with great muscle definition, many people have the misconception that you need to hit the gym. That's the general belief: lift less weight and do more reps for definition. For bulk, lift heavier weight and do fewer reps.

The idea that less weight tones muscles is wrong. Less weight and more reps builds endurance. For explosive power, do fewer reps with heavier weight. Just remember that to really increase strength the general consensus is that you have to work with at least 60% of your maximum lift (the heaviest weight at which you can complete a singe repetition). Definition is not an issue when deciding how many reps to do and how much weight to lift.

In reality, there is no such thing as lifting for definition. Muscular definition is one thing: muscle mass minus body fat. You cannot lift to make your muscles more defined. To look ripped, you have to shed some fat.

It starts with your diet. You have to eat right. There are many ways to eat right. One thing that works well for almost everyone is to cut out milk and milk by-products (creamers for coffee) from the diet. Also, don't eat any complex carbohydrates after lunch. A perfect dinner might be salad and tuna fish.

In addition to lifting weights, do cardio often. Many people are afraid that they will lose muscle by doing cardio. In reality, doing cardio (in addition to eating well) is the only way to get cut because you have to lose that body fat. The more cut you are, the more jacked you look.

In conclusion, lift weights, eat well, do cardio, and look ripped.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Advice for Healthy Living in 2006

With the New Year now upon us, it's important to give pause and consider making some positive changes regarding the state of your health. As they say, there’s no time like the present. People the world over often make resolutions to do something to better themselves in the coming year. In 2006, consider doing something that will benefit your overall health. The following suggestions may just help to ensure that you’re able to make New Year’s resolutions for many years to come.

Get a Check-up - An excellent place to start when considering lifestyle changes is with an honest assessment of your health. At this stage, it wouldn't hurt to consult with your physician. Why not make an appointment for your annual physical exam? This way, you can begin the year with an accurate assessment of your physical state. Your doctor will be able to focus your attention on areas that are of immediate health concern. This is especially important if you’re a smoker, if you’re overweight, or if you have any significant health issues that might prevent you from performing simple daily tasks.

Drink More Water - Make another profound difference to your health by consuming more water. Many people make the mistake of assuming that they’ve received enough water from the various pop, coffee and other beverages they’ve consumed in a day. This is not entirely accurate. Ideally, one should consume upwards of eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Water helps the body metabolize stored fats. It can also help your body cleanse itself of free radicals, which have been linked to cancer and other such ailments.

Get Moving - Exercise is yet another effective way to maintain optimal health. That’s not to say that one has to become entirely committed to working out each and every day, but it’s in every individual’s best interest to perform some form of activity 3 times per week. Physical exercise can be performed in a wide variety of ways to keep it fun and interesting. For instance, the simple act of walking is a highly effective form of exercise. It’s one that can be completed without supervision, without props, and without any previous experience working out. Joining a gym has a number of direct benefits as well. Not only will you have access to some excellent equipment, but you will also benefit greatly from the fitness knowledge that most personal trainers possess.

Pay Attention to Nutrition - Diet also plays a significant role is one's overall health. Everyone should be familiar with the dietary guidelines established by the leading health agencies and authorities. The "food pyramid" is by far the most popular set of published nutritional guidelines. The food pyramid advises people to include all of the major food groups - grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat (or protein) - in their diets. Keep in mind that the food pyramid is merely a nutritional guideline. The dietary needs of each individual will vary drastically, and what’s ideal for one person isn’t necessarily ideal for the next.

By following these few simple suggestions, you can take control of your health and your life in 2006. Good luck!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Advice for a Better Health

If you want to feel good, real good, here’s what you should do.

1. Walk Tall. The most significant effort you can make to boost your morale is to let the world see a new, confident You. And the first step towards that is to walk talk and confident, strutting through life as if you know exactly where you’re headed.

2. Empower Yourself. There is no greater feeling of power than that which is endowed by knowledge. Identify the areas you would like to empower yourself and take a go at it. Is it Art? History? Politics? Economics? Science? Technology? What stops you from picking up books, surfing the Internet or even just asking questions?

3. Energize Yourself. When you breathe in, imagine you are breathing in all the goodness of the world, allowing your system to be nourished and refreshed by it. Having thus cleansed your system, when you breathe out, your emotional toxins are dispelled. Enjoy the new sense of power you feel!

Breathe in and say, “I’m powerful,” breathe out and say, “I’m beautiful.” Repeat this a number of times and you will feel a new rush of blood through your body.

4. Feel Good About Yourself. Learn to love yourself and the life you lead. Yes, it could be better and you can make it so. But if you don’t like how things are going, that is no reason to waste what you already have in hand in the hope of what you can make of it. Remember, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush! There will always be those extra kilos to shed, those qualities you wish your partner had, that car you wish to buy, or the house you wish to own

5. Get Fit. Being fit and healthy is the greatest energy and confidence booster you can give yourself. Instead of blaming yourself for not eating right and for binging on the wrong things, cultivate some positive addictions. Try going for a daily dose of exercise: be it a walk, a workout at the gym or just floor exercises at home.

6. Eat Judiciously. Rather than feeling dejected at the weight you keep putting on because of a junk food eating habit, develop the habit of eating healthy foods to keep yourself fit and slim. It is said that you can actually eat to remain slim by eating right. Experts opine that the process of chewing and digesting foods such as celery, mushrooms, broccoli and tomatoes, when not fried, actually makes you expend more calories than you take by eating them.

7. Remain Calm. This is indeed a rare quality and if you were to successfully cultivate it more than half of your life’s worries would be over. Stress and tension are the cause of more diseases than we know of. Fatigue and irritability are also caused by stress.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Advice And Information To Help You To Lose Weight

More and more people are looking into ways of losing weight. Obesity is an ever increasing problem and being over-weight can cause many different health problems. This article gives free advice to help people in their fight to lose weight.

There are many different diets out there which try to help people to lose their excess fat, these can be very difficult to follow as the whole reason we are over-weight is because of our love for food. The diets themselves normally recommend us to eat healthy but uninspiring foods. These diets have never really worked for me, mainly because I have possibly not got the right attitude but mainly because I find it hard to stick to them. A month maybe, six months certainly not.

In my opinion exercise is the best way to lose weight. Going to a gym is certainly not for everyone and is somewhere I feel out of place and exposed. I always feel that people are looking, talking and laughing at me behind my back. Maybe I am just too paranoid.

I personally would recommend hiring a personal trainer. Now you might think that only the rich and famous could possibly do this but you would be wrong. There are many personal fitness trainers who are either connected to a gym or who advertise locally in newspapers or magazines.

These are specially trained people who are willing to come to your house to show you how to correctly exercise and they do not cost an arm and a leg.

If you have attempted this route before but have had a negative experience do not despair. It may well be because you just did not hit it off with your personal trainer. I have been using a personal trainer for the last five months and only plumped for him after trying out four others first.

My personal trainer is very good for me. He keeps me on my toes, is very good at making me continue to work hard when all I want to do is quit. He is also very fair and seems to understand how far to push me. Together we have worked out and agreed a program which includes various goals for the future. He seems to also understand about the types of food which I should and should not be eating. I am happily still able to eat a lot of foods which I like and he has also introduced me to a number of other ideas which are healthy but also very tasty.

Hiring a personal trainer was the best thing I have ever done with regards to losing weight and I would recommend it to other people. I have now lost the beer belly and still continue working hard, it is now more as a fitness thing rather than to lose even more weight.

The trainer has even stated that I am likely to actually gain weight in the future as certain muscles grow. I will not be fat though, I will be toned and a little but muscular. I look forward to the future and can also now for the first time in a number of years enjoy shopping for clothes.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Adverse Reaction Of Epidural Steroid Injections Is Severe, But Rare!

Your epidural space is the area which surrounds the spinal cord and the nerves coming out of it. It is the area associated with severe back pains and inflammation. Your epidural steroid injections are long lasting steroid (CORTISONE) injections for your Epidural space to help you relieve your severe back pains, inflammation and/or swelling of nerves in the Epidural space, and to reduce pain, tingling & numbness and other symptoms caused by nerve inflammation / irritation or swelling.

However, there are risks, side effects, complications, and adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections. 1% to 2% of all injections may have minor side effects that may include minor infections, but 0.1% to 0.01% of injections may have adverse reaction.

Some of the side effects of epidural steroid injections may include a transient decrease in immunity, Cataracts, transient flushing, increased appetite, weight gain, high blood sugar (mainly in diabetics), water retention, suppression of body’s own natural production of cortisone, etc.

The adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections may include severe infections. An adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections may include bleeding inside the Epidural space with nerve damage. This adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections is rare, but it is more common for patients with underlying bleeding disorders.

Dural puncture may be adverse reaction of 0.5% of injections. This adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections may cause a post-dural puncture headache (also called a spinal headache) that usually gets better within a few days. Although rare, a blood patch may be necessary to alleviate the headache.

Stomach ulcers may also be adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections, and severe arthritis of the hips (avascular necrosis) may also an adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections.

However, to prevent the adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections, epidural steroid injections should not be given to given to the people having local or systemic bacterial infections, pregnant women, or the people having bleeding problems. Epidural steroid injections should also not be given to the people having pain from tumor or infection. Epidural steroid injections should not be given to the allergic people, or the patients on blood thinning medications, such as Coumadin, Plavix, and Ticlid. MRI scan should be done prior to the injection to rule out the adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Adverse Reaction Of Epidural Steroid Injections

Epidural steroid injections are one of the most effective treatments of your backache. Researchers have tested that epidural steroid injections provide more relief as compared to pills ingested orally.

Epidural steroid injections are long lasting steroid injections that consist of a mixture of local anesthetic and the steroid medication, which is delivered in the epidural space surrounded by the spinal cord and the nerves coming out of it. Epidural steroid injections lessen the tenderness of nerves, which in turn reduce soreness, tingling & numbness and other signs caused by nerve inflammation or swelling.

Epidural steroid injections can provide both diagnostic and therapeutic benefits. The majority of patients take a few days to respond to epidural steroid injections because of the delayed effects of the corticosteroid.

The injecting procedure is safe, but there are always some types of hazards, fallouts, and complications associated with novel treatments. There is also adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections. The most common adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections includes temporary pain, spinal puncture with headaches, infection, bleeding inside the Epidural, nerve damage, etc.

The other adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections are linked to the side effects of cortisone such as increasing weight, rising blood sugar levels, water retention, suppression of body’s own natural production of cortisone etc. Sometimes the adverse reaction of epidural steroid injections cannot be seen at once, they arise after sometime.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Adventures with Hypnosis

In 1949, I had a real problem with a dental phobia. Four dentists had turned me down as a patient. I had two abscessed teeth and a mouthful of other cavities. My dental phobia was so bad that it had forced me to go to a hospital some years earlier in order to have three abscessed teeth removed while I was unconscious.

I went to a dental convention where I found the recommended dentist who did hypnosis. He couldn't work on my teeth, but he said he thought he could help me. So, at the lunch break, I went to his room with several other dentists, and he hypnotized me with a “standard” induction technique. Then, he taught me a psychological trick of relaxation. If I raised my left hand whenever I felt my right hand becoming a fist, indicating tension, the dentist would stop, and I would relax my right hand, and lower my left hand.) I didn't believe it would work, but I made an appointment with the last dentist who had turned me down and had recommended hypnosis.

For the first few minutes, I kept raising my left hand, and he stopped immediately. After that, I didn't need to raise my left hand much at all, and he worked fast.

He pulled the two bad teeth, and drilled and filled a dozen more in one single hour and half session. I had Novocain for the bad ones, and didn't need it for the others. Both the dentist and I were amazed at this, and he asked if I were really twins

To me, a 22-year-old engineering student, this was a genuine “miracle”, and I started to learn all I could about this miracle cure. I read everything I could find, from the 1700's literature about Mesmer, Coue, etc, up to Erickson, Barber, etc.

I became an electronic engineer, and pursued this as my major career, but my avocation continued to be hypnosis, and by extension, psychology. (Much of behavior psychology is similar to hypnosis). I used it professionally, taught it in a major university to doctors, and continued to learn about it. I performed some “shows”, and considered a career as a stage hypnotist, but was more interested in using it for helping people, as it had helped me.

In 1979, I left electronic engineering, and turned to psychology. I went back and obtained a Doctorate in Psychology based on my education, life experience, and my doctoral dissertation. I became a successful Behaviorist Psychologist for years in private practice in Florida. I gradually converted to an Orthomolecular practice when I found that these types of therapies worked better than any “talk therapy”, although talk therapy is sometimes useful as well.

Hypnotic Relaxation

During this many years of study, and later career as a psychologist, I realized that what that original dentist who hypnotized me had actually done. With hypnosis, he had simply given me a “new” conscious tool of relaxation. Using this simple tool, I could actually change something in my unconscious called a “phobia”. It wasn't really a miracle, though I had thought so at the time. Adding this knowledge to my knowledge of Pavlovian “conditioning responses”, I came up with what I called the Bate Relaxation Technique.

This is very simple, yet it can be very powerful - much more powerful than most realize because of its simplicity. It starts with a general hypnotic induction technique of relaxing the body muscles, starting with the toes and going up to the scalp and face. Then, in a state of muscle relaxation, ask the subject to visualize a very beautiful relaxing scene he/she is in. Describe the scene. Ask them to concentrate on how beautiful and very relaxing it is.

Then, ask the subject to memorize the feelings of relaxation and concentration they are feeling at that time. Have them put these feelings into their memory like a photograph. Then, give them a post-hypnotic suggestion that they can now recall those feeling any time they simply count to three. End the session, and have the subject stand up, take a deep breath and simply count to three.

It's simply amazing how the shoulders often slump 2-3 inches or some other muscles that the subject usually tenses from stress relax. I describe the “strange” feeling as sort of a “blah” feeling. (As subjects stand up from the session, their “normal” pattern of muscle stress takes effect, and the “instant” relaxation is definitely experienced.)

I then tell the subject that they now have the pattern, but it up to them to use it often, several times a day, even if not needed, for the next week or so. This will set this pattern into their unconscious as a “conditioned response”. (Remember Pavlov's dog?) Now, they have the same tool I got from the original dentist, but it is much more enhanced and valuable. It instantly relieves stress of any kind.

Driving a car a long distance is very stressful. My wife and I recently drove over 20 hours straight thru, with me driving about 14 of those hours. At 78 years old, that's not “usual”. The secret - we both simply count to three every so often and are able to relax behind the wheel. Muscle tension is very tiring, and few are able to relax this muscle tension behind the wheel.

This relaxation technique is very useful in many ways in helping to solve psychological problems of phobias, compulsions, and even some serious physical problems. I was able to solve dozens of Asthma problems in all persons between 7 and 15 years old, and was often successful with older persons as well. (Kids in this age range are very suggestible; some adults are too cynical.)

The system is simple, but effective. First, teach the relaxation. Then, have the patient emulate a really bad asthma attack. “Come on, get really bad, your throat is closing more and more.” It's getting worse and worse.” When the patient really starts to become in distress, say, “Now, count to three”. As he gets to three, he relaxes, and says, “Now, it's gone, and you are in control”.
Many years ago, I did this routine on the 14-year-old son of lifelong friends. When I was visiting them a few years ago, I walked into the store of the son, and he recognized me immediately. I was surprised as it had been over 20 years since he had seen me. He said, “Do you think I could ever forget the man who cured my Asthma?”
It was another great day for my ego.

There's nothing magical or even mysterious about it. All you are doing is teaching a new “trick” to the unconscious mind. This “trick” of instant relaxation is learned as a conditioned response by repetition and use. It becomes a tool for the conscious mind to use in all types of situations to reduce stress. As everybody knows, stress ages us, diminishes the immune system, and helps to kill us.

The various forms of yoga and other meditation techniques are similar, yet different. They relieve stress of course, but are of little use in immediate stressful situations. This relaxation is immediate.

This also can be used for self-hypnosis, positive statements and visualizations.

I also used it for patients that wanted to stop smoking as a “substitute” for that instant craving that comes to an addicted smoker.

One idea makes a lot of people “afraid” of hypnosis. The idea that another person has “control” over them, and can make them do literally anything. Every experiment ever conducted has shown that this is simply not true. Hypnosis cannot force a person to do anything that is against his/her moral code. The unconscious mind is very protective, and is what we are working with either with hypnosis or subliminal training.

There is some possibility of “indirect” misuse of hypnosis. I once witnessed a hypnotist demonstrating this. He had a very attractive woman who was very hypnotizable (instantly into somnambulism by snapping his fingers). He hypnotized her, and told her to take off her clothes. She awoke instantly and was embarrassed, but had no conscious memory of why.

He then hypnotized her again, and this time, told her that she was at home in her bathroom with the door closed, and she was going to take a bath. She calmly started to take off her clothes. He stopped her before she got too far, but she was obviously going to completely strip.

It was interesting how he stopped her. He told her that someone had come into her home, and was near the bathroom door. She said, “Don't come in. I'm not dressed”.

He then had her get dressed, and woke her. She had no memory of the incident.

When I was a young man, I had a girlfriend who I had sex with once or twice. And she had been hypnotized several times as well. One night I wanted sex, but she didn't. I used the cue that hypnotized her, but to no avail. She refused, even hypnotized. So, the idea that someone can make you do something you do not want to do is false. I can testify to that personally. Our unconscious mind is very protective of us in all ways, even though some ways may be wrong.

Of course, if you work with either hypnosis or subliminal training, or virtually any type of serious psychology you have to be aware of the unconscious mind, as that entity is always what you are trying to influence.

Hypnotic Age Regression

This is a very useful tool for a psychologist, or, for that matter, any doctor of any stripe. Under even “light” hypnosis, it can be used to “pull” details from the life of the patient that he/she has forgotten consciously. (The unconscious memory has everything in it.)

There are several “tricks of the trade” involved. After my Relaxation Technique, I used a “deepening” technique that went something like this, “Now, I want you to imagine and visualize yourself going down an escalator as I count to ten. One, imagine yourself stepping on and feeling the steps form under your feet. Two, as you move down, relax even more. Three, as you go down further, concentrate more and more. Four, and as you relax more, you can concentrate more. Five, this positive circle of concentration and relaxation continues as you move down.”

Continue with similar repetitions thru nine, and then, “Ten, step off the escalator into a room. This room is yours alone. It is only in your mind, and no one else can ever get into it. You can make it anything you want. In this room, you can do anything or visualize anything that will help you to be a better person. In this room you can remember anything you want.”

Next, I would start the questioning. For example, a man came to me to try to find a lost valuable diamond engagement ring. He and his fiancé had broken up, and she had returned the ring to him. He remembered taking the ring, but when he got home, he couldn't find it at all. I did the above technique, and then started.

I said. “I want to you to go back in time to the moment when she handed you the ring. Where were you and she at that time?”

He replied, “We were in her living room.”

“Alright, see yourself taking the ring. What did you do with it?”

He said, “I'm putting it into my small watch pocket of my jeans.”

“OK, now you are leaving her. What happened next?”

“I'm getting into my car, and driving home”

“Good, what happens next?”

“I'm going into my bedroom, and changing clothes.”


“I have to go to a baseball presentation dinner.”

“OK, what did you do with your jeans?”

“Oh NO! I had put them in the washer!”

That was the story. He went home and found the ring stuck in the washer. (The usual story of such is that it gets caught in the “U” drain under a sink.) This illustrates the value of “age regression” as a memory aid.

Of course, it's also useful to uncover the beginnings of phobias and compulsions. A woman came to me with a cat phobia and asthma. I did the usual as above, and with a couple of other useful techniques found the problem. One “trick” is to say, “OK, now you are going back in time. It is your 15th birthday. You are awake in that morning. Do you have asthma?”

She replied, “yes.” (She had earlier said on intake questioning that her asthma had started very early. I start well past that so as to get the patient used to going back.)

“Ok, now you are ten years old, just waking up on your birthday. Do you have asthma now?” Same answer.
“OK, you are now five years old, on your birthday. Do you have asthma now?” Same answer

I worked back thru 4 and 3 and 2, 1, and started back in months. I got to the ninth month, and she didn't have asthma. Still she had no memory of anything that was related. So, I went to her tenth month, and went backwards, day to day with the same question. I got to the day when she did have asthma. Now I asked her, “What happened to you during the last day that caused you to have asthma? I am going to count to three, and when I get to three, you will remember everything. One, you're starting to remember. Two, memory is coming back. Three, you now remember everything.”

She then related, “I was lying on my back in a crib, and the cat jumped into the crib, and lay across my mouth. I couldn't breathe, or call out, and I was scared. I don't know what happened, but I think I hit the cat, and she went off me.”

It was two birds with one stone. Cat phobia, and asthma caused at that point. Asthma is often a “protective” device used to keep oxygen in the body. Most can easily breath in but have real problems breathing out. This was her case.

Then, we get to the really interesting part. Age regression to past lives. As an agnostic, I don't really know if the many stories I have heard from many persons are true, or something from the universal mind or what?

Probably the single most impressive story is from the man who came to me with two lifelong phobias that he had had since earliest memory. He was deathly afraid of fire and water. He thought that these phobias might be from past lives, and asked me to try to find out.

He was easily hypnotizable, and with little urging went back thru birth to the previous life. He had been a circus clown, and been burned to death in a circus fire. It was then simple to go back to a previous life to that. It seems that he had stolen a horse, and was caught. The vigilantes didn't have a tree, so they hanged him from a bridge. The rope broke, and he drowned. Of course, it took much more time to go thru, and some suggestions from me. He was cured according to a phone call a week later.

I've had several such interesting cases. Another was fascinating to me. Under hypnosis, a man kept saying, “All I can see is a bird”. I kept after him about this bird for 10 or more minutes, but he couldn't see much more than this bird. Finally, he said, “It's a black bird, and it's on my shield”.

I pressed him harder about his shield, and did he have a sword and a horse. He suddenly screamed, “There's blood all around me, and all over me and my horse. I'm killing people all around with my sword, and they're trying to kill me! ”

I questioned him closely, and it became evident that the date was 1066 at the battle of Hastings as the Normans conquered England.

Is the story true? I cannot say with any certainty, but it was impressive.

When I gave seminars and talks on hypnosis, I usually finished with doing my Relaxation Technique, and my deepening. Then, I would say, “In your room, sitting comfortably, I want you to let your mind go out of your body. Let it go out into space, and as you see earth behind you as that familiar blue and white marble, see space as almost velvety, with stars and planets being very clear and steady. It's really beautiful out here in space. Now, you are coming to a white cloud that is getting bigger and bigger, and you are now entering it. On the other side, there is another blue marble world. As you approach, it looks like Earth, but as you get really close, you see no huge cities, but beautiful parks and lovely buildings that seem to be a part of the landscape. As you come to it, and walk about, you notice that the people are all friendly, and the animals are all friendly, and the gardens and parks all around are simply the loveliest you have ever seen. You are filled with the same sort of happiness that it seems everybody there has. You are at peace with yourself and that place.”

“Now, it's time to leave, and we are going back into space again. Ahead of us is that same white cloud, and this time, as we enter it, we make a left turn, and we are now going back in time. The year is 1700 on Earth, and as we come back to Earth in that time, we are going to each go into a body in that time and place. I want you to look at your feet, and your clothes, and your surroundings, and have a sense of who you are in that body. Now, it's time to return. We are leaving this time and place, and going back thru that white cloud, and back to that blue marble of earth, and back to that comfortable seat, and into your own body again. As I count to three backwards, you are gong to awaken, not drowsy or sleepy or affected by my voice at all, and you will remember everything you experienced.”

Then, I count, “Three, two, one, awake fully awake. Now, how many persons really experienced that beautiful planet?”

About a third or more really did visualize it clearly. (A few were somewhat angry with me for not leaving them longer!) Then I asked, “Now, how many persons experienced themselves in 1700?” Surprisingly, about one third had very good and clear visualizations. One woman was indignant “I had bare feet, and scratched legs, and I was a serving woman”. She had a very high opinion of herself in this life obviously. Needless to say, these stories were very interesting, and varied. One woman impressed me with, “I was in a dark place waiting to be born.”

Of course, such stories do not prove anything. They could be products of imagination, or simply scraps of something from the unconscious or universal mind. However, or whatever they are, taken in bulk from honest persons with no known vested interest, they do prove something beyond our conscious knowledge.

An “Impossible” Story

Here's a true story that is unbelievable to many people. In reading about hypnosis, I came across an article where a professional hypnotist had claimed that he had been able to increase a woman's breast size using hypnosis. I dismissed that claim until in 1978; I read an article by Dr Ted X. Barber in the Journal of Clinical Hypnosis about hypnotic phenomena. This article discussed many different hypnotic phenomena, including several experiments at several different colleges that had all done a similar experiment. As I recall (at this much later date), each college used 8-12 women, all of whom were somewhat flat chested, and all wanted larger breasts.

All were carefully measured, above and below the actual breasts, and across them at the nipples. Once a week for 12 weeks, they were hypnotized as a group, and told to visualize things like, “See yourself in a mirror naked with larger breasts. Admire your larger breasts. See how good they look, and how good you feel with them. Now, see yourself dressed in a very becoming dress, and how well it looks on you with your new breasts. It increases your self-confidence as well. “

These comments were repeated several times. As I recall, the average for all of the various experiments was that 80% actually increased their breast size, and the average increase was 2.1 inches.

Let's take another deeper look at this. The average success rate for losing weight by hypnosis is considered to be less than 65%. In other less reported breast size experiments, DECREASING breast size in women with overly large breasts, the success rate was negligible.

In addition, this suggestion is specific - add body cells to a certain part of the body only! We have no knowledge if actual mammary cells were added, or only fat cells, but still!!!

I've won two bets from other psychologists that this story was published in a reputable scientific journal. I made a hypnosis tape specifically for “breast enlargement”, and heard for a few of the women who purchased it that it did indeed work for them. Unfortunately, few people report either success or failure.

Why doesn't hypnosis work better on the “lesser task” of losing weight, or losing breast weight? The explanation is difficult, but in my experience the social “advantage” to women of large breasts inhibits the unconscious from losing this “advantage”. Some women are “punishing” their selves (or their husbands) by being fat. (Sort of “love me for me, not for my body”). Motives of the unconscious mind are often murky and difficult for our conscious minds to understand. The computer analogy of “garbage in - garbage out” applies here.

Harmful Unconscious Ideas

The unconscious mind can be a force for good or bad. It apparently doesn't discriminate - again like a computer. If a virus gets in, it can distort many other programs in different ways.

Let's examine a very illustrative case. A woman brought in her 8 year old boy for hypnosis for bedwetting. I did the usual direct suggestion, and told her to keep him off all milk products for at least a week.

Two days later, she and her son were back. No success. This time, I did age regression hypnosis. He went back (with a little urging) to when he was 4. He was in bed almost asleep when he heard someone trying to get in his window. He was so scared that he wet himself, and cried out. The burglar (real or imagined) left. The unconscious “logic” to this boy - urination protects from intruders in night. It wasn't difficult to remove this logic (computer virus), and his mother said that he hadn't wet again a few months later.

The great master of hypnotic therapy, Milton Erickson, once had an almost comic situation that he solved in a unique way. It seems that a recently married couple came to him because each was a bed wetter. On their honeymoon, the bed was wet each morning, and each thought the other was very thoughtful in not mentioning it. After a few days, they each confessed and came to Erickson.

He made them agree to do exactly what he said, and then told them to kneel on the bed when they were ready for sleep and each had to urinate, and then sleep in it. They came back several days later, and they had kept their word. He then told them, “Since you did as I told you, tonight you can go to bed normally without the urination, and come back tomorrow”. The next day, they said the bed was dry in the morning, so he “allowed” them another dry night. Then another, and then he declared them “cured”.

These two stories illustrate the immense power of the unconscious for both good and bad. One of the major jobs of the unconscious mind is to “protect” the physical body (home of the unconscious mind) from harm. If a threat is perceived whether real or imaginary, it goes into action, even if the action may be harmful to itself.

Phil Bate PhD - Retired Orthomolecular Psychologist
Inventor and Patent Pending Holder for
Brain Wave Amplitude Changing via Auditory Training

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Advantages of SmartLipo

There are lots of men and women out there who enormously struggle to burn down excess fat. However, unfortunately, many of them do not succeed in realizing their dreams of a flexible and healthy body. No doubt: a balanced dietary practice in combination with exercise works for quite a many. However, there are several others who end up with little results in spite of a stressful and frustrating toil. SmartLipo is an amazing cosmetic procedure that painlessly sucks off the fatty tissues from the body, helping people effectively lose weight within minutes.

SmartLipo is a wonderful and the most successful procedure developed by Cynosure that has revolutionized the fat removal mechanism, establishing itself as the undisputed champion among the wide range of similar other procedures available in the industry. Though liposuction is a highly popular cosmetic surgery seen today, SmartLipo has the greatest advantage of being the first and the only lipolysis system that is assisted by laser. SmartLipo presents the most beneficial and minimally invasive Laser Body Sculpting procedure with zero side effects and very less down time by employing a high-powered laser.

During the treatment, a needle like cannula is inserted into the skin, which conveys a hair like laser fiber into the area where fat is to be removed. Triggered by the laser's energy, the fat cells get ruptured and drain away quickly and easily. In addition, as the laser energy interacts with the dermis, the collagen shrinks. The cannula used in the therapy is extremely small rendering the entire procedure minimally invasive. On contact with the laser, small blood vessels coagulate and therefore, there is absolutely no bruising, bleeding or swelling. This ensures that the recovery time is amazingly quicker in SmartLipo than the other conventional liposuction methods. Over and above, as general anesthesia is never needed in the therapy, you can call this the safest method with bare minimal side effects.

If your body has fat depositions that do not respond to exercise and diet, then SmartLipo is the right therapy for you to rely on. When SmartLipo is deemed as a wonderful adjunct to the conventional liposuction methods, it proves to be the perfect choice for treating the areas of loose and flabby skin and small areas of face, arms, neck, back, bra strap, knees, breasts and mons pubis. Yet another great advantage of SmartLipo is its capacity to treat certain highly challenging areas like the regions of high flaccidity and vascularity.

With its wide range of advantages and simply superb methodology employed, SmartLipo stays at the winning edge of liposuction procedures. Assuring realistic results within the shortest time possible, SmartLipo promises the safest and the most beneficial results that you can hardly expect out of a therapeutic process like this.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Adults Don't Get Acne! Do They?

Skin problems not only effect those in their teens, adult acne is also a very common occurrence, in today's society. Adult women are more apt to suffer from acne than men. Adult men are at higher risk in terms of permanent scaring, caused by acne problems. Contrary to what most people think, adult acne is NOT caused by improper hygiene.

In truth, acne is caused by a number of different things. Oily skin, hair ducts that do not close as they should and infection are three key factors which lead to skin problems. These factors remain the same, in both adults and teens. (How's that for thinking you wouldn't get acne, because you are an adult.)

Pimples occur when dead skin, small deposits of fatty tissue and keratin get clogged in a hair duct. When the duct is open, this clogging produces a "blackhead". When the duct is closed, it is referred to as a "whitehead". Because a whitehead is closed, in most cases, it will eventually rupture. This bursting causes the redness and infection of adult acne.

There are many myths associated with adult acne. Dermatologists tell us that acne is not caused by eating chocolate, fish or oily foods. Stress, in itself, does not cause acne. However, there are certain stress-relieving drugs that have been known to cause skin conditions.

Acne does not clear up faster if you wash your face several times a day or sit out in the sun. Acne is not caused by dirt. Washing your face many times a day can actually do more harm than good. Sitting in the sun only darkens your skin and can cause scaring.

Remember, if you are battling a skin condition, you are not alone. There are numerous ways to treat the problem. You do not have to live with adult acne forever!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Adult Scoliosis

Adult Scoliosis is a spinal abnormality that occurs during adulthood, or is a continuation of the disease that was undiagnosed or ignored during childhood or adolescence.

Adult Scoliosis is generally idiopathic, which means that its cause is unknown. However, several other types of Scoliosis also occur in adults. These include congenital curve, paralytic curve, and myopathic deformity.

A congenital curve is present at birth, and if undiagnosed or untreated, may worsen in adulthood due to age and weakening of the spine. This results in Adult Scoliosis. A paralytic curve may be caused by an injury to the spine, while myopathic deformity may result from diseases like polio or cerebral palsy. Degeneration, osteoporosis, and spinal surgery are other causes of Adult Scoliosis.

Signs of Adult Scoliosis include one shoulder or hip higher than the other, a rib or back hump, and one arm longer than the other. Severe cases of Scoliosis are often accompanied by pain because the abnormal curvature creates pressure on the spine. This may even lead to difficulty in walking.

Doctors subject individuals suspected to be suffering from Scoliosis to the Adam’s Forward Bending Test. Test results are confirmed through X-ray, CT scan, or MRI. Treatment options include medication, physical exercise, bracing, and surgery.

Medication is recommended by doctors to relieve pain caused by Scoliosis. Physical exercise, such as walking, cycling, and swimming, helps to keep the body fit and maintain a correct posture. These counter the deforming effect of Scoliosis. Exercise also helps to reduce pain. Physical therapists can design exercise programs to suit the different needs of patients. Bracing in adults is used to ease pain and discomfort rather than prevent worsening of the curve, while surgery is generally used as the last resort.

Surgery becomes essential if the spinal curve is greater than 50 degrees and is accompanied by continuous pain. It is also conducted if the curve is increasing, because this could cause heart and lung problems. In certain cases, deformity caused by the disease necessitates surgery.

To conclude, Scoliosis in adults can be largely avoided through proper treatment of the disease in its early stages, during childhood or adolescence. The earlier the treatment commences, the lesser will be the pain and discomfort, and chances of surgery. Leading a healthy lifestyle can also curb its occurrence during adulthood.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Adult ADHD and Fear: Why We Procrastinate

One of the things people with Adult ADHD symptoms really struggle with is procrastination. And procrastination really comes out of fear. What kind of fear?

There are two main fears people with Adult ADHD symptoms face when they try to start a big project.

1. How do I know I'm choosing the right thing to work on?

2. How do I know I won't fail, especially if I don't know anything about this yet?

First of all, you've got to ask yourself, "What am I so afraid of?" Let’s just bring it out into the open. If I pick an opportunity, the fear becomes, "Oh, my gosh. What am I going to miss?"

The truth is, the second someone with Adult ADHD focuses on something, you're missing a lot of other things. That’s just the way it works.

It’s not about the opportunity. It’s not about which Internet-type thing you should be doing. It’s "why." You've got to ask yourself, "How would this particular opportunity fit in with my larger vision?"

Some people with Adult ADHD might not feel like they know exactly what they want to do with their whole lives. And this is where a lot of fear about choosing what to do next comes from.

Well, you know what? Whatever you want to do with your life right now, it probably is going to change at some point (especially if you have Adult ADHD). Just because you're going full tilt on something right now doesn't mean you have to do that for the rest of your life.

It does mean that, if you're going to spend your time doing something, it should be something you're incredibly passionate about to begin with, something that you'd like to spend all your time on anyway.

Most likely, if you have Adult ADHD symptoms, you'll find yourself in the exact same situation at some point in the future. It happens. You work really hard. You go full speed at something, and occasionally, you look up and you say, "What the heck am I doing?"

That's ok. At that point, if you really want to, you can shift your focus. No one's stopping you. But don't let that fear stop you from starting.

The second fear those with Adult ADHD symptoms feel has to do with how much there is to learn about a subject or skill, and the information overload that occurs so often with Adult ADHD.

My experience was, I said, "I'm going to learn this Internet thing. I'm going to go out and I'm going to learn everything that I possibly can," and I didn't realize at the very beginning that there were so many different subspecialties. It’s an entire industry.

You could be a specialist in list building, in search engine optimization, in advertising or all these different subspecialties, and you realize that what you're trying to do is go out and learn an entire industry. Of course, it doesn't really work that way.

You don't go out one day and say, "Okay, I'm going to be a lawyer," and understand every aspect of law. Even lawyers have to pick a specialty, be it corporate, criminal, bankruptcy or whatever. You don't say, "I'm going to go out and learn everything there is to know about foreign language," right? You pick one.

So, if that is true, that brings up another question for people with Adult ADHD symptoms: "What sub-specialty do I pick then? I have to pick one."

Again, we're teaching you ways to think with your Adult ADHD brain instead of against it here. As you're thinking about the anxiety of having to pick one area of specialty, for example, to grow your business or to work on in your life, remember that people with Adult ADHD symptoms have something that they use automatically every day they don't usually appreciate, and that is a very highly-developed intuition.

Intuition is why people with Adult ADHD make snap decisions all the time. You're really good at it naturally. It’s coming from your gut.

But you need a clear head to do it. So if you've got information overload, and you can't decide to focus on one thing, how do you clear your head?

What you need to do is this: You need to go on an "unsubscribe" campaign! Start with the information you have coming in on your computer every day.
You should continue subscribing to or buying the information from the people that you intuitively know are going to help you with your one main focus. But clear out the rest, so you don't even see it. Let your computer sort it so your head doesn't have to.

Do this with other things in your life too. Once you decide what you're main focus is (at least for now)--then "unsubscribe" or disconnect from anything, and anyone, that doesn't contribute to that one goal.

Then you can get down to the business of choosing a specialty and learning all about that one thing. You'll be amazed how much more focused you'll be, automatically! To learn more about how to beat procrastination and focus on your goals with Adult ADHD, see below.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Adult Acne Treatments! When Adults Are Searching For The Best Treatments, It All Starts With A System

When searching for adult acne treatments that will help you eliminate your stubborn adult acne and on-going blemish breakouts, you need to look back in your life and ask yourself some lifestyle changing questions so you can find the best solution for your acne eliminating needs!

If you have suffered with acne breakouts your entire teenage years, you may understand what needs to be done for the treatment of your pimples, or you may know exactly the treatment product necessary for elimination and daily maintenance.

However, if you had clear skin as a teen, and now that your body is changing due to hormones or pregnancy, you may suddenly experience a change in your complexion and may not know exactly how to handle the new changes in your skin.

When your pimple breakouts occur, if you notice you're getting an increase in blackheads and whiteheads in combination to excess blemishes, try to think back and remember how your skin has been in the past. If your skin was clear due to good eating habits, low stress levels, and you were getting at least 8 hours or more of sleep prior to getting your adult acne, then that's the first place you want to start.

For example: As a teenager, if you slept more than eight hours a day, drank plenty of water, and you ate more vegetables and fruit, and now as an adult you only get 4 hours of sleep, you drink less water, and you’re not eating the same level of fruits and veggies, then you may want to adjust these areas first. If you change these habits, and notice no change, you then have to go to the next step, and make an appointment to see a dermatologist.

When All Else Fails, Visit A Dermatologist To Get The Bottom Of Your Adult Acne Issues!

If you can’t figure out why you’re still having skin problems after you made necessary internal lifestyle changes, then you should see the skin professionals to find out what’s causing your stubborn adult zits, and you may be enlightened once you visit your local dermatologist.

Depending on the severity of your skin condition, you may soon find out the condition you have is caused by several circumstances. For women, acne and increased blemishes can be easily caused by hormonal changes due to pregnancy. A woman that is pregnant will have to look at alternative safe skin programs, and natural skin products would be a place to start. Women with hormonal changes that are not currently going through a pregnancy can look at other options such as oral acne medication or antibiotics, but keep in mind that this method should not be a long-term solution, so if you can avoid internal medication, look at other alternatives.

Men are somewhat different, and in most cases, increased acne causing a blemished complexion could be the lack of facial care, or mental stress in your life. For men in general, a good blemish cleansing and facial exfoliating routine combined with a healthy diet are the first steps to follow; however, we encourage that men see a skin doctor to assess their adult skin problems.

Acne and aging is a complex situation, and there is never one solution to every individual adult suffering from pimple breakouts. There are many contributing factors such as your body’s changes during puberty, and for women, even the type of cosmetics you may be applying to your face. Your facial skin consists of thousands of pores, follicles, skin and oil. Any negative balance, and you have a recipe for facial infections, plus outbreaks that can lead to many skin imperfections and severe scarring for a very long time.

We touched briefly on what may contribute to your adult acne, and some of the changes that may be occuring in your body internally and also externally. Now, to find out how you can start a program to eliminate your adult blemish problem: I encourage you to read our article on where I break down some of the top adult acne systems that target stubborn facial and body acne.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Adult Acne Treatment - What You Should Take Care Of

Just when you thought you'd finally got through all the skin problems related to puberty, you wake up one day and find acne. If you ask a dermatologist, you will find out acne is not just a problem for teens. Fortunately, there are some treatments that will help you fight adult acne successfully.

Adult Acne Facts

Doctors say adult acne is a common problem, but unfortunately an under-recognized one. Most people think acne it just for kids, but it can happen in later years too. It is more common in women than in men. Statistics show that acne affects about 25% of all adult men and 50% of all adult women at some point during their adult life.

At the bottom of acne lies the pimple, which doctors call comedo. A pimple is a plug of fat, skin debris and keratin stuck in a hair duct. When it is open, we call it a blackhead and when it's closed over, a whitehead. Whiteheads can cause the walls of the hair duct to rupture, leading to redness, infection and cysts of acne.

Many people think that acne is a result of poor hygiene, but this is not true. Both adult and teen acne are caused by a combination of many factors, such as excess oil production, faulty closing of the hair duct or infection. Washing your face gently only twice a day is actually much better than washing it more often.

Adult Acne Treatment

You can choose between an adult acne treatment in a dermatologist's office or at home. However, squeezing pimples at home often leads to infection and scars. Squeezing pimples is also a very effective way to get your acne to spread. Doctors, on the other hands, use special sterile instruments to prevent infection, scarring and acne spread.

Another solution is to check your local drug store for adult acne treatments. If you've ever tried this, you know it's loaded with such products. With so many options available, choosing the right adult acne treatment can be quite difficult.

A great progress in adult acne treatment has been the producing of the topical retinoid acid, a modified form of vitamin A. Improved versions of this medicine greatly reduce the irritation it can cause. Other acne treatments fight against different causes of acne. They are sometimes used in combination. Such acne treatments include:

* Azelaic acid cream

* Benzoyl peroxide

* Alpha-hydroxy acids (such as lactic acid, glycolic acid and gluconic acid)

* Antibiotic pills (of used unwisely, they can lead to antibiotic resistance)

* Topical antibiotics (gels, lotions and solutions)

* Contraceptive pills for women

* Sotret or Accutane for severe acne

Accutane and Sotret have several side effects, including birth defects. Women with severe acne problems that choose these treatments should use alternative birth control. Despite the side effects they have, these treatments are probably the best choice for sever acne.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Adult Acne Solved!

Acne has always been a dreaded occurrence in our life. Most of us have carried this burden in our teenage years and after almost seven teenage years we think we are finally home free. Then one morning in your twenty sixth, twenty seventh or even twenty eighth year of your existence you wake up with a huge zit on you face. And even worst, sometimes it is not just one but two or even three or even four! And they just keep on sprouting like weeds in an inhibited garden! So you wonder, I’m already an adult so why, why, WHY?

Adult acne is more common than we thought. Almost five percent of adults have adult acne mostly in their twenties, thirties and even forties and beyond. Adult acne can be found in the face and sometimes even on the neck and on the chest and back area. There are many reasons for the occurrence of these devils incarnates and we will enumerate them here plus ways on how to outsmart them.

Adult Acne Source Number 1: those pesky hormones

And we all thought we are done with having problems caused by them! Apparently, they still have a last attack. Experts still can’t pinpoint the main reason why our oil glands are more prone to breakouts because of hormonal shifts in this age line. Unfortunately, these up and down hormonal shifts are the main culprit in adult acne. But fortunately, there’s an easy cure for these shifts and that is the common birth control pill. But take note that this is not applicable to you if you are pregnant. For stubborn and hard to kill zits, you may also use medication that has the ingredient retinoids that can help unclog those pores. If still doesn’t work then it’s high time to up your ammunition. Use antibiotics (may be topical or even oral) to reduce the swelling.

Adult Acne Source Number 2: stress

Stress is also a major source of adult acne. But we can’t help it, can we? Our world is full of stress inducing situation and things that it is already a part of our daily lives. We have bills to pay, kids to feed and a house to clean. So much stress we endure in a day that it results to the dreaded adult acne. This happens because stress triggers the body to secrete cortisol that results in the secretion of more hormones thus resulting to zits. So what do we do when the bump pops? Relax! Do some de-stressing. Go on a vacation or just spend a day doing nothing. Eat right, sleep right and do your exercise routine regularly. If your darn acne are still there after doing these things for a month or two then it is high time to see your dermatologist for some treatment and prescription.

Adult Acne Source Number 3: Daily Grooming Products

It is a fact that as we grow older we tend to become more vain especially in our twenties to thirties when we are still finding our ideal mate. We tend to use a lot of products to make ourselves more attractive to the opposite sex. Unfortunately, this only results to adult acne as these products tend to block pores which can result to zits erupting like crazy in our pretty little faces. How ironic, isn’t it? We bought and used these products to make ourselves more pretty only to have these little craters embed in our face. So what to do? Simplify! You don’t need all these products to make yourself pretty. Just use basics like moisturizer, cleanser and sun block. Purchase cosmetics that are noncomedogenic and make sure that they are oil free especially your moisturizer. And always remember your acne 101: do not touch your face or rest your pretty little chin in your grubby little hands!