Saturday, April 30, 2011

Acne Skin Care Tips

Some basic tips can help you to gain control over your acne. Acne skin care is no easy thing. For most people it is very challenging. Sometimes, acne lasts only through puberty and once those crazy adolescent years have past, things just get easier. Your face clears up and you don’t really worry about acne. But, that does not mean it goes this well for everyone. For many, acne will last well into their 20’s, 30’s and even beyond. And, for that there is a need for acne skin care tips like these. Tips You Can Use Now 1. Find an effective skin care regimen and cleanser. There are many out there that are both natural acne treatments and those that are chemical in nature. The fact is that in order for your skin to heal, the bacteria on it will need to be cleared up. You will need to insure that your acne products will do this. 2. Use exfoliating acne skin care products. By exfoliating, you are removing the dead skin cells on your skin that are literally feeding the bacteria on your face. As disgusting as it sounds, getting rid of them through exfoliation is critical to getting rid of the acne. 3. Use natural acne skin care products as well. These will be found on the web and can provide you with the most fundamentally solid way of treating acne in a natural way. Have an arsenal of good quality natural skin care products can give your body what it needs to fight off bacteria and to heal. Getting Acne Skin Care Training You may be thinking that acne skin care training sounds silly. The fact is that if you have the necessary knowledge to fight off your acne infections you will be more likely to make it work for you. So, before you head off to make a purchase of some costly acne medication, learn why they will work or maybe even why they may not. There are many out there that may be able to provide you with just what you need in acne skin care.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Acne Skin Care Basics

When you have an acne outbreak, do you know how to take care of your skin? Unknowingly, many people tend to use acne skin care methods that aggravate their present condition further. Take for example the notion that a patient must seriously scrub his face to take away dirt. Is this the correct way for acne skin care? Not quite. Here's the scoop. First, it is important to understand the cause of acne before knowing what acne skin care measures to use. Acne is neither a direct resul of dirt or uncleanness. However, your acne problems worsen when dirt mixes with sebum and other skin debris to create a mixture which may settle in the pus of the pustules. Medically speaking, acne is caused by many internal body factors such as a weak immune and digestive system, impaired internal detoxification system, and stress. Outside influences like weather elements, pollutants, humidity and the bacteria thriving on the human skin contribute to aggravate your acne. Ultimately, all these factors may not have effectively produced acne if it were not for the "P acnes", which digest excess sebum. The effect results in inflammation, swelling and pain. It is not easy to pin point the cause of acne on your own. It is best to solicit the help of a dermatologist to help you determine the cause of your acne and to recommend an appropriate acne treatment. Notwithstanding, there are a couple of tips on proper acne skin care that you should be aware of. The first step to good acne skin care is to minimize the sebum production to a level to sustain normal skin. However, in most cases, to treat acne, more needs to be done. If skin oiliness persist, it is best to keep the pores open. The principle behind this acne care is to release the clogs in the pores and wash them out. The only way to achieve this is to wash the face with extremely hot water. Repeat this procedure to help repel skin bacteria. It is also recommended that you do not zealously wash your face with harsh scrubs or cleansers. By doing this, you may only aggravate the severity of your acne. Actually, washing your face gently two times a day is enough. In terms of acne skin care products, choose the ones that work best best for you. Select the acne care product that gently clears away the oil and dirt without leaving your skin dry and irritated. In fact, ,mild acne care works best for all skin types. This will require some trials and consequently, some errors. It is best to trust your dermatologist recommendation first. If his recommended product does not work, then shift to other acne skin care products. This way, you are experimenting with acne care products that may suit you best. It is important to note that during your first applications, use small amounts on a small area so that any damage is at best limited. Also, avoid alcohol-based cleansers as these may only dry out your skin. Dry skin is more vulnerable to serious acne outbreaks. On the other hand, minimize the use of oil-based products as these in themselves may add up to the pre-existing oil content of the skin. At any rate, an acne patient must avoid applying cosmetics, however oil-free they may appear to be. Proper acne skin care methods can go a long way to help you in your acne problems. Good diet and lifestyle habits are other measures that you can also adopt for better glowing skin. Good luck!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Acne Myths: Discover 9 Ugly Lies About Acne Causes and Treatments

It's unbelievable ... What if I told you that most of the popular beliefs about acne, are in fact myths? Let’s take a look at some popular beliefs about acne to dispel any other rumors ... Myth #1: Is it true that increased stress spreads acne? Not exactly. What is true is that ultimately stress can have a very minimal or minor influence all by itself. It cannot actually cause acne, but it can influence reoccurrences of acne as stress increases the body’s creation of a substance called cortisol that in turn causes your sebaceous glands to produce increased amounts of sebum oil that can be blocked in pores. Note, however, that some medications people take when trying to deal with or treat stress can have a large influence on acne as the result of medication side effects. Myth #2: Acne is contagious, true or false? Not! No one can "catch" acne; it is non-communicable. Myth #3:You’ll outgrow acne, so just leave it alone - myth or truth? This is false. Acne strikes all ages and is treatable, but shouldn’t be left alone to possibly worsen. Myth #4: Being out in the sun helps acne, right? In the long run, no. The sun may appear to help clear up your blemishes and redden your skin, thus lessening the overall reddish effect of the targeted acne area when it was outstanding. However, rays from the sun can cause skin damage and actually irritate skin more, worsening any existing acne problems in the process and clogging more pores as skin cells dry up and slough off quicker than normal. So use caution (and sunscreen) here! Myth #5: Sweating helps clean out your hair follicle areas, myth or reality? Another myth. In reality, strenuous activity can temporarily increase your body’s oil production that can actually worsen acne problem areas, causing recurrence or intensification. Myth #6: Acne problems are directly proportionate to sexual activity, or lack thereof; true or false? False, another myth. Just because teenagers are going through hormonal changes, does not mean that this has anything to do with acne. Both are separate issues. Same with adult acne and sex; two entirely different issues. Myth #7: People with acne are dirty and don’t wash enough. Not! This is another myth. Acne is the result of a build up of oil, dead skin cells and bacteria in a closed pore. Period. Dirt is not even a factor in the equation. Myth #8: Acne is only on external issue or surface deep; i.e. people shouldn’t make such a big thing out of it, myth or reality? Myth. In reality, yes, it basically is only on your skin (and underneath the surface a little bit). However, the effects run much more deeper than that in many instances. More than 50 percent of those suffering acne problems reported negative comments and other feedback from members of society, regardless of whether or not there was any scarring left for others to see afterwards. And resulting internal depression and low self-esteem can be harmful emotionally not only short-term but over a person’s lifetime. So acne can indeed be a very big issue requiring healthcare treatment and support. Myth #9: OK, myth or reality: there is a cure for acne? Myth. Although there is no cure at this time, there are many treatments available that do a great job. As the saying goes, "Prevention is the best medicine;" however, there is no need to suffer in silence with all the options available on the market today for all price ranges. So there you have it ... now that you are armed with this information you can do something to treat your acne condition. Why not visit Emily Clark's website at now to get more helpful information and subscribe to her free newsletter.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Acne Prevention Tips

Effective acne prevention requires using the right treatments, and adjusting product use and hygiene habits. If you want to know how to get rid of pimples, and deal with other skin problems like oiliness and blackheads, take a look at these great tips from the acne prevention experts at Nature's Cure. Oily hair can aggravate acne, so stay away from oily products like pomades or hair spray, especially if you want to get rid of pimples on your forehead. If your hair is long, wear it pulled back or consider a shorter style that keeps it off your face, neck and shoulders if acne prevention is important in those areas. Be sure to pull your hair away from your skin when you sleep so that pimples don't develop overnight. Use "noncomedogenic" (won't clog pores or cause blackheads) or "nonacnegenic" (won't cause pimples) cosmetics and suntan lotions. Avoid using moisturizers on acne-prone areas to get rid of pimples you have there or practice good acne prevention; if you do use a moisturizer, make sure it is not acnegenic. Use topical treatments, such as Nature's Cure medicated spray, anywhere that you tend to get breakouts for acne prevention - don't just spot-treat existing blackheads and pimples. The pore-clogging process happens two to three weeks before any blackheads or blemishes become visible on the skin. Since the salicylic acid acne medication in the body spray is an exfoliant, it helps to remove the dead skin that combines with oil and dirt to form those nasty blackheads and whiteheads that can get infected and become pimples. Wash the skin gently with a mild soap or cleanser and warm (not hot) water once or twice daily. Hot water and harsh cleansers can further irritate your skin and undermine your acne prevention efforts. It's tempting to try to scrub away acne, but that's not how to get rid of pimples. Scrubbing too hard or too frequently can actually make your acne worse and promote scarring by increasing inflammation or rupturing cysts under your skin, making bacteria spread. Don't pick acne or blackheads on your face or body. It can permanently scar your skin. If you must pick, immediately apply a topical antibiotic to help stave off infection. Since stress can trigger acne, try to avoid stressful situations, resolve stresses by talking to friends/family or a professional, and be sure to eat right and get enough sleep. Sometimes the stress of having acne and trying to figure out how to get rid of pimples can make things worse. But if you take action toward acne prevention with these tips, you can diffuse some of that stress. Exercising regularly can also help reduce stress and it increases blood circulation and oxygen penetration to the skin, which may help with acne prevention. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day to help "detoxify" the body from the inside out. Avoid hot, humid environments such as poorly ventilated kitchens, gyms, or tropical climates and stay away as much as possible from cooking grease or machine oil that can contribute to blackheads and clogged pores. If you work out, bring along pre-moistened alcohol towelettes to wipe sweat off your face, back and chest. Use towels to cover neck and chest areas to prevent coming in direct contact with the equipment. If you want to know how to get rid of pimples on your body, you need to realize that bumps on chest and back can be caused by tight fitting workout clothes that trap moisture and heat, so wear loose-fitting all-cotton clothing when you work out. Wear loose fitting clothing whenever possible and try to avoid friction against the skin caused by helmets, straps, backpacks or handbags. Sweat combines with skin oils to trap dirt and bacteria in your pores, causing blackheads and pimples, so it's important to shower as soon as possible after you work out or sweat profusely. Clean cosmetic brushes regularly in soapy water and throw out old, contaminated makeup. Since bacteria is one of the key causes of acne, anything that keeps bacteria from touching your skin will help in acne prevention.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Acne Prevention: Should I See A Dermatologist?

Acne is a skin infection that may be considered as one of the worst things that can happen to a person, especially during the teenage years. Aside from the obvious physical damage it can do, one would also have to contend with things such as the social impact and the psychological damage that it could bring. A person may even have to deal with scarring and inflammation even after the acne is gone. As with most other medical ailments, it is always a good idea to test first on what medications are available in the market. Depending on how sensitive a person's skin is, one would want to try benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as possible treatments for this specific skin infection. One might also consider using both, but at different times in a day. If no improvement is visible after a certain period (typically from six to eight weeks should be enough), then this would be the time that one might want to consider seeking professional help. A dermatologist would definitely know more about this type of skin infection and how one might handle this problem, not to mention knowing what specific treatments one might need to use if an over-the-counter product just isn't doing the job. One might want to know that prescription treatments are generally more potent and more expensive than the usual medications. There are a few things to consider when a visit to the dermatologist is needed: l if over the counter treatments do not have any positive effect on the acne problem; l if a person has more than one sign of skin infection, such as whiteheads, blackheads, or red spots; l if the acne appears not just in the face, but also throughout the body; l if scars are visible on areas where one previously had acne; l if there is pus filled spots on one's face that is painful when touched or tampered with; l if there is continuous inflammation in the face; and l if this skin infection starts to limit one's social interactions. A person with acne should keep these points in mind whenever he decides to seek help from a dermatologist. Communication with one's dermatologist is important so that a person undergoing treatment can fully discuss the nature of the problem and the ways to continue the treatment at home. Discussions with the dermatologist should be as thorough and accurate as possible. It may be quite embarrassing for some but the consequences of skin infection can be so serious that no one should neglect getting all the information about acne treatment. In addition, one may need to bring a history of their previous acne records so that the doctor or dermatologist can prepare allergy-free treatments and other anti-acne products. Treatment of acne is not only a medical issue but a matter of great importance to one's self-esteem and personal hygiene. Acne is not only unsightly but also causes embarrassment and a certain degree of social anxiety. But a person with acne need not despair since a lot of treatment options are now available to heal those unsightly inflammations and scars.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Acne Cures and Myths

In the hopes that you may have read the first installation of this series on acne treatment using drug free methods, I will now proceed to give you a suggested diet menu-plan to adhere to for an internal acne remedy program. This diet is based on the fact that the human body goes through a cleansing process from twelve midnight until twelve noon, and a building program from twelve noon to twelve midnight. Therefore, what is eaten during these respective periods must be harmonious with the natural processes. Following this dietetic suggestion will not only lend to a successful acne treatment process internally, but will also lead to an improvement in your overall health and fitness levels. Acne Remedy: Suggested Diet Menu Plan Breakfast: A choice of the following 1. A tall glass of Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice. 2. A tall glass of Fresh squeezed lemonade flavored with genuine maple Syrup (the darker the grade the better) Lunch: A mono-meal of an organic fruit in season for example Apples in the fall and winter, Melons in the summer, Berries in spring. Dinner: Fresh, home-made salads. A simple dressing could be (a) Lemon juice, olive oil and un-iodized sea-salt (b) Avocadoes or Green coconuts blended with tomatoes and some sea salt Or Raw and/or cooked root vegetables such as Celery, Carrots, Potatoes, Plantains, raw or slightly heated fruit veggies (these can be blended into Soups or dressings for your salads) This format adheres to a scientifically proven principle that the human body goes through a cleansing process from twelve midnight until twelve noon, and a building program from twelve noon to twelve midnight, therefore your meals during these respective periods should be harmonious with the natural processes. To augment this simple dietetic change and to target the root cause of your acne, I will recommend what according to Philippus Paracelsus is “The greatest remedy-the physician within.”, that my friend is a Fast. Believe me, when I say this simple sacrifice was what sped up the success of my acne treatment in about 3 days…literally! It is not an error to say that it is a “cure-all” for every disease known to man-when practiced properly. Being radical in nature, there are several sources of information on the how’s, when’s, the types and definitions applicable to fasting on the internet and based on my experience, I have made a specific chapter for fasting in my e-book-although you can always type up Fasting or Juice Fasting in your favorite search engine for your edification on the subject. One more factor that I must add is BY ALL MEANS AVOID THE MICROWAVE. I learned this the hard-but thankfully-important way while engaging in a 2-week fast for spiritual reasons. I was using this device to heat up my water for the laxative tea that the fast involves and each time I consumed the tea, I immediately felt very weak and lethargic. “Perhaps I’m detoxifying” I thought, WRONG! Not only was I extremely weak, the bumps that had since left me came right back and during this specific fasting period. Thankfully, my intuition was still intact so I analyzed everything I was consuming, gauged my previous experiences with fasting to this period and came to the conclusion that it had to be the use of a microwave, since it was the only different procedure I had included. That said, I used an electric stove instead and in less than 48 hours, the bumps were gone-never to return-and the expected strength that comes as an added benefit of fasting was now present. Microwave cooking is one of the most important causes of ill health so avoid this so called “convenience” device as well. Now that the internal aspects of your acne remedy have been addressed, I will address the external methods of acne treatment in the next installment of this series. It’s the last one my friend, but it is an integral part of curing your acne naturally.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Acne Cures and Myths

Unfortunately, few find it, but this is only because they haven't found the right acne cure for them. Each of us is different, and our bodies function and respond to treatment differently. What works for some, may not work for others. However, there are a few proven treatments that do provide an acne cure for a large majority of acne sufferers. The best over the counter acne cure seems to be ProActiv. This is a skin care system that contains benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient. It is an expensive treatment, but that is because it has proven to be so effective as an acne cure. ProActiv is a non-prescription topical acne treatment, with prescription strength benzoyl peroxide. Accutane, which is a prescription medication, has also proven to be quite effective as an acne cure. However, it is also expensive, and as an oral medication, there is the possibility of serious side effects. Due to the possible side effects, many choose not to take this powerful drug, even though it works well for the majority of people who use this treatment. Another acne cure seems to be retin-a. Retin-a is used to treat acne, acne scars, wrinkles, skin discoloration, and other skin disorders. It is highly effective, with few side effects. Retin-a is used as a topical treatment, and is available by prescription. However, there are other over the counter medications that contain small amounts of retin-a. The important thing to remember is that acne cures do not work overnight. Furthermore, you may need to continue acne treatment even after the acne has cleared up, or start the treatment again should you have another outbreak in the future. Discuss the need to continue treatment with your dermatologist. The three acne cures discussed above are expensive. However, they are expensive because they work. This doesn't mean that all expensive treatments work, it simply means that these three, which have been proven to work for the majority of people who have tried these treatments, are well worth the cost. Acne Myths Myth #1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene. If you believe this myth, and wash your skin hard and frequently, you can actually make your acne worse. Acne is not caused by dirt or surface skin oils. Although excess oils, dead skin and a day's accumulation of dust on the skin looks unsightly, they should not be removed by hand scrubbing. Vigorous washing and scrubbing will actually irritate the skin and make acne worse. The best approach to hygiene and acne: Gently wash your face twice a day with a mild soap, pat dry--and use an appropriate acne treatment for the acne. Myth #2: Acne is caused by diet. Extensive scientific studies have not found a connection between diet and acne. In other words, food does not cause acne. Not chocolate. Not french fries. Not pizza. Nonetheless, some people insist that certain foods affect their acne. In that case, avoid those foods. Besides, eating a balanced diet always makes sense. However, according to the scientific evidence, if acne is being treated properly, there's no need to worry about food affecting the acne. Myth #3: Acne is caused by stress. The ordinary stress of day-to-day living is not an important factor in acne. Severe stress that needs medical attention is sometimes treated with drugs that can cause acne as a side effect. If you think you may have acne related to a drug prescribed for stress or depression, you should consult your physician. Myth #4: Acne is just a cosmetic disease. Yes, acne does affect the way people look and is not otherwise a serious threat to a person’s physical health. However, acne can result in permanent physical scars--plus, acne itself as well as its scars can affect the way people feel about themselves to the point of affecting their lives. Myth #5: You just have to let acne run its course. The truth is, acne can be cleared up. If the acne products you have tried haven’t worked, consider seeing a dermatologist. With the products available today, there is no reason why someone has to endure acne or get acne scars.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Acne And The Changes In Girls During Puberty

During puberty, girls go through many changes some physical and some psychological. These changes include fat distribution, menstruation, body composition, body and facial hair growth, growth spurts, skin changes and body odor. During puberty the body physically changes as the fat tissue increases in the breasts, hips, and thighs, producing the typical female shape. With all these changes in girls during puberty, what effect does acne have on girls during this difficult and emotional time? Acne can increase the physical and emotional stress that girls experience during puberty. The severity and likelihood of acne is one of the many changes in girls during puberty due to the increased oil secretions in the skin. Mood swings, increased irritability and feelings of low self esteem can also be experienced by girls during puberty. Even girls who have been self confident can suffer from low self esteem when puberty starts. These changes in girls during puberty can be more severe if she also suffers from acne. There are steps you can take to help lessen the problems of acne, which may help girls during this difficult time. Practical Acne Treatments For Girls… Proper skin care is the first step in dealing with acne. There are many skin care products on the market that may help with acne. Gently washing the face twice a day is the first place to start. Be sure to select a cleanser that contains salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide or sulfur, as they kill the bacteria that cause acne. Gentle cleansing is important so don't wash too often or scrub the face with harsh cleansers. It is also important to use non-comedogenic products when trying to control acne. Non-comedogenic products are less likely to cause acne, blackheads or block the pores of the skin. There are many non-comedogenic products available, such as makeup, moisturizers, lip stick, and even acne medicated makeup. It is a good idea to visit a dermatologist if acne can not be controlled with over-the-counter medications as he can prescribe the best solution. Acne in addition to all the changes in girls during puberty can take a physical and mental toll. There are many acne treatments available today so one should not despair. The onset of acne during puberty represents another challenge for young women to overcome.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Acne- Easy Ways To Stop Getting Infected Acne

Acne begins as a whitehead or a blackhead. These are uninfected comedones. The gland is full of sebum and the gland is clogged. If treated at this stage, the acne will resolve easily without any scar. But many times it gets infected and becomes a big pimple full of pus. Stop that happening with these easy steps. Acne- how it gets infected? A bacterium called P.acnes lives on our skin. Normally this bacterium makes no harm to us. If this bacterium is given a warm close place full of sebum, it loves that and multiplies there. This happens in acne. The sebaceous gland is the ideal place for the bacteria in acne and the bacteria multiplies inside that. When white cells kill the bacteria, you see the pus filled acne. We should stop giving the bacteria a place to thrive. Let us see how. 1. Treat the blackheads and whiteheads immediately with either Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. They will both unclog the gland. Consult your doctor about using tretinoin at this stage itself. Use AHAs around the affected area to remove dead cells faster and remove the top affected layer of the skin. Your doctor will draw a treatment program for you. 2. Ask your doctor if you can use a mild antibiotic along with other topical treatments to kill the bacteria before it grows. Kill all the bacteria before it multiplies. Generally we use antibiotic after getting infected. In this case, ask your doctor if you should use one as preventive. 3. Keep your hands clean and wash your face with a good acid balanced cleanser or an AHA based cleanser. Don't over clean the skin. Clean it two to three times a day. Don't touch the spots. That may infect them. Trying to remove the comedones may also infect them. Consult your doctor and if needed he/she will pull it out. Stopping acne before it gets infected is the best way to avoid large-scale pimples and scars. This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Acne: Rambazole Can Be A Good Medication Against Acne In Future

A study with Rambazole, a novel retinoic acid metabolism-blocking agent (RAMBA), determined that 94 per cent of subjects -with moderate-to-severe acne treated with 1 mg of oral Rambazole once daily for 12 consecutive weeks- experienced reduction in total acne lesion count of more than 50 per cent and 35 per cent were considered "cleared or almost cleared. This study points to the production of this medication on future, since Barrier Therapeutics, Inc. reported positive Phase 2a data for its oral formulation of Rambazole (TM) in the treatment of moderate to severe acne and positive biological activity data for its topical formulation of this product. Experts explain that a subject must have had more than 90 per cent reduction in total lesion count to be considered “cleared or almost cleared”. According to their report, inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions responded equally well to treatment. There were no serious effects related to the treatment with this new component. Only some patients of the group in study experienced dryness of skin and lips as non-serious side effects. Geert Cauwenbergh, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Barrier Therapeutics, Inc. explained that “these positive Phase 2a results indicate that oral Rambazole is active in moderate to severe inflammatory acne, and that depending on the outcome of future, full scale clinical trials, this drug may one day fill the need for safe and effective oral treatments for moderate and severe acne. These results further build on our previously announced promising clinical data for oral Rambazole for psoriasis”.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Acne: What It Is And How To Fight It

Acne is basically a blockage in the pore which causes bacteria to be trapped and form either a whitehead or a blackhead. While there are many myths that point to diet as a cause of acne, these are unfounded. Junk foods and chocolate are not associated with acne. The reason people get acne is because of overactive oil glands or blockage of pores. Acne is a condition that afflicts both children and adults. It is, however, more prevalent in teenagers when hormones are at their most active. Heredity also plays a large part in who gets acne and how severe it may be. Those who are genetically inclined to acne will often get more severe cases than people who are simply going through a stress induced or hormone induced acne phase. They also may have a more difficult time clearing up blemishes. The blemish that occurs on the skin can be unsightly and embarrassing so prevention and treatment should be the focus. The best form of treatment for acne is prevention as it is with any affliction. You should try to keep your hands away from your face because dirt and oils can contaminate pores. Proper health is also important. This means proper diet, exercise and sleep to reduce stress. Keeping your face clean using mild soap is also a good preventative. If you have an outbreak, there are home remedies, over the counter medications and prescription medications that can help. There are several topical creams and soaps that are used in the treatment of acne. These can be found in pharmacies and in the cosmetics department of grocery stores. Benzoyl peroxide creams, vitamin A and zinc are all used to help treat acne. For more severe cases a prescription oral antibiotic may be prescribed along with a topical cream that is stronger than the over the counter medications.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Acne – Get The Lowdown On This Four Letter Word

Acne is considered pimples, zits, blackheads, and whiteheads. These are all part of the same irritating ailment that affects so many, especially teenagers. In fact, many people consider acne the most irritating thing about puberty. At a time when teenagers tend to be very self conscious and are going through physical changes, cracking voices, menstrual cycles, facial hair, and hair growing in strange places, these darn pimples come along to make things even more complex. Where in the world do they come from? Common acne is officially known as acne vulgaris. This blemish producing blight is caused by multiple factors. During puberty the body produces an excess of the male hormone testosterone. Also, female menstrual cycles cause changes in the body that throw the hormone balance a bit out of whack. Add to this the other changes in the adolescent body that begins the process of turning them into adults, and acne is on its way. Much of the problems caused by acne come from the bacteria that is normally present on skin, a staff like bacteria that grows in abundance, especially in clogged pores filled with dead skin cells. Other things can cause acne as well, or make it worse. Exposure to too much chlorine can cause a long lasting and nasty type of acne, and use of anabolic steroids can cause acne, in addition to many other health problems that they can cause. For many years people thought that acne was caused by poor hygiene, and kids would scrub their faces raw in an effort to open up pores and get rid of pimples and blackheads. That actually may make the problem worse by damaging the skin. Also for many years people thought that certain foods would make some people more prone to acne. Fried foods were blamed, as was chocolate. This may have been a natural assumption. Teenagers often eat candy bars and other chocolate foods. Also teenagers tend to be fans of fried foods, such as hamburgers, French fries, tator tots, fish and chips, and fried chicken. Many people associated oily skin with greasy foods, but there is no medical or scientific connection. Acne is a nasty, but natural part of growing up. Most people outgrow acne as their bodies change and puberty ends. In fact, by the time most people reach their twenties they are through with the ravages of acne. For a few people it may hang on longer, but for the vast majority of people it is a temporary and passing thing. Time will cure most cases as a person passes into adulthood. The types of acne blemishes are divided into two different categories, inflamed and non-inflamed. Non-inflamed blemishes are called blackheads or whiteheads. The whitehead is a clogged follicle that plugs the skin pore. The mass is made up of dead skin cells. The blackhead is in essence the same thing, but it has opened up and become oxidized, creating the darker tint. Many people think that blackheads come from dirt, but that is not the case. Inflamed blemishes are those that are commonly call pimples or zits. These blemishes are usually reddish and look inflamed. The red pimple is classic. A bit more troublesome is the larger cyst. Pimples develop when a whitehead does not turn into a blackhead and plugs the pore so that it can be expelled. Instead the pore wall breaks down and becomes a repository for oil, dead skin cells, bacteria and other debris of the body. White blood cells congregate in the blemish to fight the infection, and form a puss substance, that can become painful. Everyone is familiar with pimples. The larger cyst can be even more painful, and it can flair up again and again and may require medical attention. There are many misconceptions about acne. Some people think that the sun will cure acne and seek a suntan as a cure all. However, this has no positive effect, simply darkening the skin just makes pimples harder to see, and the side effects can be wrinkles and skin cancer in later life. However, there are many treatments available for acne that can lessen the impact it has on the lives of the victims. Many good over the counter remedies, natural remedies, and when needed prescription, drugs can help.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Abdominal Weight Loss: Yoga can help you lose the gut.

Whenever anyone says or gestures that they want to lose weight, most of the time, they point to their guts saying “I wanna lose all this!” Obviously, abdominal weight loss is a goal for many people. However, what most people might not be aware of is that-of all exercises-Yoga actually can help immensely for weight loss in the abdominal region. There are specific poses, that target excess weight in the abdomen and coupled with a customized diet, those seeking abdominal weight loss would find success in using these yoga exercises. Let’s go over them, shall we? Abdominal Weight Loss: Yoga Poses to Use. 1. The Sun Salutations: These are a combination of poses that serve as a warm up-routine for a Yoga session or class. They are very similar to the popular calisthenics exercise known as burpees. However, they differ in that they have a spiritual significance included as a result of executing them. Due to the forward and backward bending motions involved, after performing a few to several rounds on a daily basis, you are bound to notice a marked loss of weight in you abdominal area and the added bonus of muscular tone. 2. The Bow Pose: This simple pose involves laying flat on your belly and grabbing your ankles with both arms while simultaneously lifting your head up high. When performed correctly, you should be resting on your abdomen. Needless to say, it is a pose commonly recommended for weight loss and the prevention and correction of chronic constipation. 3. The Peacock Pose: This is slightly more challenging. The objective is to balance your abdomen on your conjoined elbows while simultaneously raising your legs and head of the floor. Naturally, merely attempting it speeds up abdominal weight loss and detoxification of the visceral organs and the preparatory stage could suffice as the actual execution of the pose till the mastery of it is achieved. 4. The Abdominal Lift: This is not a pose, per-se but is a specific exercise that involves you exhaling your breath and pulling the diaphragm in while holding the breath out. This is a specific abdominal exercise for weight loss, spiritual rejuvenation and detoxification. Now friends, there are other poses such as the shoulder-stand, the forward-bending pose, the spinal twist and the wheel pose that also target increase in muscular tone and weight loss in the abdominal regions, however from practice the 4 above will perhaps be the most effective. Do note though that if you are female and pregnant or in your menstrual period, some of these poses might not be the best to execute. Moreover, since these poses-besides helping with abdominal weight loss-aid tremendously with detoxifying, it is advised that one eats a proper and healthy diet to augment the actions of these poses. Other fantastic exercises for abdominal weight loss include your intense Aerobics, the use of the ab-wheel, basic sit-ups, windmills etc. So empower yourself with these tips and information to achieve your goal for weight loss. Lose that gut starting today.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Abuse Substance Treatment Program Review

In today's world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering facts for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed. One of the key debates that has been staged in the substance abuse treatment literature is how to define an effective program. Renascence Renascence is a day treatment program for HIV-positive individuals with past or present substance abuse issues. In Pennsylvania, a child covered by the private program currently will receive no substance abuse treatment benefits. The program is intended to be provided as a component of substance abuse treatment or through family and community service agencies. The program was modified during implementation at two women's residential substance abuse treatment programs. For the veteran with PTSD and substance abuse, however, these final objectives are at the end of a long term treatment program. Even if a victim is able to complete a substance abuse treatment program, being revictimized is predictive of relapse. Our nomadic wilderness treatment program incorporates an innovative, holistic approach to issues such as substance abuse, anxiety, depression, and difficulties with relationships. The Crest program allows recovering substance abusers to continue their treatment as they transition to the community. The delegation explored bringing an intensive substance abuse treatment program to their region and chose Delaware's model to study. Delaware's internationally-acclaimed, 3-step substance abuse treatment program is proven to be successful in rehabilitating drug offenders. A substance abuse evaluation must be completed before you can be admitted to any treatment program in the Lincoln area. Most of this information comes straight from the Abuse Substance Treatment pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know. TEDS comprises data that are routinely collected by States as they monitor their substance abuse treatment systems. Information and data on patients receiving treatment for substance abuse will be handled no differently than patient data pertaining to any other medical condition. TEDS collects data on the approximately 1.8 million annual admissions to substance abuse treatment facilities, primarily those that receive some public funding. The TEDS report provides detailed data on admissions to substance abuse treatment for all age groups. A comprehensive guide to the best drug rehabs, residential substance abuse treatment and detox centers for adults, adolescents, and troubled teens. NCRPG developed a social indicator model of interstate substance abuse treatment needs that includes both drug and alcohol components. rural residency, and marital status, substance abuse treatment providers should also integrate the following recommendations specific to the alcohol/other drug treatment system. JCAHO is the gold standard in accreditation for drug and substance abuse treatment facilities. Increase the number of admissions to substance abuse treatment for injection drug use. Cirque Lodge is an exclusive substance abuse and drug rehab treatment center for alcohol and drug addiction. You can't predict when knowing something extra about Abuse Substance Treatment will come in handy. If you learned anything new about &keyword in this article, you should file the article where you can find it again.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Absorbent And Comfortable Incontinence Products Reviewed

There are different kinds of incontinence products that can be found on the market. There are those that are re-usable and washable, while some are disposable. The products can be bed pads, incontinence chair pads, bedding items, and bedding protectors. There are also waterproof support pillows, waterproof pillowcases, duvets and mattress protectors. These incontinence products are offered in different price ranges and made from various absorbent materials and give various benefits to the end customers. Pads are made to high standards in different sizes to fit beds and chairs. Every pad is separately measured, sewn, cut and packed for your convenience. You can find made to order products that are available for those clients who have specific needs. Some are made with anti-bacterial fibers and materials to manage and control any odor-causing bacteria that may persist. This hygienic performance can further protect and secure the users. This greater protection will give customers the satisfaction they need. On the other hand, there are those which may not contain anti-bacterial properties but offer better comfort and softness. These incontinence pads offer dryness and soothing relief all night. One may be able to experience the most satisfying sleep without inconvenience of frequent and tiring pad changes in the middle of your sleep. Some companies who manufacture these incontinence products make bed pads specifically for your bed’s size or your bed’s dimension. However, they make bed pads that will fit all the standard bed sizes from single to king size beds. To maintain their quality, they recommend using commercial drying and washing facilities especially for those products in extremely large sizes. They also come in various styles. Some pads are embedded with integral fluid proof backing that is fully washable and that is flame retardant. Moreover, some products may have non-slip features to prevent common displacements that occur frequently. Moreover, there are pads with fluid proof backing and wings, offering the extra advantage of additional security. In addition, the pad has an essential non-slip fluid proof backing and is also secured in the chosen position by tucking the wings beneath the mattress. As a result, this minimizes any potential displacement due to restlessness. Some bed products and other bedding protectors have been intended to give water and other fluid safeguards to mattresses, pillows, and blankets. Furthermore, the products are produced from a stylish fluid proof and breathable vapor porous fabric, which helps in minimizing sweating and distress due to overheating. These waterproof mattress protectors are designed to protect mattresses from fluids but without sacrificing beneficial airflow that is essential to a good night’s sleep. These waterproof mattress protectors are generally called incontinence drawsheets or waterproof drawsheets. Some of these protectors have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that can add to improved overall hygiene and a decrease in unwanted odors. Lastly, the fabric used in these products is light and comfy to the end users and it is well-built, tear resistant and very durable. The products are trouble-free through a simple “wipe and dry” cleaning or can be machine-washed.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Warm Touch, A Beneficial Act

“Babies talk when you touch them.” claimed a certified massage therapist. A mother's touch and stroking hands to her baby's body is an expression of communication for both parties. There are innumerable medical facts that support the importance of touch. Interest in hands-on therapies has become very popular nowadays that even conventional physicians now embrace these treatments as beneficial not only in reducing stress, but also in speeding post-surgery recovery, managing addictions, and ending chronic pain from migraines, arthritis, and other serious afflictions. We have come a long way in understanding the importance of touch with human development. To prove the theory that touching boosts the immune system, a host of researchers have undertaken a series of tests and verification procedures. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was a decreased level of cortisol and an increased number killer-cell activity in research subjects that were given touch and massage therapy. Natural killer cells are immune-system cells that are important in killing virus-infected cells and cancer cells. For children with chronic diseases, touch can alleviate symptoms and let them live a more normal life. In fact, researchers say that fifteen minutes of massage a day can help a diabetic child's glucose levels remain in the normal range and improve an asthmatic child's pulmonary functions. In utero, babies are stimulated by pressure from their surroundings. It's something all babies, especially “preemies” or prematurely born infants lack on the outside. Another recent research has given proof that preemies' systems need to experience controlled stimulation to help them grow and develop. Other studies show that all babies benefit from touch therapy. According to the University of Miami's Touch Therapy Institute, babies who receive daily massage gain an average of 47 percent more weight and are discharged from hospitals up to one week earlier than babies who are not massaged. Touch therapy offers a number of benefits for newborn children. Some of these benefits include; Promoting wellness of the newborn; Enhancing the bonding process between baby and parent; Accelerates recovery from the normal rigors of birth trauma and/or difficult, prolonged labor; Helps to soothe teething discomfort; Optimizes growth and development, especially for babies who were critically ill at birth; Minimizes the complications of prematurity and provides loving comfort for babies who are hospitalized and separated from their parents; Benefits the baby even from the time of conception; and Hastens recovery from medical and surgical procedures. Further studies show a strong link between touch and emotional development. The study showed that infants of the Netsilik Inuit tribe of the Canadian Arctic are very calm and cry very little. This is thought to be because they are constantly carried on their mothers' backs and can communicate with them through touch. In one study done at the Child Development Program at Montreal Children's Hospital, researchers asked volunteer mothers to carry their babies for at least three hours a day. They then compared the babies' crying patterns with those of a group who weren't carried. The babies who were held more cried less. Research on massage in the Philippines has also revealed its positive effects on many functions in infants and children. These findings have led to widespread support of massage therapy in the local pediatric community. Not only that touch or massage therapy are beneficial to an infant's well being, but more importantly, babies that were massaged early in childhood establish a warm, positive relationship that continues as the child grows.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Pyramid Routine to Blow the Lid Off of Plateaus

Copyright 2006 Lynn VanDyke A common problem among many people looking to shed fat and lean out is hitting a plateau. Hitting a plateau can leave most feeling stressed, defeated and ready to give up. There's nothing worse than working hard and eating well only to see all of the progress and results come to a screeching halt. Hitting a plateau is common, but people giving up on their routine once they hit a plateau is even more common. It's sad, but true. There are a few things you can do to bust through a plateau and jumpstart your fat loss results once more. The most important factor in shattering plateaus is change. Your workout routine must be changed every 4-6 weeks for optimal results. You can change your workout intensity, set or rep range, amount of weight lifted or your entire weight lifting method. One method you can start using is called a pyramid routine. A pyramid routine is a method of weight training that uses varying reps and weights. There must be at least 3 sets in a pyramid routine, but typically there are 5. The rep range begins at a higher rep range and lighter weight. As the reps decrease the weight size increases. The middle set marks the top of the pyramid, or the lowest rep range at the highest weight. All sets done after the middle set begin to reverse the pattern. Reps begin to increase and weights begin to decrease. It sounds a bit complicated, but it's really simple to get the hang of it. Here is a quick sample. I am going to use a 5 set pyramid routine for a bicep curl. There is a 1 minute rest in between each set. - 12 reps at 25 pounds - 1 minute rest - 10 reps at 30 pounds - 1 minute rest - 8 reps at 35 pounds - 1 minute rest - 10 reps at 30 pounds - 1 minute rest - 12 reps at 25 pounds - 1 minute rest - Move on to next exercise As you can see the pattern of reps and weight size have a peak position in the middle set. This resembles the top or peak of the pyramid. The pyramid routine is well-known to experienced lifters and athletes. Many others are finding it to be the secret to blowing the lid off of plateaus. In addition to switching to the pyramid routine, try using these simple tools to shatter your own plateau. 1) Eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day. Each meal should be 2-3 hours apart. Each meal should contain one protein and one carb. The first meal should be eaten within an hour after waking. 2) Drink a cup of water at each meal. 3) Rest properly. This means taking at least 48 hours between strength training the same muscles, and it also means getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Lastly, it means taking 1-2 days off from exercising per week. 4) Cardio. This should be done at different intensity levels and different session lengths. Consider doing a low intensity/long session, a high intensity/short session and a few medium intensity/medium length sessions. All of the above things combined will help bust through a plateau. Just remember to change something about your program. Should you ever find your results stopping and your fat loss coming to a halt the intensity, weight, or training method are the easiest factors to change. Above all do not give up and do not quit. Hitting a plateau is something that happens to everyone. How you shatter and overcome a plateau defines your resolve and dedication.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bad Breath and Gingivitis

Does this sound familiar to you? My dentist and hygienist mentioned that I had irritated gums as they cleaned my teeth. This is a symptom of gingivitis. Gingivitis can be a stepping stone to major problems in the mouth and gum line. It can lead to periodontal disease, which is a much more serious problem with the potential for actual bone loss. Halitosis (bad breath) could be related to a gingivitis infection as both are caused by bacteria. Red, swollen and/or bleeding gums characterize gingivitis. These symptoms are most evident upon flossing and sometimes from brushing. Bacteria cause gingivitis. And bacteria are considered to be responsible for bad breath. Sometimes, I could even see the bloodstains that the hygienist quietly wiped away with a towel. It was embarrassing enough to know that I wasn't controlling my gingivitis problem, but to know that she was actually trying not to make a big deal out of it was troubling. I knew my dentist was concerned because she gave me a bottle of alcohol based mouthwash to try and mentioned that she wanted to see how I looked next time. I don't like using it; there is too much alcohol and the taste is not very pleasant. Alcohol may also dry the mucous membranes in the mouth. The Problem Bacteria can stick to your teeth and secrete acid onto them contributing to cavity formation. They can also infect the gums, particularly around the gum line, causing gingivitis. This can manifest initially as bleeding and irritated gums. Having a lot of uncontrolled bacteria multiplying in the mouth may also lead to bad breath, but there is a natural and normal amount of bacteria in the mouth, and you will never completely get rid of them all, nor would you want to. Theory has it that it is actually the anaerobic bacteria that live in the tongue and throat that produce sulfur that in turn produce hard to get rid of bad breath. These anaerobes create VSCs or volatile sulfur compounds. One type is the familiar rotten egg smell. There are other odors coming from VSCs as well. These sulfur-producing bacteria may feed on certain foods, like coffee, alcohol and meats. A gingivitis problem can offer a way for bacteria to easily enter your blood stream and that can lead to additional problems. Systemic infections could come from this. Gingivitis can be something that makes your gums bleed easily in a mild case or it can be the root of deep gum recession, leading to bone loss in the worse case scenarios. (Periodontal disease) Loss of gum line can be discouraging. A friend of mind once described the process as, “getting long in the tooth". Sometimes, people experience this problem by brushing too hard. TIP: Using a soft bristled toothbrush with the type of motion that your hygienist recommends may help prevent eroded gum lines. Treatment and Prevention Had you ever heard of under-the-gum cleanings? This could be part of the protocol your dentist might invoke, should you develop periodontal disease. If you know people that have had an under-the-gum cleaning; they may tell you that it is not very pleasant. Your dentist can deal with this problem in a variety of ways. However, prevention probably is the best option. Include good flossing and brushing habits - see your dentist for details. And you could add a non-alcohol based mouthwash alternative to your regimen. I'm currently using a special toothbrush that uses vibration to clean the teeth. This device does a better job than a regular toothbrush in keeping my teeth clean. It does take a little while to get used to because of the vibration. It makes many, many vibrations per second. This helps to give it such wonderful cleaning abilities. Don't feel sad if you have excellent oral health habits but you still have bad breath. This is common and many people experience this same situation. Oral health products that don't contain sodium lauryl sulfates or artificial flavors that can still kill the bacteria that cause bad breath without using harsh alcohol or tough chemicals may be helpful. I am not a dentist. This article is for information purposes only. This article is not meant for diagnosis, treatment or prevention nor is it meant to give advice. If you have or suspect you have gingivitis, periodontal disease or any other dental problems, visit your dentist for a consultation.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ayurveda As Alternative Anxiety Treatment

Whenever someone speaks of something like an alternative system of medicine, such as Ayurveda, most people think of the physical aspects of health. Most people don't associate things like emotional development, psychology, and anxiety medication to a system like Ayurveda. This is a reasonable assumption to make, mainly because systems like Ayurveda have always focused more on a combination of the physical and spiritual. Matters of the mind were viewed as outside the physical realm and, in a Western context, were seen as affairs to be handled by religious authorities. Other problems, such as anxiety and depression, may not have been recognized and, thus, were not studied under the purview of medicinal systems. Some doctors, most notably neurologist Dr. David Simon of the Chopra Center, believes that Ayurveda might be a legitimate alternative to anxiety medication and treatment. Anxiety, in the context of Ayurveda, is rooted in movements of things within a person's perception of what he is and what is in his domain. In theory, things that enter into a person's sphere of influence by force, such as a critical comment or pressures from work, can cause an imbalance in the mind and body. In a similar manner, a person would also need anxiety medication if something that was within their sphere of influence was forcibly taken from it, such as their sense of security or ability to perform certain tasks. These unwanted gains and losses can create imbalances in the harmony of the body that will persist until properly treated. Ultimately, the pain caused by this violation of one's sphere of influence causes pain that people must deal with. However, by ignoring it, bottling it up inside, denying it, or not dealing with it, that pain can cause further imbalance. Such imbalances, in the context of Ayurveda, can cause problems like depression, mood disorders, and anxiety. How, then, would Ayurveda propose to fix this problem? Like Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda is about restoring balance to the body. Problems that create the need for medical intervention, whether it come in the form of antihistamines or anxiety medication, are caused by imbalances of certain factors in the body. These imbalances can be corrected using a variety of means, which include herbal tinctures, special massage techniques, meditation, and even the appropriate dietary adjustments. However, anxiety is a problem firmly rooted in things like emotions and thoughts, factors that Western medicine views as being controlled by the chemical balance of the brain. To the average patient, who likely does not have too much knowledge of Ayurveda or how it works, there is very little that any alternative medical system can do to alleviate psychological or psychiatric conditions. Ayurveda's philosophy with dealing with something like anxiety reflects a staple of psychiatric therapy: release. Practitioners, as stated above, believe that pain caused by violations of a person's sphere of self can cause anxiety – among other mental and mood conditions. This build-up of pain and emotions causes more than just cognitive effects; it also touches upon a person's physical well-being. Ayurveda practitioners help their patients locate this physical manifestation and proceed to attempt to correct it. They also promote finding ways to physically release that pain, but are not specific on how. It could be taking a walk or hitting a pillow, so long as it allows the patient to acknowledge, accept, and release the emotional build-up inside them.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Astigmatism - Cause For Blurred Vision

It is one of the main reasons for having blurred vision which many people are not aware of. It is stated to be one of the common reasons for having eyesight problems. This condition brings nearsightedness or farsightedness along with it. It is caused mainly due to irregular shape of the cornea or of the lens which is located behind the cornea and is called as lenticular astigmatism. The problem can be corrected by use of eyeglasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery. To put it in lay man’s term astigmatism means that the cornea is oval in shape instead of being spherical. The cornea in the astigmatism condition has two curves - a steeper and a flatter curve. This kind of curve spreads the light to two focus points instead of one, leading to blurred vision. Astigmatism is said to be hereditary as many are born with oblong cornea. Being born with this defect can create problems for future. Astigmatism is also caused due to scarring of the cornea by performing certain type of eye surgery. It is also caused due to keratoconus - a disease which causes thinning of the cornea. Astigmatism leads to nearsightedness (myopia) when the cornea is curved too much. The light which should be focused on the retina is focused in front of the retina leading to a blurry vision for distant objects. It also causes farsightedness (hyperopia), as the cornea is not properly curved. Here, the light is focused behind the back of your eye making nearby objects blurry. You can detect the signs and symptoms of astigmatism when there is deformation in parts of the visual field. The horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines look blurred. It may seem to do less harm to you but if this condition worsens it is better to consult your doctor. If you are suffering from blurred vision or headaches, a doctor’s consultation is very important. Rubbing or squinting is also a good sign to confer with your doctor. By practicing yoga the problem of astigmatism may lessen. One of the most common types of surgeries used to correct astigmatism is the astigmatic keratotomy and LASIK. This kind of surgery reshapes the cornea which makes it right enough to focus on one point. The one thing that can be done to correct astigmatism is to get a surgery done as early as possible. Children are at risk to permanently loose their eyesight due to astigmatism. So the best solution for this is an early surgery.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Are You Fit?

Fitness refers to ability of the body to function with vigor and alertness. Nutrition refers to the nurturing of our body, in our ability to keep it healthy and functioning as it is supposed to do. Our ability to provide the body with all the necessary food, vitamins, and minerals so that we continue to thrive in our daily life processes. But do we know if we are really fit? How do we tell? First, you might want to look at your exercise habits, if there are any. If there aren’t any exercise routines to examine, no fitness. Everyone, no matter what their age, benefits from exercise. It keeps our bodies conditioned, our mental sharpness working at top speed, and thanks to the physical aspect, we get a boost to our cardio health, extra calorie burn, and more oxygen to those cells! Do you take in more calories than your body needs? Are you supplementing your vitamins and minerals to make sure you are getting your recommended daily allowances? If you’re not making the most basic of efforts to take care of your nutritional needs, you aren’t a fit individual. You may not look sick, you may not have any noticeable symptoms of ill-health, but you’re not the fit and toned individual you could be. What about the stress levels in your life? Do work in an environment with high levels of stress? Is your personal life a source of comfort or does it add to your stress levels? Do you engage in some form of stress-relieving activity? Stress is the number on contributor to heart attacks and strokes, since they manage to speed up the affect of the real culprits. Stress is basically an out of control situation for most adults today. We manage to schedule every moment of our free time, and leave ourselves with no time for quiet reflection, or time to deal with life’s unexpected emergencies. Fitness requires us to examine more than just our exercise routine. The mere definition of fitness refers to the body’s ability to meet physical stresses. That includes coping with our day to day life, getting from the beginning of the day to the end, without being worn completely out. In order to be truly fit, we find ways to rid ourselves of built up stress, the kind that begins to affect our muscles, muscle tone, and composition. Massages are the best cure for ridding our bodies of the stress buildup that can occur, even with exercise regimens and detract from our overall fitness. Exercises that demand total body involvement are the best for maintaining and improving your level of fitness most effectively. Running, swimming, jogging, dancing, cycling, and very brisk walking are some of the more popular total body involvement exercises. There are so many occasions to stop and question our efforts at maintaining optimal health, that we usually don’t even take the time to begin the examination. But it is beneficial to our overall health, the quality and quantity of our life, to make every effort to be fit, healthy, individuals.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Are Mega-Doses Of Vitamins Safe?

In today's health-conscious society, much attention has been paid to vitamin supplementation and the role it plays in total body health. In addition to promoting optimum wellness, vitamin supplements are taken for reasons such as protecting the heart, reducing the risk of cancer, boosting the immune system, relieving the symptoms of PMS, alleviating depression and anxiety, improving the memory, and even weight loss. There have been some publicized theories that advocate the use of extremely high doses, or mega-doses, of certain vitamins. Care should be taken when considering this kind of supplementation. While some vitamins are safe in large doses, others can be harmful. Here are the most commonly used vitamins and the safest maximum doses for each: Vitamin A - Vitamin A is a fat-soluble compound that is crucial for healthy vision, cell growth, and immune system function. Vitamin A should not be taken in excess of 10,000 IU which is twice the daily recommended allowance for adults. Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that is required for protein metabolism, the delivery of oxygen to cells, and the regulation of blood glucose. Excessive Vitamin B6 can cause debilitating and dangerous nerve damage. Do not exceed 100 mg of Vitamin B6 per day. Vitamin B12 - Vitamin B12 is essential to healthy red blood cells and nerve cells in the body. Vitamin B12 also plays a vital role in the creation of human DNA. Although this compound is well-tolerated and has a low level of toxicity, it is recommended that you do not exceed 3,000 mcg per day. Folic Acid - Folic acid contributes to the development of DNA, and is also needed for the metabolism of important amino acids. It is especially crucial for pregnant women. Folic acid has a low toxicity level, however the recommended maximum dose for adults is 1,000 mcg. Vitamin C - Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, growth and repair of the body's tissues, and a healthy immune system. However, too much Vitamin C can cause harmful oxidation in the body. No more than 2000 mg per day should be consumed. Vitamin D - Vitamin D is essential for normal levels of phosphorus and calcium in the blood. Vitamin D is an important contributor to strong bones and teeth. Excessive Vitamin D intake (more than 10,000 IU) can lead to bone pain, nausea, vomiting, and even kidney stones. Vitamin E - Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect the body against free radicals. However taking more than 1,000 mg can cause heart problems and excessive bleeding. Talk to your doctor to learn more about the safe dosage levels of vitamin compounds. It’s not always a good idea to buy into the latest health fads, or to believe the sales copy you read on the product bottle.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Acne’s Top 10 FAQ’s

1.) Can you get (catch) acne from other people? Answer: While certain types of acne do contain a bacterium, it is located in the hair follicles under your skin and can not be transmitted through contact. So no, touching or kissing someone with acne will not cause you to develop acne. 2.) If both my parents had acne does that mean I will develop acne? Answer: Studies show that heredity does play an important role in determining who develops acne. So children of parents who had or have acne are at a grater risk then others. It should be noted that as with any disease just because you have a family history, does not guarantee you will get it; only that you have a much great chance then someone with no family history. 3.) Does eating or drinking certain foods cause acne? Answer: Over the years studies have suggested everything from chocolate, candy, fried foods, sugar, drinking water, orange juice to milk can cause you to develop acne or make existing acne worse. However their is no scientific evidence to support any such results. There are so many factors effecting acne development that it is very difficult to isolate any one cause. So whether or not to avoid certain foods or drinks is really just an individual preference. If you find your skin reacts negatively to certain foods, then just don’t eat or drink it. 4.) Does dirt on my skin cause acne? Answer: Having proper hygiene will help with healthy skin. However dirty skin will not cause acne, but anybody with acne should be extra vigilant in having a good cleansing routine. Over washing can irritate your skin and make it more vulnerable to infection. Washing with a gentle cleanser will help reduce skin cell build up and keep your skin looking at its best. So find a balance and try not to over wash. 5.) Does stress cause acne? Answer: Stress has been shown to make acne worse, not directly cause it. So if you suffer from acne you should be aware of how you react under stress and develop ways to help manage and keep it under control. This will not only help with controlling your acne but also benefit your over all health. 6.) Can you develop acne once you are out of your teens? Answer: The simple answer is yes. In fact many people who never experienced acne as a teen can develop it in their 30, 40, and 50’s. 7.) Does make up or sunscreen make acne worse? Answer: Certain products that are overly greasy and thick can plug the skins follicles leading to the development of acne. Not all products affect everyone the same way, so while you many develop acne using one product someone else may not. If you are prone to acne you will need to be extra careful with what you put on your skin. Try to always use oil free products and also test a small amount on a patch of skin for a few days before using it all over. 8.) Will exercising affect my acne? Answer: While it is still unclear why this happens, vigorous exercising that causes your body to heat up and sweat does seem to cause acne to get worse for certain people. One theory is that exercise increases the production of sebum, the oil that when to much is produced can lead to acne. 9.) Can a facial help with acne? Answer: There is no easy way to answer this question. The term facial is used to describe everything from an over the counter product you buy from a drug store and do it yourself to something done at an expensive spa for hundreds of dollars. The bottom line is anything that might irritate your skin can make your acne worse. 10.) Why does my acne stop responding to my current treatment? Answer: Acne medication, like all medications can become less effective over time as your body builds a resistance to them. It might be necessary to use acne treatment regiments on a rotational basis for optimum effectiveness.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Acne Medication - Be Careful When Pregnant

Acne medication is of different types. You may have topical or oral medication. The medication may include antibiotics, retinoids, antimicrobials etc. During pregnancy one has to be extremely careful before applying or oral intake of any medication. Some medication cause birth defects in the fetus and some are dangerous for breast-feeding child. Please take any medicine or apply any medicine after talking to your doctor if you are planning pregnancy, you are pregnant or while breast-feeding your child. Please avoid every type of Vitamin a derivative either topical or oral. Medications such as Isotretinoin, which is one of the favorites of acne medicines, should be strictly avoided. Other topicals containing tretinoin, tazarotene and other Vitamin A derivatives should be strictly avoided. Please don’t use any topical skin care product before asking your doctor. Please avoid any oral medication after talking to your doctor. Many OTC skin care products contain Vitamin A derivatives. Please avoid all such products. Please avoid antibiotics from the group of tetracycline such as tetracycline, doxycycline etc. They may damage the fetus or breast-feeding child. No antibiotic should be taken innocently. Please avoid any hormone preparation that you may be using for your acne. Many hormones such as estrogen and other anti androgen hormones can damage the fetus and also get passed to the breast-feeding child. Avoid as many medicines as possible. Avoid all skin care and makeup products. Get everything certified by your doctor, if you are planning to get pregnant, or are pregnant or breast feeding your child. This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Acne Home Treatment 101

Acne is truly one serious worry of most teenagers and young adults as well in every part of the country. It’s certainly an obstacle to fully enjoy what life offers during your youthful years. It ruins your confidence to say and do what you want. It can even affect a person’s relationship towards his/her loved ones and on other people. However, we have several ways to choose from to exterminate this acne. The good news is that you don’t have to go that too far in searching for your remedies! There are so many home treatments for acne right there! And, you can surely find some of them in your kitchen or garden. If not, the nearest store will surely have one non-prescriptive product for you! You should know that there is no way that you can lose in your fight against this unwanted skin disorder. Home treatments for acne will surely leave you worry-free! Do-It-Yourself home treatment for your acne You might think that treating acne requires you to see and consult for prescription. Well, you can actually treat it by yourself! You can find solutions right in your home or garden! Applying toothpaste in your acne and letting it stay overnight is just one and actually the most common home treatment for acne most people do. You can also try a variety of paste or mask that are great options made from different plant species. You can choose from applying salt and vinegar solution, lime, ripe tomatoes, methi(fenugreek) leaves, lemon, dried basil leaves, mint juice, cucumber, corn flour and egg white, sandalwood, roasted and powdered pomgranate, ground radish, oatmeal, almond powder, honey, ground orange peel, nutmeg and milk, turmeric and tender neem, ground sesame seeds, papaya, and drumstick pods and leaves. Truly natural home treatments for acne! This kind of home treatment for acne should be applied on the face or other affected areas. Leave it for 15 minutes to an hour and wash with warm water. It only requires you to apply once or twice everyday. You will notice that your face have less oil and zits are gradually decreasing in number, proofs that the home treatments for acne are working to cure your acne. Use it until you see satisfying results. Most application, however, might require you to take it for about 15 days. But, you can actually use some of these home treatments for acne everyday to prevent acne from coming back. On the other hand, a mixture of honey and cinnamon powder as a home treatment for acne requires you to stay it overnight and wash it the next day. Moreover, you can choose between strawberry leaves or garlic as direct application on your acne-affected areas. Across-the-counter products If you think that it would be better to choose ready-made products as home treatments for acne or you just don’t have time to prepare home-made pastes or masks, you can go straight to shops where you can buy what we usually know as “across-the-counter” products. Benzoyl peroxide lotion is one of the most commonly used drug as a home treatmeant for acne. It actually helps to dry the skin and shed the layer of dead skin. Another dependable home treatment for acne is the cleanser. You should know that you are producing excess oil that greatly contributes on the appearance of acne. Washing your face with an unscented cleanser twice a day will give your skin with just right amount of oil to make your skin moisturize. It is worth following Following some tips on preventing and lessening the harm brought by acne is another good move. You should not wait for acne to appear before you actually cure it. The best way of getting rid of it is to prevent it from coming out in the first place. One thing besides keeping your face free from excess oil is to avoid pricking and squeezing your zits. This habit will just worsen your problem on acne. Let nature and time heal for you and you’ll see wonder results! You should also refrain from using products that can bring harm in your face. These include products with high percentage of isopropyl alcohol.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Acne: You Can Fight Acne with Masks

You can fight acne not only with gel or special soaps, but also with natural masks. Masks made of products you easily may find in your kitchen and you easily can make, too. These ones are granted to work. These products have great qualities that are inherent in the most ordinary things that can make you beautiful, cleansing your skin and brightening your complexion. The mask made of eggs is one of the most common and it is a good method for toning the skin, according to some experts. They say that eggs help tightening your skin, giving you a firmer face, less wrinkled and less prone to sagging. To make an egg mask is something quite simple and fast that you can not even imagine. First, beat one egg white until it is stiff. After that you just smooth it over your entire face. Then, remove the mask, but after 20 minutes. You can adjust the mask to your skin type. If your have oily skin, add lemon juice to the egg white (only one drop). And if you have dry skin, put a bit of honey to the egg white. Experts explain that the skin on the inside of the shell can actually work as an acne treatment. Just place the skin over the breakout and leave on for 30 minute or even overnight to help reduce the appearance of the acne. It is recommended to apply facial masks once a week for best results. Remember rinsing your face first with warm water and then rinsing with cold (to close the pores) after you finish removing the mask.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Visit to a Doctor

“Health is above wealth”, says the saying. Really, what is more valuable than the condition of your body when all the systems function well? It must be our first concern and we have to treat out bodies properly. But today we seem to forget what is the most important. We ignore all the signals of our body until the pain is unbearable. Then you put away your visit to the supermarket, your work on custom research papers, and your plans for the day and get the rest of our strength together to go and consult a doctor. People don’t feel positively about any hospital. The direct association is with pain and illnesses. No matter how friendly staff is, no matter how well the interior is designed, you will not see a lot of smiling faces around. So, you are on your way to the hospital with pains but entering the building you wonder what doctor you need to consult. If you are not familiar with fields of practice of different specialists visit a pediatrician first.

He will advice you where to go next. Still feeling bad not only because of the pain but also because of being in the hospital, you go to see the right specialist. And here you meet with another typical trait at public hospital, extremely long lines. You see at least a dozen people waiting in front of you and think about a custom research paper left at home. You could finish it by the time you get to see the specialist. But you came for purpose and will wait till needed. After an hour and a half of waiting you finally get to consult a specialist, who makes you go through seven circles of hell. You had to do various not quite understandable movements that made you exhausted. Angry on yourself, the doctor and the whole system you run out of the lab with a sheet of paper. This is medication required along with a dozen of so called “useful advice”. Regretting about the whole thing you buy expensive medication and go home, hoping for the pain to disappear under attack of different remedies. After a week you have to go back and show up for the doctor to see the result. Here is one more unpleasant visit and another strain. Finally, you go out of the hospital with assurance that you are fine.

You are cured but what is the price? Numerous strains and worries still sit in your head and you keep thinking that there is still something radically wrong with you. During your life you are to visit a hospital quite a few times. How to lower the frequency? Try to keep fit and there will be no problem. Why do we become concerned only after there is no other way but to go to the hospital? When you hear or feel the first signal that there is something wrong, try to delete the cause immediately and start working on improvement. You don’t necessarily need to stay on medication to be healthy. There are a lot of other ways to avoid an unpleasant visit. If you seek, you’ll find a way, but the first step is to love your body and treat it the right way to prevent trouble from happening. If you don’t agree with proposed advice you can decide what the lesser evil is: To follow it or to prepare for the better world.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

.Preparing For Pregnancy

How childbirth is happiness for the parents; preparation for childbirth; change in lifestyle, diet, fitness regime; information on health background of the couple; information on stress, disorders, and anxiety in pregnancy.

Almost every woman is blessed with the capacity to bear a child at least once in her lifetime. It is considered to be one of the greatest gifts that a woman can give her husband. Bearing a child would make the couple more closer together, and at this certain point in their lives they can actually call themselves a family. Upon learning that the woman is pregnant, most couples enthusiastically start planning for her pregnancy and eventual childbirth.
    When talking about pregnancy, it is important to know about preconception issues regarding on giving birth. A check up with the physician or midwife would be advisable for the woman in order to face facts on childbirth. Physical preparation is needed for giving birth, since this could really change the normal function of the woman's body. A caregiver would be helpful in preparing the woman's body in conceiving, and also impart information concerning potential problems in pregnancy. Anxiety is felt at this point, since the woman would really have to follow certain precautions in order to conceive a healthy baby. By seeking advice regarding on preconception, safety, lifestyle changes, prenatal vitamins, and the importance of folic acid, the woman could really prepare for giving birth.
    In preparing for pregnancy, a change in the woman's lifestyle is needed. Smoking cigarettes is a definite no-no, and also the consumption of alcohol. These addictions can affect the health of both the woman and her unborn baby. A woman might need to lose or gain weight, according to her present weight relative to her height and build. Being too fat or too thin might bring complications for both the woman and the baby. A good start in preparing for childbirth would be to establish a fitness regime for the period of the pregnancy. Asking the physician about nutrition and working out would be recommended for possible questions regarding exercise and food intake.

    Learning more about the woman's body while on the early stages of giving birth is essential for proper knowledge of the situation. Various parts of a woman's body have specific roles when it comes to pregnancy. Certain disorders from both prospective parents should be discussed with the physician for  additional health background information. Anxiety and stress is also felt by the couple since this is a very critical stage for the woman. Preconception stress is normal in women about to give birth, considering factors such as scheduling, sexuality, and self esteem, among many others.

        When preparing for pregnancy, the couple should be confident enough to know how to handle a child. Knowledge of early pregnancy symptoms are also important since these are signs that giving birth would happen in due time. When the couple feels that they are ready, then a visit to the Obstetrician/Gynecologist (OBGYN) would help in gleaning more information on pregnancy. At this point, the couple can make use of a pregnancy calendar in order to follow the due course of giving birth.
        Anxiety is often felt by women when they know that they are pregnant. Feelings of worry and tension are usual signs that shows her being anxious about giving birth. But by spending time with your husband, regular visits to the OBGYN, finding time to relax and unwind, with good exercise, anxiety should not be a problem at all. All you have to worry about is what to name the baby?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Speedy Recovery with SmartLipo

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 300,000 people in the United States underwent invasive surgery in 2006 to remove fat from within their bodies. Liposuction is a procedure that is performed on a daily basis in the US, and one that often requires additional surgery to remove excess skin remaining when a bulk of fat is simply removed from the body. For many people, liposuction can be a traumatic experience. Fortunately, technology often holds the key to open doors that lead to improvement, especially in liposuction. SmartLipo is one exemplary case. This relatively new procedure is growing rapidly, servicing a steady flow of patients who wish to see firsthand if SmartLipo works as well as reported. Dubbed by some as a "medical miracle," SmartLipo has made believers out of many clients. SmartLipo does what it claims, and does so very well. Traditional Liposuction - invasive and risky Liposuction has been performed on millions of people in the years following its introduction in 1982. Although the surgery is performed often, the technique is quite invasive, and the outcome of the fat removal is in the hands of the surgeon, quite literally. The cannula, or tube, used in traditional liposuction is between four and six millimeters in diameter and requires an incision that often requires stitches. After the painful procedure is complete, patients can expect to wear compression bandages for at least six weeks. Bruising and tissue damage is a common complication with traditional liposuction. SmartLipo - advanced technology with minimal invasion SmartLipo is far more advanced than traditional liposuction. Rather than manually moving the cannula through the area of fat removal, plastic surgeons use a much thinner cannula (one millimeter in diameter), which has a laser affixed to the end. Also known as laserlipolysis, SmartLipo does not suck the fat cells out of the body. Instead, the laser is used to melt the fat cells in the area of treatment, and the heat from the laser helps seal off blood vessels to minimize bleeding. Connective tissue is not bruised or traumatized as it commonly is in traditional liposuction procedures. Another added effect of undergoing SmartLipo is that collagen is produced by the body as a response to the heat of the laser. Generally, plastic surgeons inject patients with collagen to add firmness to saggy areas. As a great side effect, SmartLipo actually helps sculpt the body by firming the skin as fat is removed. This process continues from within the body for approximately three months. Generally speaking, most patients who undergo SmartLipo treatment are back at work within two days. As tissue trauma and bleeding is so minimal, compression bandages are only recommended for up to two weeks, simply as a precaution. The site of the laser's insertion is unnoticeable and requires no stitches. Compared with traditional liposuction, which can require up to six weeks of bandaging, stitches, and even additional surgeries to remove excess skin, SmartLipo is certainly the fastest, most advanced and effective method to permanently eliminate the body of fat in problem areas.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Moving Experience

I’ve found a cool apartment! Okay, okay…so it’s not perfect. Just a few bugs. I mean literally! First expense? An exterminator! Is it worth the cash? Well, I can’t afford a more expensive place, so a one-time (please!) cash outlay should be okay. Maybe just a can of “Raid?” I need a way to move my stuff. Daddy, can I borrow your truck? You don’t have one? Why not? Do you want one? I’ll help you pick it out! Well, it was just a suggestion. No need to get all bent out of shape! I guess I’d better call the truck rental places. What do you mean…$200…PLUS mileage? AND Gas? Good grief! While I’m on the phone I’ll call the utility and phone companies. Yes, I know I haven’t used your services before. No, I don’t have a credit card; this is my first place. You want what? A $100 deposit? For EACH? Holy cow…do you people have a license to steal? Daddy, I need $500 for moving expenses! I used all my money for the first and last months rent AND the damage deposit. Well, how was I to know this was going to be so expensive? Sell something? Daaaaad…I NEED my TV! Boy, this place is pretty empty. Maybe I should buy a couch and a chair. Nah…I have my bed. That’ll be good enough. I don’t need a table; I’ll just use this box. Renters Insurance? I don’t think so! What do I have to insure? Just got my first phone call! I’d love to come to your party! Daddy, I need a car. Because it’s too far to walk to work, that’s why. Umm, Daddy…there’s car insurance too! Thanks, Dad…you’re the best! And gas? I didn’t think so… Time for dinner. Let’s look in these boxes. Oh, No! No dishes or pans. No FOOD! Uhhh, Mom?